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HD: opening segment

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[i]Medal[/i] hits, bringing Anglesault out to begin the show.

And here comes the boss to kick things off!

[i]Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the OAOAST's Chairman of the Board...ANGLESAULT!!!!![/i]

AS walks to the ring in a stylish business suit, shaking hands with some fans along the way.

You can bet there's going to be some big announcements tonight stemming from AngleSlam!

AS steps through the ropes and grabs the mic from Buffer.

Ladies and gentlemen, I've got some big announcements to make!

*crowd cheers*

As you know if you watched AngleSlam last Sunday, it was a monumental event!  There was lots of big changes on the OAOAST landscape, including the crowning of a BRAND NEW World champion!

*mixed reaction*

And that's one of the things I was wanting to address...so let's bring him out here, the NEW WDW World champion, REJECT!

[i]Renegade[/i] hits, and the crowd boos as the Burrough Boys make their way through the curtains, stylishly dressed for the occasion.  

Well, there's his buddies, the Burrough Boys!

Arriving in style, I might add!

Luther is attired in an all-black suit outfit with a yellow tie, Mariano in a sand-colored suit, while Waldo and Quincy are sporting green and purple plaid suits, respectively.  They stand two men on each side of the entryway, and Reject walks out, in a traditional black suit with a white shirt and red tie.  He holds the WDW belt on his right shoulder as he walks through the Boys, and they then follow him to the ring.

Quite a grand entrance for Reject, who 11 days ago at AngleSlam, became a World champion for the first time in his career!

Reject steps through the ropes, and shakes hands with AS, who hands him the mike.

Doesn't that sound GREAT, Pittsburgh!

*crowd boos*

Finally, a world championship announcement that can make us all feel good!

*crowd boos*

I know I feel good...I've been on an emotional high for 11 days now.  Because no one thought I could ever actually be a World champion.  But I proved, that even the most unexpected results can take place!  Maybe now that I've accomplished this, it will inspire a whole new breed of unlikely champions!  Maybe even...*pauses*...nah, I won't go that far...

Waldo grabs the mic in his hands.

Maybe even the Pittsburgh Pirates can be champions!  Haha!

*crowd boos*

Boy, I'm glad you said that, because I tried, and I almost broke into fits of laughter right here in front of this crowd!  They say the biggest dreams do come true, but THAT would take a miracle!

*crowd boos*

But until that miracle somehow occures, you can all take solace in the fact that the city of Pittsburgh, got the very first glimpse of yours truly, Reject, as a World champion.

*crowd boos, as Reject hands the mic back to Anglesault.*

You know, a few months ago, when Axel sold WDW to me, it was a happy day.  But today is an even happier day, because the one thing left of that company, was Alfdogg, and his almost 3-year reign with that belt.  And now, without that, we can all say that WDW is officially DEAD!

*mixed reaction*

Which means, Reject, that from this day forth, you will no longer be known as WDW World champion.


From this day forward, the belt held by Reject will be known as the OAOAST International World championship!

*crowd cheers*


And as the OAOAST International World champion, Reject, you have a big responsibility.  Whereas Landon Maddix takes most of his title defenses here in the States, you, Reject, will have a big responsibility in defending your title around the rest of the world.  And whether that means defending it in Australia, or Japan, or Sweden, or wherever it may be...you will be a big representative of our overseas product.

*crowd cheers*

But that doesn't mean you will never defend your title here in the states...in fact, you'll be doing that right here next week, against your former tag team partner, Thunderkid!

*crowd roars*

Oh my!  What a match signed for next week on HeldDOWN~!

Now then, I want to bring out another man who established himself as a great champion at AngleSlam...that being the OAOAST Heartland champion, "After Hours" Felix Strutter!

[color=pink][b]Je t'adore, je t'adore...[/color][/b]

The lights go out, and Strutter walks through the pink light in the entryway, wearing the OAOAST Heartland belt.

And Anglesault is exactly right, what a match that was between Strutter and Thunderkid at AngleSlam!

Strutter steps through the ropes, and stands in the corner waiting for AS to speak.

Oh, man, I got a BIG announcement for you.

*crowd cheers*

You know, Felix Strutter just may be the fastest rising star in the OAOAST.  It was just at this time last year, nobody knew who this guy was.  He was just some Canadian who won a tag team tournament.  But since he's joined the Heartland ranks...he's done it all.  He's fought with ladders, he's fought with cages, with kendo sticks, with chairs, with barbed wire, even with CACTUSES, for crying out loud.  He's done everything, and he is more than worthy of the title of Heartland champion.

*crowd boos, as Strutter smiles and nods in approval.*

...welll, almost everything.

Strutter looks confused.

What else could there be?

You see, there is one environment that Felix Strutter has never fought in.


Felix has never fought in a 20-foot high chamber...

*crowd starts to cheer*

Which is surrounded in barbed wire...

*crowd gets louder*


Against FIVE of the toughest people in the world...

I know where this is headed, I think!

The crowd is still getting louder, as Strutter seems to be getting more nervous with each sentence fragment.

With all of the most gruesome weapons in the world!

*crowd cheers*

I think you all know what match we're talking about!  At Zero Hour, Felix Strutter will defend the OAOAST Heartland title in the Third edition, of the Heartland Invitational Chamber of Hell!

*crowd EXPLODES*

WOW!  We've got our first match booked for Zero Hour, and this is a real bombshell!

Now, I'm going to name four of your five opponents next week, and you'll be facing one of those four men in a match!  So I hope you're ready!

[i]Medal[/i] hits, as Felix Strutter looks very nervous in the ring.

What an announcement for Zero Hour, we're going to see the Heartland Invitational Chamber of Hell!  I don't know if Felix Strutter is ready for this!

Edited by alfdogg

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