alfdogg 0 Report post Posted September 14, 2007 (edited) [b][color=pink]Je t'adore, Je t'adore...[/b][/color] [i]Girls, Girls, Girls[/i] hits, and the crowd boos as Felix Strutter comes through the curtains. COLE And remember, the man Felix Strutter faces in this match will be one of his opponents at Zero Hour in the Heartland Invitational Chamber of Hell III! BUFFER [i]The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making his way down the aisle, hailing from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 218 pounds...he is the REIGNING OAOAST Heartland champion..."AFTER HOURS" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFELIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIXXXXXX XXXX SSSSSSSSTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUTTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRR!!!!![/i] COLE Felix's title, of course, not on the line in this match, but perhaps his momentum going into Zero Hour! COACH Oh, there's no question there's momentum for whoever wins this match! Felix slides in and climbs on the side rope, holding himself steady with his left hand and holding his belt with his right. COLE Interesting to see who his opponent will be... Felix hands his belt to the referee, then looks towards the entryway as the music stops. COLE We're awaiting the arrival of the opponent for "After Hours" Felix Strutter... [i]Magnum Opus[/i] hits, and Alfdogg makes his way through the curtains, to a stunned reaction from the crowd. COACH WHOA! COLE And it's the man who won the first TWO Chamber matches, Alfdogg! This can't make Felix happy at all! BUFFER [i]His opponent, coming down the aisle, weighing in at 240 pounds...he is a former THREE-TIME holder of the Heartland title, as well as a former THREE-TIME Heavyweight champion of the WORLD...ALFDOGG!!!!![/i] COLE Alf has held the Heartland title more times than any man in OAOAST history! He knows what that division's all about! COACH And look at Felix, I think he's saying to Alf, "nothing personal"! Alf climbs through the ropes, and the bell sounds. *DING DING DING* COLE This should be a tremendous matchup...Felix Strutter, of course, had to learn a lot being under the tutilage of Alf for a short time last year! Alf and Strutter circle the ring, and tie up. After a brief struggle, they shove each other off. Both men size each other up, then go in for another tie-up. Strutter takes Alf down with a side headlock, but Alf goes to a headscissors. Strutter strruggles for a bit, but manages to escape with a kip-up! COLE And a nice escape there by Felix Strutter! Strutter celebrates his feat, drawing boos from the crowd. COACH You know Cole, how fitting is it to have the Heartland champion wrestling a match against the former-three time champion, right here in Dayton, Ohio? COLE Yes indeed, we are right in the Heartland of America here for HeldDOWN~! Alf gets back to his feet, then circles the ring once again. COLE And once again let us remind you, this match is under normal OAOAST rules, the Heartland title not on the line! Strutter goes behind Alf, but Alf counters with a drop toe hold! COLE And now a nice counter by Alf! Alf bars the arm, then steps over the arm and sits on the shoulder, while pulling back on the arm. Strutter is forced flat down on the mat, but squirms to the ropes. Alf breaks at the referee's four-count. The referee backs Alf off, and Strutter gets to his feet, and the two circle the ring once again. Tie up, and Alf backs Strutter into a corner. However, Strutter turns it around, and delivers a blow to the body of Alf! Strutter then wrings the arm, and jerks down on it, as he brings Alf out to mid-ring. However, Alf drops down, grabs Strutter by the front of the tights, and pulls him through the ropes to the floor! COACH Wow! COLE Great leverage move there by Alf, as he forces Strutter right out to the floor! Strutter throws a fit on the floor, then slides back in and shoves Alf! Alf shoves Strutter right back to the mat, keeping a smile on his face the whole time. COLE And tempers beginning to flare now! Another tie-up, and Strutter goes behind with a hammerlock. Alf reverses to one of his own, but is taken down with a drop toe hold! Strutter switches to a side headlock, which Alf escapes, and re-applies his hammerlock! COACH We're seeing some terrific chain-wrestling here early on, Cole! Strutter works his way to his feet, as Alf switches to an arm-wringer. Strutter rolls on the mat, then does a front handspring with his free hand, before reversing the arm-wringer! COLE And Felix Strutter I'd have to say with the edge in quickness here, but Alf gets the upper hand in strength, as well as a [i]slight[/i] technical edge, and I would say ring savvy, as well. COACH No doubt about that, Cole, I don't know if anyone in the business possesses more ring smarts than Alf, but as far as the mat wrestling you mentioned, it's a stalemate right now! Strutter yanks Alf right down to the mat, then shoves his head with his foot! COACH Oh, look at this! Alf picks his legs up, then picks them up again, and kips up, delivering an armdrag to Strutter! Alf bars the arm on the mat, then paintbrushes him! COLE You don't want to do that with Alf! Alf lets go of the hold, and Strutter takes a big swing, which Alf ducks, and rolls him up in a schoolboy! 1... 2... Kickout! Alf catches Strutter with a drop toe hold, then quickly bars the arm once again. COLE And in that sequence, it was Alf who was too quick for Felix! Alf tries to straighten out the arm, as Felix works his way to his feet. As Felix gets to his feet, Alf switches to a hammerlock, which leaves him open for an elbow to the jaw! COLE Oh, what an elbow! Strutter goes to the ropes, and takes down the dazed Alf with a shoulderblock! He then backs in again, as Alf flips over, then leapfrogs Strutter, before dropping down and delivering a monkey flip! Alf then gets up and backs into the ropes, catching Strutter with a CACTUS CLOTHESLINE! COLE Both men over the top rope after that clothesline from Alf! Alf rolls Strutter back in, then slides in and grabs his legs, flipping over for a cradle! 1... 2... Kickout! Alf picks up Strutter and whips him into the ropes, but Strutter ducks a clothesline, and catches Alf with a SPINNING WHEEL KICK! COACH What a kick! COLE Alf nailed with that spinning wheel kick! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Strutter picks Alf up and leads him to the ropes, where he executes a backbreaker! Strutter then backs into the ropes, and knocks Alf to the floor with a baseball slide! COLE Nice sequence of moves by the Heartland champion, "After Hours" Felix Strutter! Strutter waits for Alf to get up, then runs to the corner, springs off the ropes, and flips over them back onto Alf! COLE And now Strutter flying on top of Alf! Strutter poses for the crowd, drawing boos, then tosses Alf back in. Strutter executes a DDT! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Strutter then turns Alf over, and applies a Boston crab! COLE Submission hold applied, Boston crab! COACH You know, this hold used to be called the New York Jet crab, and then it was stolen via hidden video camera and renamed! COLE This history lesson courtesy of Jonathan Coachman, ladies and gentlemen! Alf inches his way towards the ropes, and grabs them with his left hand, as the referee motions for Strutter to break. He does, at the referee's four-count. He then picks Alf up and whips him into the ropes. Alf ducks a clothesline, but gets caught with a high roundhouse kick! COLE And another big kick from Strutter! 1... 2... Kickout! Strutter complains about the count, then picks Alf up and goes for a slam, which Alf reverses to a small package! 1... 2... Kickout! Strutter quickly drops an elbow on Alf, then poses for the crowd, drawing boos. Alf has rolled out to the apron, and Strutter follows and grabs him. He tries to suplex Alf back inside, but Alf drops behind the back and grabs a waistlock. Strutter quickly goes behind, hooks Alf's arms, and executes a TIGER SUPLEX~! 1... 2... NO! Alf barely escapes! COLE SO close on that Tiger suplex, was Felix Strutter! As Alf gets to all fours, Strutter flips over him, grabbing him on the way and rolling him up! 1... 2... Kickout! COLE Credit to Alf here, able to escape all these pinning situations! Strutter whips Alf into a corner, and charges, but Alf gets his foot up! COLE And Alf buying himself some time with that move! Alf climbs to the top from the inside, and attempts a MOONSAULT~!, but Strutter gets the knees up! COLE Knees right into the midsection of Alf! Strutter then positions Alf, and quickly goes to the top himself! COACH Could be that Shooting Star Legdrop, Cole! Strutter gets his balance, and comes off for the SHOOTING STAR LEGDROP~!!!!!11111...but Alf rolls out of the way! COLE And consecutive miscues, both men out on the mat! The referee starts a count... 1!!! 2!!! 3!!! 4!!! 5!!! 6!!! 7!!! 8!!! Alf sits up, and starts to get to his feet, and Strutter follows soon after. Strutter swings at Alf, but Alf ducks, and drops Strutter with a back suplex! He follows with a snap legdrop, and covers... 1... 2... NO! Kickout! Alf picks up Strutter, and executes a fisherman's suplex! 1... 2... NO! Kickout! COLE And now Felix Strutter fighting off a barrage of pinning combinations! Alf whips Strutter into a corner, and charges, but Strutter moves out of the way, then climbs out to the apron. He waits for Alf to turn around, then tries a SPRINGBOARD HURRICANRANA...but Alf blocks with a POWERBOMB, holding him down for the cover... 1... 2... NO! Another kickout! Alf knocks Strutter over the top with a SUPERKICK~!, then follows him out with a PLANCHA...but Strutter sidesteps, and Alf crashes down on the floor below! COLE Oh my goodness! Alf all the way down to the floor! Strutter catches his wind, then tosses Alf back inside. He picks Alf up, and executes a Northern lights suplex! 1... 2... Kickout! Strutter picks Alf up, and lifts him in a suplex...holding him for several seconds, before dropping him to the mat! Cover... 1... 2... NO! Shoulder up! Strutter grabs Alf's leg as he gets up, and executes a Dragon legwhip! He then goes for a second, but Alf counters with an ENZIGURI~! COLE Enziguri by Alf, and now let's see if he can follow up once again! Alf gets to his feet and tosses Strutter into the corner, delivering a CHOP~! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! And another! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! Alf then whips Strutter across CHEST-FIRST into the buckles, ala Bret Hart! COACH Jeez! COLE All the wind knocked out of Felix Strutter! Cover... 1... 2... NO!!! Shoulder up! Alf hooks Strutter, taking him overhead with a BELLY-TO-BELLY~! Alf then picks Strutter up and whips him into the ropes, catching him with a AA-SPINEBUSTER~! He then holds onto the legs, and steps through them! COLE Here comes the Sharpshooter! However, as he does, Strutter trips him, then switches to the STF in one motion! COACH No! COLE No, it's the STF! What a GREAT, quick counter by Felix Strutter! Alf yells out in pain, as the referee asks if he wants to give up. Alf scoots slowly over towards the ropes, but Strutter rolls back, putting them right in the middle! COACH Alf's fading, Cole! The referee lifts the arm... ONE!!! TWO!!! THR...NO! Alf holds through! COLE Not yet! Alf pushes off the mat, and rolls over once again, able to get into the ropes. The referee counts, and Strutter breaks at four. Alf then slides outside and goes under the apron, grabbing a trash can. He slides into the ring, despite the protests of the referee. COLE And now Alf bringing a trash can into the ring, but this is not a Heartland title match! Strutter counters by sliding out the other side and grabbing a kendo stick! He rolls in, and takes a BIG swing at Alf, which he blocks with the trash can! The referee immediately calls for the bell. *DING DING DING* COLE And things out of hand in this one, the referee calls for the disqualification! Alf keeps blocking Strutter's shots, until Chris Stevens runs down and nails Strutter from behind with a road sign! As he poses, Alf nails him with the trash can. Thunderkid then joins the frey, attacking Alf from behind with the lid from the trashcan, followed by Brock Ausstin fashioning a chain, and it's chaos! COLE And mayhem has broken loose here on HeldDOWN~! COACH But wait, there's only five guys in there, Cole! There's supposed to be six in the match altogether! COLE Well, that is very interesting, the sixth participant was never named! COACH Maybe Anglesault will announce it next week! COLE Well, we'll have to find out later, but right now, Josh is waiting backstage! Edited September 14, 2007 by alfdogg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites