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Markout Finishers

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The worst finishers thread.


The name of the topic is self explanitory but, what finishers make you the most excited every time you see them?


For me it's a good moonsault by anybody, especially Muta's high speed version.  Also, I never could get tired of Sabu's Arabian Face Buster or the Five Star Frog Splash.

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I'd put the Stunner up there with my most exciting finishers. I also personally go nuts for the Rock Bottom. The ***** Frog Splash too.

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Guest Dace59

A nice nasty looking but safe (sheer drop) brainbuster or even better Avalanche (sheer drop) brainbuster.


Callidonian Safe Maker (Fireman's Carry KK) It's my mates finisher and I'm picking sides, but it's a cool move.


Stiff Yakuzza Kicks and Running Elbow Smahes.. you just can't beat them, it harcks back to something primeavl in you.


Acid Bomb (Inverted BTB) I dont care what you can say about the company or the worker.. The Acid Bomb rules.

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Five Star, Orange Crush, Tiger Driver '91 (just because I CRINGE when I see it), Rock Bottom, and, OF COURSE...the Stunner.


*Sniff* I'm gonna miss it!

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Guest Renegade

Stunner, Pedigree (When HHH actually jumps backwards instead of jumping down), Ankle lock, Walls of Jericho (when its done properly, on one knee, Crippler Crossface, Bookend (looks better than the rock bottom)

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Guest Singular

Crossface Chickenwing was always my favorite.


The double underhook piledriver Kid Kash used in ECW looked really sick.


Masato Tanaka's Diamond Dust and Roaring, (Rolling?) Elbow were nice.

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Guest Dace59

Roaring, (Rolling?) Elbow


Due to the Japanese accent L's sound like R's. So it is really Rolling (Japnese tech term for a spinning move) But it sounds like Roaring. It was populariesed as Roaring in the US thanks to Styles and has become an offical name in it's own right.


In the US it's called as Roaring.

In Japan it's called as Rolling.

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I've seen a number of good ones listed already, but I'll just say that any top turnbuckle flying attack performed well is about enough to get me marking out.

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Guest converge241

The Stunner (usually more so when Rock's getting it, as he sells it the best)


The Powerbomb ( its pretty common now but when Sid or Vader first started it , man!!)


Tornado DDT


pretty simple. I dont know all the names for the Japaneese moves that have been translated but i appreciate them. Ive watched american wreslting since the beginning of 86, but never got into foreign, so no laughing at my pedestrian picks :)

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Guest razazteca

Top Rope Power Bombs - Mike Awesome, recent CMLL


Twisting Moonsaults - Hayabusa, Blitzkreig




Negro Casas cradle move


the triple team pose finisher as done in lucha libre and by TAKAs team in ECWs Barely Legal


RVD & Sabu double team finisher - Splash & Legdrop from opposing corners at the same time as seen in Heat Wave 98


Dudley Death Drop


Kurt Angle's leg lock

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Guest Austin3164life

-Stone Cold Stunner (when applied to the following: The Rock, Kurt Angle, RVD, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart)


-Angle Lock


-Shooting Star Press




-Spinnerooni SUCKA (Followed by flying leg lariat)

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Guest Dace59

I dont know all the names for the Japaneese moves that have been translated but i appreciate them


If you ever need to know, just ask me.


Spinnerooni SUCKA (Followed by flying leg lariat)


Booker doesn't do a Leg Lariat, he does a jumping Side Kick (Harlem Side Kick)

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Guest Flyboy

Five Star Frog Splash, of course.


Others will be... Vertebreaker, Outsider's Edge, Angle Slam, Canadian Mapleleaf, Liontamer, Stunner, Spinnaroonie.... and that's about it I think.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

figure four, powerbomb, liger bomb, roaring elbow, falcon arrow, brainbuster, release german suplex(especially when the recipient lands of the back of his head or on his head) and the death valley driver.

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Guest dreamer420

five star frog splash (rvd)

sharpshooter (bret hart)

tazmission (taz)

shooting star press (kidman)

swanton bomb (jeff hardy)

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Guest the 1inch punch

Over the Edge 1998, a tape I saw for the first time a month ago


Dick Togo does the Miracle Ectasy Bomb


I swear to God i squealed like a little girl

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Guest Coffin Surfer
Roaring, (Rolling?) Elbow


Due to the Japanese accent L's sound like R's. So it is really Rolling (Japnese tech term for a spinning move) But it sounds like Roaring. It was populariesed as Roaring in the US thanks to Styles and has become an offical name in it's own right.


In the US it's called as Roaring.

In Japan it's called as Rolling.

I always wondered that.   To me Masato Tanka's Roaring Elbow seemed different than Misawa's Rolling Elbow.  Masato sometimes does a complete 360 spin across the ring, while it seems like Misawa just did a 180 or something.  I'am I wrong.

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Dick Togo does the Miracle Ectasy Bomb

can you discribe it?

It's basically when you lift your opponent up like a chokeslam, and then catch them mid-air and hit a sit out powerbomb.


and byt the way, Men's TEIOH uses that move, not Togo...

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Guest Dace59

Miracle Ectasy Bomb:

Yep, Chokeslam Powerbomb/ Sit out Chokeslam


well, now you know Coffin Surfer. It just depends on their posistion, the opps. and how they are setting up weather  Misawa and Tanka do a 360 or a 180 Spin, they are the same moves.

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Guest the 1inch punch
and by the way, Men's TEIOH uses that move, not Togo...

I'm pretty sure it was Togo

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Guest Ravenbomb

Miracle Ecstasy


Powerbomb/Neckbreaker combo



Millenium Suplex (I think it's called)

German suplex w/ opponent laying on stomach first

Space Flying Tiger Drop

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Guest Dace59

Millenium Suplex (I think it's called)

If you're talking about TM4's Cross Face Chicken Wing suplex, then yes, you're right.


German suplex w/ opponent laying on stomach first

You know there's no term for a move then flips the opp durring the move or after impact so they land the opposite way up or down afterwards. Like Lyger's german suplex.

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Guest Just call me Dan

Diamond Cutter, baby!


All the variations ruled and I marked like a bitch when he finally started hitting it every once in a while on WWE TV when his push sort of began from the bottom (Euro Title)


The move was great.  Any finisher that is hit right after it's distinct signal is given to the crowd (Self Hi-Five) Rocks.


Oh, and of course I am a mark for the Stone Cold Stunner.

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Guest dreamer420

the diamond cutter was cool but the kanyon cutter was a big markout for me.  the time when he was running around wcw giving it to every person he seen was classic stuff.  i remember one nitro they were showing a pre taped interview form earlier which was filmed in the stands, and for what seem liked no reason the camera started zooming in on a member of the ring crew standing in the ring.  all of a sudden kanyon slides in, hits the kanyon cutter and runs off right again.

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Guest Ash Ketchum

911's (I think it was him) "chokeslam everybody" gimmick was hillarious. Foley writes about it in Have A Nice Day!, and after seeing it on old ECW tapes.... it RULES. :D

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Guest Mark4steamboat

im having trouble recalling the vertebreaker. will  someone describe it?


miracle ectasy bomb...sounds  like something dreamer would do...

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Guest dreamer420
miracle ectasy bomb...sounds  like something dreamer would do...

...i almost think i have...

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