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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

UT and Angle nWo????

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Ok it seems to me like Angle and Undertaker are going to join the nWo. I mean they're hanging out with McMahon and doing his bidding when he's about to you know bring the nWo to destroy the company. Why else would they help him if they weren't nWo? I mean it makes no sense if they do.....then again the WWF are the undisputed kings of making no sense.

What do you guys think? UT and Angle nWo or not?

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Guest gilpdawg

That is kind of peciliar. I just think they think most people (who don't over-analyze these things like we do) will just think that Taker and Angle are just being heels and siding with Vince cause he's a heel as well. Besides, I don't think it'll take long for the nWo to turn on McMahon anyway.

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Guest Dick Hertz

First of all logic rarely enters into any WWF equation. UT and angle are helping Vince... just because. Personally I think Angl is going to end up with Stephanie, even though Y2J would be a better choice and would give him tons of heat. UT could end up in the NWO even though I dont think i will happen right off the bat.

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Guest Tony149

I don't think UT & Angle will be in the nWo. If they're put in I think it's stupid. It should just be Hogan, Hall, Nash. If they add new guys the only ones that should be considered are HBK & X-Pac, maybe Big Show. The WWF probably doesn't even know they have a logic gap in their face. They probably don't care.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

I almost guarantee that one of these two things will happen.


1) Angle and Undertaker will help the nWo at first, until the nWo beat them down.


2) Angle and Undertaker will help McMahon for a week or so before they realize that they have loyalty to the WWF.  They'll come back to the WWF, though everyone will be a little weary of them.  And in typical WWF logic, Taker and Angle will have eight heel/face turns in the year after that.

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Guest Brian

My take on the whole Steph/Trips thing is they twist the plot tomorrow by having Steph do something to Angle, throwing HHH into a headspin until they decide to side her with Jericho (which can either be done at WrestleMania or immediately, because they need to focus on Jericho/HHH). And they could do this all because Jericho wanted to beat Triple H, because the one time it happened it was taken away from him (even though WWF logic dictates they don't remember the first Jericho/HHH feud).


I don't see why we can't just have heels who aren't associated with a super-stable.

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Guest Redhawk

I can see Undertaker joining the nWo, but not Angle. With Taker, Hogan, Nash and Hall, the nWo could be the "bitter old guys" stable, led by the bitterest old guy of 'em all, Vince McMahon.

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Guest mastermind

Bitter old guys in a "new world order". Oh, the irony! Undertaker will probably be in the NWO. I think in all the current roster only X-Pac and Taker make sense. Well, Big Show can join since he was one of the more original members. It will also give him something serious to do as a monster. These guys aren't getting respected and they join up with other guys who demand respect in the NWO. Taker's current persona seems like the wwf's version of what they might have done with Hogan. Riding a Harley calling himself the American Badass instead of the Real American.


Kurt Angle will just suck in the group. However, I do see Angle vs. Hogan in Hogan's last match. Angle bringing the Real American in Hogan or some kind of stupid storyline.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I dunno....I just see Angle in the nWo shirt. I mean they're going to create that "Who's going to join!?" mentality again. Where you can't trust anyone. And by the end the whole roster will have joined and been turned on just like WCW.

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Guest goodhelmet

And that's going to make for entertaining tv right? I really hope the split occus soon with the NWO sequestered in one show so I will definitely have an alternative to the countless run-ins, dq's, ego stroking that's fixing to happen.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I didn't say it would be good. I just said it's going to happen.

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Guest Tony149

Supposedly the nWo will attack people on both shows. I don't think it would be a good idea to have WWF guys join the nWo. The WCW "roster" was mostly made up of WWF guys. Not good.

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Guest goodhelmet

God, I hope the nwo isn't on both sides of the split. They are going to spread the suck everywhere. And hopefully Angle starts training soon for the olympics so his good name won't be damaged by an NWO affiliation.

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Guest Tony149

I want Angle in the Olympics! Bring some cred to the business Kurt. God knows it needs it.

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Guest RevEvil

I think I can understand Angle's actions because he is rather new to the business. He's always been on Vince's good side,and naively trusts VK with his career. He probably knows little about the NWO and thinks that if Vince is behind bringing it, then it can't be that bad. Angle is playing Foley's role in '98.


Taker is a cancer so it should make since that he joins the other cancers.

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Guest RicFlairGlory

if anybody, HBK and or HHH would join the nWo. That or seeing DX part II would be cool

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Guest Brian

I think the idea they can push with Undertaker is he realizes he's at the twilights of his career and that if his legacy will still be there. The key to this is he can turn face when he comes to that Flair epiphany, that whatever happens he should be looking to help the younger guys. Than he lives on a good note. Of course, he still won't put anyone over, but who thought he would.

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