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My View- Our Silent Heroes

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My View- Our Silent Heroes


Written By RHGLazyAZZ


This past month has been a bit trying for me and I have been absent from here for extended periods it seemed. But there has been a good reason for that.


I guess most of us have taken the time and realize that even though he may have a lot of faults and issues, Vince McMahon is what I consider to be an American patriot. He has shows in foreign soil and even has his own life at risk to show his appreciation for our heroes in military duty. Patriotism comes in many different forms. And with this column, I intend to do as Vince would do, and show my respect for our now silent heroes


We are entering that time of the year with many holidays and special occasions. But for this year, one holiday will stand out more than it ever has before. I speak about our holiday we observe for Veterans Day. As I begin to write this column, I am at home waiting for that call that will inform me that my father has passed away in his sleep. He is currently in a coma and I am sure that by the time this article is published, he will have indeed gone on from this world into another venture.


But this year, now for the first time in my 51 years, Veterans Day will have new meaning for me personally. I have never been to fimilar with my Dads history and actions before my birth. I knew that he did have mitilary service but was always under the impression that it was more like volunteer National Guard Duty. But as he lies in his bed now, with his children and grandchildren watching over his unresponsive body, I look at him in a new found prespective.


I made a trip to our local court house to attempt to retreave a copy of his military discharge. It was when I got the copy and just read a few lines that I became overwhelm with uncontrollable emotion. The same emotion that goes through my whole body as a type this article. As I read i learned that he enlisted at the age of 21. Mind you this was in 1942 and was during the World War 2 era. I continued to view the document and learned that he had acheived the rank or corporal. Also successfully completed MP traing and radio communication. But of all the things that overwhelmed me was that he recieved 3 accomadations and awards for his service to his country. He is indded a patriot. But he never mentions or brags of his service, as if were his priviledge to serve and not as though people should own him gratitude.


It was interesting to me because I had heard him say one time that he had served down in Roswell. I am sure many of you know the history of Roswell and the unusual happenings that went on there. I one day out of the blue asked him in a casual manner did he ever get to see the UFO down there. His calm and candid response was that he merely liked to see the pretty lights go over alot of nights but were bnot allowed to speak about it. That blew me away because I could not imagine my Dad even believing in things like that.


He wil be buried some and it is my mission to make sure that he be properly given a flag on his coffin. He and all other of our silent heroes deserve this from the people they swore and took an oath to protect and defend. America is a country that has by far by one reason or another managed to have its share of war and war type activity. I guess I was lucky to turn 18 at a time when Vietnam war was declared over. But too many of our people have gave their lives in an act of patritism


Our Silent Heroes lay in graves and many still walk around being disrespected and neglected by the ones that have reaped the benefits of their labors. Our government even denies them benefits and make the process hard to complete. In America, you are better off to be a woman that keeps having children and dont know who "the baby daddy" is. But this year on Veterans Day, I too will join the festivities for these men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice.


If there is any thing to be learn here, it is that our forefathers are a walking, talking, living history book. We should all try and improve and show our older generation the respect they well deserved. In our day and time, if the electricity goes off for more than 2 hours, it would be deemed a national emergency. There is no doubt in my mind that our elders have the knowledge and experience that theu could continue to survive for ever without it. Afterall, some of them are old enough and raised so far out in the country that they did not have these conviences anyway when they were coming up. If you want to survive, you need there knowledge. One day will come when you guys out there will be the older generation, and your knowledge of life and how to survive may be necessary to your offspring.


At this time and at the end of this article, my dad to me is a hero. Unfornately, it is just a short time left and he will join the elite group of Silent Heroes. To any of you that have military people in your family, give them there due respect. They truly deserve it and more. And on this Veterans Day, please remember to say a prayer for the families left behind, but most of all, make sure that your Silent Heroes receive a special mention to someone.



And this entry is made 2 hours after the completeion of the original article. Pops lost his battle battle in life with cancer and succombed into eternal rest. But even with the lost of this battle, the war was won. It is my belief that his soul will continue eternally with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So in life he served his country, and now as one of our silent heroes he goes on to serve his Master with joy and peace everlasting. AMEN



REST IN PEACE, until we once again meet.



Corporal Robert W. Garris


4134th BU

Spokan, Washington


Nov 9, 1920- Oct 5,2007




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Guest Gym Class Fallout
He wil be buried some


If there is any thing to be learn here


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Guest Gym Class Fallout

I've honestly never seen this person before in my entire life.


In America, you are better off to be a woman that keeps having children and dont know who "the baby daddy" is.

Great, now I have the baby mama song from American Idol stuck in my head.

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I misread the title as "Our Silent Herpes". I'm not sure whether the actual content of this thread is a disappointment or a relief.

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