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NYS: Battle royal announcement + Strutter/Lamont segment

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[i]Medal[/i] hits, and the crowd cheers for Anglesault as he makes his way to the ring.

And the chairman's got a big announcement here, I understand!

Anglesault climbs into the ring and grabs a mic as [i]Medal[/i] dies down.

Well, here we are, the first show of the new year!

*crowd cheers*

And I'm out here to tell you people tonight, that I've made a new year's resolution!

Well, let's hear it!

My new year's resolution, is that the OAOAST, very soon, will have one, and ONLY one, World champion!

*crowd cheers*


That's right, at AnglePalooza, Stephen Joseph Popick will put the OAOAST World title on the line, and "After Hours" Felix Strutter will put the International World title on the line!

*crowd cheers*

But that's not all!  Right here tonight, on the New Year's Spectacular, we will be holding a 20-man battle royal, and the winner will be entered into the unification match, making it a triple threat!  Good luck to all participants, and Happy New Year!

[i]Medal[/i] plays Anglesault out.

A huge new year's announcement by Anglesault!  After AnglePalooza, we will have only ONE World champion!  But who will the third man be?  We'll find out in tonight's battle royal!


Josh is backstage with Felix Strutter and Reggie Lamont.

Thanks guys, I'm here with Felix Strutter, the International World champion, and Reggie Lamont, the former tag team partner of Denzel Spencer, who was revealed as the masked assailant two weeks ago for you, Felix.

And not only am I the International World champion, but the soon-to-be one-and-only, undisputed World champion.

*crowd boos*

LAMONT (thick Jamaican accent)
And you're probably wondering why I've joined Felix, right, mon?  Why I, as you say, stabbed Denzel in the back?

...it crossed my mind.

Well, I guess none of these people have been watching the same shows I have.  No one noticed when Denzel went to the WDW without informing me first.  No one noticed when he went back to the OAOAST as a supposed singles star.  He wanted me out of the way.  He shoved me into the background, because he knew he couldn't outshine Reggie Lamont.

*crowd boos*

And that's why tonight, I'm going to be in that battle royal, not to try to take the title from my new pal, Felix Strutter, but because I want Denzel to feel my pain.  I want to cause as much grief for him as possible, and I can think of no better way than to keep him from winning that battle royal.

*crowd boos*

And it doesn't matter who does win that battle royal, Josh...it's just one more person for me to embarass on my way to becoming the one and only World champion.

*crowd boos*

Two very confident men back here, Michael, let's go back to Sofa Central!

*back out to Sofa Central, where Coach has a big smile on his face.*

Well, we know now that two of the participants in the battle royal will be the former tag team from Jamaica, Denzel Spencer and Reggie Lamont, going in now as adversaries, Coach!

I love it!  Reggie's got revenge on his mind, and there's no way Denzel is going to make it through that battle royal!

But what do you make of this spin that Reggie put on this story?  Sounds a little fishy to me!

Look, Denzel made a very selfish decision, one that cost his supposed friend a lot of money!  He probably pulled a Davey Boy Smith, and told Anglesault that Reggie died in a car crash or something!

Come on, I don't buy that for a minute!

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