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Guest Redhawk

New WWE t-shirt ideas

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Guest Redhawk

Back when Mark Henry was semi-popular, the WWE should have released a Mark Henry t-shirt that said "Sexual Chocolate" on the front and "It's Sexual, baby" on the back. That would have sold MILLIONS.


Some other ideas:


For Bradshaw...a bright red "Still Poundin Ass" shirt


For Faarooq...a Stone Cold "WHAT?"-style shirt that just says "DAMN"

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Guest Zack Malibu

Since I personally think the current Ric Flair shirt sucks, they should have done one that said "Stylin' and Profilin'" on the front, and then Nature Boy Ric Flair written on the back.


Tajiri-A buzzsaw logo on the front, with his name across it.   Back-Japanese Buzzsaw.


Rhyno-Gore! in red, blood dripping letters on the front of shirt.


Dudley Boyz-Dudleyz or 3D logo on front, Dudleyz "commandments" on back.

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Guest Anglesault

That Austin shirt sucks.


Here's one


Front: Kurt Angle holding his newly won Euro title (Won from Maven in a grueling Iron man match, Sept 2002)


Back: How the Mighty have fallen.

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Guest Nevermortal
That's better than a British Bulldog, "Steroids are BIZARRE!" shirt.


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Guest CED Ordonez

For WWE shirts, I think the best shirts are the ones that transcend the business. That's why I've got the Kaientai "EVIL!" shirt.


The Faarooq "DAMN" shirt would sell decently if Faarooq were a bit more over. "DAMN" on the front and the A.P.A. logo on the back would be nice.


If they can get Booker over as a face, I'd make a shirt with a frame by frame strip of him doing a Spinaroonie across the front around the chest area and on the back "Can U Dig It?"

and "Booker T" right below it in a smaller font.


And for an item you'll never see: Austin 6:16 on a white undershirt.

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Jericho comes down to the ring wearing his new "President Of the HHHaters Club" Shirt.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Last year, my friend and I came up with a Rhyno shirt that says on the front: "Rhyno" and on the back "Rated 'R' for blood, violence and GORE! GORE! GORE!" In fact I think someone picked up on it here and used it as a signature.

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Latino Heatless

HHH--That Damn Boring

Undertaker--American Fatass


FRONT--A picture of Angle with bandages on his head.

BACK--Glass Ceiling...Just Another Victim!

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Guest TheyCallMeMark

I'm gonna try to think of one.


Maybe a play on the Gore/Liebermen campaign shirts with Gore/Heyman on it, showing Rhyno goring somebody on the front with the campaign slogan satire on the back.


Also a plain black shirt with "CAN YOU DIG IT" on the front and "SUCKA?" on the back in bold white lettering would be cool.


I'd also pay for a shirt with small happy little letters on the front "Hello, what's your name?" and big "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS" on the back.

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Guest Ash Ketchum

Man, these are some great ideas...



Too bad I can't think of any right now. @_@

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Guest Sandman9000

I think that the best t-shirts are the ones that are simple.  The white nWo logo, the original Austin 3:16, Cactus jack's shirt, ECF'NW, and the rest.  They were shirts that a wrestling fan did not have to be embarassed to wear in public.  I'd rather wear a shirt with letters then a shirt that had a wrestler's face on it.  But that's just my opinion.

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The Cactus Jack shirt is still the best ever, sez I.


Undertaker shirt:

Front -- Big Evil, Red Devil, Booger Red, Hoss, Deadman Inc...

Back -- Just call me Taker.

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Guest Tollie

modeled after "Hulk STILL Rules" shirts...


Jericho's STILL a Conspiracy Victim

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Guest Cataclysm911

On the front: An ahnk symbol, in a dark gold color.


On the back: Quote the Raven, nevermore text. Preferable some old english type text.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Front: Bradshaw.......!

Back: Get the baby oil!!!


- A Booker T shirt making reference to him dropping the n-bomb on Hogan would rule it.


-I would've loved an E and C shirt that said "Sodas Rule!"


-A Jericho and Ralphus shirt that says "The NEW Heavenly Bodies!"


-A "Quote the Raven, nevermore" shirt would be buyable as well

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Guest Anglesault

Raven DID have a shirt, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it said...

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Guest I Fear Hogans Air Guitair

The WWE haven't made any good Flair shirts yet so here's an idea.


Front: Picture of a blooded Flair

Back: Writing saying " To be the man you have to Bleed sweet and pay the price of a wrestling lifetime".

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Guest Razor Roman
I'd also pay for a shirt with small happy little letters on the front "Hello, what's your name?" and big "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS" on the back.

What about a shirt that has in the corner what looks like a "Hello, my name is" tag that says "Hello, my name is... It Doesn't Matter What Your Name Is" and then "Just Bring It" on the back?

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Guest Karnage
Back when Mark Henry was semi-popular, the WWE should have released a Mark Henry t-shirt that said "Sexual Chocolate" on the front and "It's Sexual, baby" on the back. That would have sold MILLIONS.


Some other ideas:


For Bradshaw...a bright red "Still Poundin Ass" shirt


For Faarooq...a Stone Cold "WHAT?"-style shirt that just says "DAMN"

There was a Mark Henry shirt, it had a picture of a Sexual Chocolate bar (looked like a Hershey's bar) on the front and it had the Nutritional information on the back.

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Guest Razor Roman
]There was a Mark Henry shirt, it had a picture of a Sexual Chocolate bar (looked like a Hershey's bar) on the front and it had the Nutritional information on the back.

I NEED that shirt. The best part of "Sexual Chocolate" was his Hersey Bar logo

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Guest big Dante Cruz

I always did like the DDP shirt that had the hands with the Diamond Cutter sign on the front and that was all. You didn' t know what it was unless you watched wrestling and it looked sweet, too.


I personally don't think that any of the RVD shirts the WWE has put out have really been all that good. Maybe his latest would've been better without the "Whatever" on the back.


Or maybe there should be a shirt like my banner down below this message. :D

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Guest converge241

what about:

RUSSO 6:20


on the back



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