alfdogg 0 Report post Posted September 14, 2007 *DING DING DING* (slow and dramatic) BUFFER [i]LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLadies and gentlemen, it's time for the first half of our Double Main Event of the evening! Tonight, two men, formerly comprising one of the most recognizable tag teams in OAOAST history, do battle one-on-one...for the OAOAST International championship of the WORLD! ARE YOU READY?[/i] *crowd cheers* BUFFER [i]Dayton, Ohio...ARE YOU RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREADY?????[/i] *crowd cheers* BUFFER [i]Then for the thousands in attendance here in Dayton, Ohio, and the millions watching around the world...there's only one thing left to say. Ladies and gentlemen...LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREADY TO RRRRRRRRRRRUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!![/i] [i]God of Thunder[/i] hits, and Thunderkid makes his way through the curtains to a big pop. BUFFER [i]Coming to the ring at this time...wearing black tights with white trim, he weighs in at 250 1/2 pounds...he is a former two-time OAOAST Heartland champion, as well as a former North American champion! Ladies and gentlemen, the challenger...from Green Bay, Wisconsin...THHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHUNDERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIID!!!!![/i] COLE And if you read, you'll know that Thunderkid will be one of the six participants in the Heartland Invitational Chamber of Hell III, coming up at Zero Hour on September 30! COACH Well, Reject won his first World title at AngleSlam, now his former partner has a chance to win his first tonight! TK climbs in the ring and poses on the buckles, as the crowd cheers him on. [i]Renagade[/i] hits, and Reject makes his way through the curtains. COACH And here comes the World champion, Reject! COLE The International World champion, to be exact. The OAOAST World champion is still Landon Maddix! COACH That's still a World champion, Cole! BUFFER [i]And his opponent...making his way down the aisle, in the purple tights airbrushed with silver, weighing in at an even 235 pounds...he is a former two-time X-division champion, and at AngleSlam, he finally reached the top of the mountain in becoming a World champion. Ladies and gentlemen, hailing from the Bronx, the OAOAST International champion of the WORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLD...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEJEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECT!!!!![/i] Reject jaws with fans in the aisleway, taking his sweet time, when suddenly he gets to ringside and is met with a TK plancha! COACH Hey! COLE TK not wasting any time, hammering away! TK delivers right hands to Reject on the floor, then picks him up and rams him into the apron. He then sets him up, and executes a suplex on the floor! COLE This match has not officially started, the referee trying to usher TK into the ring! COACH The referee should be disqualifying him, is what he should be doing! TK grabs Reject and tosses him inside, then follows. *DING DING DING* COLE And now, we're underway! This is the first-ever defense of the International World title in the OAOAST! Reject is able to catch TK coming through the ropes, picking him up and delivering a CHOP~! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! And another! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! Reject whips TK, but TK ducks a clothesline and floors Reject with one of his own! TK looks out to the crowd, which cheers in response. COLE And the crowd here in Dayton solidly behind TK! TK picks up Reject, and executes a gutwrench suplex, following with with a big kneedrop to the sternum! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! COLE First cover of the match, a two-count for TK! TK hammers on Reject, and a big right hand ties him up in the ropes! COACH Come on, ref! TK gets in a few more right hands, but the referee backs him off. TK moves him out of the way and charges, but Reject gets a foot up, and frees himself. COLE And Reject buying himself a little time now... Reject then charges TK, who has rolled over to the ropes, but TK ducks and backdrops him to the floor! COLE And we're right back where we started, out to the floor! COACH This is ridiculous, Cole! TK should be disqualified right now! TK delivers a European uppercut, then sets up an Irish whip. Reject reverses, however, sending TK back-first into the steel steps! COLE And TK sent crashing into the steel steps! Reject with his first major offense in this one! Reject shakes the cobwebs, then picks TK up, ramming him back-first into the apron. He delivers a couple stomps, then rolls back into the ring. He lets the referee count, then rolls back outside when he sees TK start to get to his feet. COLE And now Reject going back outside... Reject scoops up TK, and drops him sternum-first on the guardrail! He then turns TK around, and delivers some kicks, before rolling TK back inside. COLE And now Reject with the advantage, with his International World title on the line! Reject covers right away... 1... 2... Kickout! Reject gets to his feet and stomps away, then sets him up in the corner, delivering a CHOP~! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! And another! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! And a third! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! COACH And now Reject's starting to get into a groove! Reject grabs TK in a front facelock, then taunts the crowd, drawing boos. He scoops up TK, and drops him with a fisherman's buster! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Reject picks up TK once again, and delivers a back suplex! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Reject sets up TK in the corner once again, and delivers another CHOP~! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! And another! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! And another! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! COACH Man! COLE TK's chest beet-red from those chops by Reject, maybe the best in the business with those knife-edges! Reject whips TK across hard, then whips him across a second time as he comes out, before catching him with a spinning wheel kick! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! COLE TK resilient, he's not going to go down that easy! Reject picks up TK, and tosses him over the top to the outside. He stops to taunt the crowd in the ring, drawing boos. COLE And Reject just waiting, perhaps going to let the referee just count TK out here... But Reject goes outside, delivering right hands to TK as he leans up against the apron. Reject rolls back in, and allows TK to climb onto the apron. He hooks him, and suplexes him back inside! Cover... 1... 2... Shoulder up! Reject backs TK into the corner again, and delivers a CHOP~! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! However, this time TK fights back with a right! COLE And TK starting to fight back! Another CHOP~! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! And another right in retaliation! COLE TK will not quit! Another CHOP~! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! TK fights back with rights, until Reject delivers a knee to the gut! Reject whips TK into the ropes, but TK ducks a clothesline, then catches Reject on a leapfrog attempt and powerslams him! COLE Big move by TK, but both men are out of it! The referee lays a count on... 1!!! 2!!! 3!!! 4!!! 5!!! 6!!! 7!!! 8!!! TK sits up, and starts to get to his feet, then Reject pulls himself up with the ropes. Reject comes at TK with a right hand, but TK blocks and unleashes a flurry, backing Reject into a corner! However, Reject goes to the eyes, and climbs up the ropes. COLE Reject going upstairs... COACH I'm not sure how smart this is, Cole! TK comes to his senses, and shakes the ropes, causing Reject to crotch himself! TK then slowly follows Reject up, climbing all the way to the top rope...and taking Reject down with a HURRICANRANA~! COLE Great hurricanrana by TK! This could be it! TK quickly hooks a leg... 1... 2... NO! Reject gets a shoulder up! COACH Man, was that close! TK picks up Reject, and lifts him in a PRESS SLAM~! COLE Reject high in the air! TK slams him down, and Reject comes up holding his back. TK whips him into the ropes, and catches him with a belly-to-belly gutwrench suplex! Cover... 1... 2... NO! Shoulder up! COLE TK coming SO close on these counts! TK picks up Reject and whips him into the corner, then charges, but Reject ducks out of the way, then catches TK with a German suplex! 1... 2... NO! Kickout! COLE What a tremendous match this has been! Reject slowly gets to his feet, and scoops up TK, but TK slips behind the back, and goes for the SCORPION DEATHDROP~!!!!!11111...but Reject blocks with the ropes, then slips out and goes for the EULOGY~!!!!!11111...which is blocked by TK with the ropes! COLE Both guys going for the finish right there, neither successful! Reject staggers back into TK, who hooks Reject...and drills him with the THUNDERBOLT DDT~!!!!!11111 COLE He got it! We've got a new champion! 1... 2... 3!!! NO!!! Reject gets his foot on the ropes! TK questions the referee, then picks Reject up and sets up for it again, but this time Reject spins out and goes for the EULOGY~!!!!!11111, but TK shoves him into the corner, then trips him up, and slingshots him into the ringpost! COACH Oh, no! COLE Reject sent right into the steel post! As Reject staggers out, TK takes him down with a drop toe hold...and hooks the ANKLE LOCK~????? COLE TK with the Ankle Lock! We haven't seen him use this in a LONG time! TK pulls Reject away from the ropes, and wraps his legs around Reject's leg! COACH And it could get him the title, right here! Suddenly, Luther slides through the ropes and starts stomping away at TK! *DING DING DING* COLE And the Burrough Boys hitting the ring! DAMN IT, TK had the title won! The Burrough Boys have saved Reject's title! Waldo joins Luther for a double-team, hammering away at TK on the ropes. They whip TK across, but TK runs right through them with a double-clothesline! COLE But TK fighting them off! Mariano slides in, and is hit with a clothesline! Quincy then attacks from behind, setting up the TANOOKI SUIT~!!!, but TK blocks and sends him right over the top with a belly-to-belly! This gives Reject time to recover, however, and he hits TK with the EULOGY~!!!!!11111 COLE Reject with the Eulogy, after the match has ended! Reject, Luther and Waldo stomp away on TK, as Mariano comes off the top with a SOMERSAULT LEG DROP~! COACH Whoa! COLE And TK really succumbing to the odds right now... That is, until Brock Ausstin rushes to ringside! COLE But here comes Brock Ausstin, another of the participants in the Chamber of Hell! Reject heads for cover, as Brock floors Mariano with a clothesline, then gets swarmed by Luther and Waldo! Brock ducks a double clothesline, then clotheslines both men over the top simultaneously! Brock then catches Quincy coming off the top with a moonsault...flips him up onto his shoulders, and delivers the F-STUNNER-5~!!!!!11111 COLE And Brock Ausstin has cleared house, along with TK, who unfortunately, will not win the International World championship here! BUFFER [i]The winner of the match, as a result of a disqualification...THUNDERKID!!!!![/i] [i]God of Thunder[/i] hits, as Brock raises TK's hand, and Reject backs down the aisle, raising his belt in the air in response. COLE Reject still has the belt for tonight, but how many of those close calls can he survive? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites