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Guest AM The Kid

Vince Mcmahon says....

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Guest AM The Kid

Vince McMahon appeared on the Opie & Anthony radio show this morning. Here are some highlights:


-On looking down Stephanie's dress on RAW, McMahon said that he could not help but look. EWWWWW


-McMahon said Hulk Hogan is in the greatest shape of his life. He said that he never thought he would see Hogan back in the WWF. Well, thats good news.


-McMahon said the nWo will make a huge impact on the PPV this Sunday.


-McMahon said that Shawn Michaels is getting the urge to return to the ring, but isn't sure when it will happen.


-McMahon said that Goldberg is content with his Time Warner deal and doesn't see him coming to the WWF anytime soon. Thank goodness


From 411wrestling.com

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

thats still bloody disgusting about the whole steph thing though.


on a side note, im not sure if everybody else has seen them, but steph actually did fall out of her dress on raw, and there are pictures on some other sites.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

damn bps, i cant imagine anybody going that low... but if anybody would, vince would be at the top of my suspect list.

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Guest Tony149

He probably meant that in a joking matter. It looks like Vince would like Goldberg to be in the WWF. I read his radio recap on 1wrestling, and it said he spoke highly of Bill.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

yeah, i knew he was joking, but its still fucking disgusting.  i too think vince would love goldberg in the wwf, even if it was a one night only deal, as he would make a hell of a lot of money.

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Guest Tony149

How can it be disgusting? Vince knows that segment came off wrong, so he has to take and throw out the jokes.

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Guest Downhome
He probably meant that in a joking matter. It looks like Vince would like Goldberg to be in the WWF. I read his radio recap on 1wrestling, and it said he spoke highly of Bill.

Yes, of course he meant it jokingly, I read the 1wrestling report as well. He knew it looked funny, and he was just laughing about it is all, no big deal...


...also, I bet he would take Goldberg, heck...we all KNOW he would. It's just a matter of Goldberg deciding if he want's to do give up his "huge paychecks" right now or not.

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Guest Tony149

That last "big angle" Vince has left is Goldberg. That would probably have to wait another 2 years, unless Goldberg has a change of heart.

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Guest AM The Kid

That whole Steph/Vince thing is just creepy. At least he admited it eh?


Sure, Goldberg would make a retarded amount of money but who would want that talentless hack back wrestling?

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

i dont care how talentless he is, but if he puts on some entertaining tv, im all for his return, and as long as the ringwork is watchable, its no skin off my teeth.

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Guest goodhelmet

"Sure, Goldberg would make a retarded amount of money but who would want that talentless hack back wrestling?"


we could say the same thing about Hall, Nash, and Hogan. At least goldberg could "accidentally" kick Taker or Big Show in the head too hard.

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Guest Tony149

Goldberg, like Hogan has money matches waiting in the WWF. The guy can suck balls in the ring, but Vince is about making money, not match quality.

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Guest Downhome
That last "big angle" Vince has left is Goldberg. That would probably have to wait another 2 years, unless Goldberg has a change of heart.

Yeah, I'd be willing to bet that the moment that Goldberg's "free money" stops rolling in, he'll sign with the WWF for what will be, their huge offer to him.


Sure, Goldberg would make a retarded amount of money but who would want that talentless hack back wrestling?


I would want him back, does that answer your question? :-p


I don't know about anyone else on here, but I'd pay money to see Goldberg Vs. Austin or Goldberg Vs. HHH. Hell, I actually am a huge Goldberg fan.

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Guest goodhelmet

I think Goldberg's problem is he was given too much, too soon. He simply didn't have the proper training to create a quality ring style. The man didn't have to say a word but he was the most over person in the company for over two years. If he had been properly trained, Bret Hart would probably be allowed to still wrestle and Goldberg wouldn't have the talentless hack label.

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Guest Tony149

That's why there called money matches. Because guys like Goldberg & Hogan, who suck in the ring, can make the WWF money. Which is all Vince cares about.

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Guest Downhome
If he had been properly trained, Bret Hart would probably be allowed to still wrestle and Goldberg wouldn't have the talentless hack label.

Oh my God! Goldberg made a mistake! Come on, accidents happen, and that is exactly what it was...an accident...


...just as Owens piledriver to Austin was an accident, and just as the D-Lo/Droz incident was an accident.


At least goldberg could "accidentally" kick Taker or Big Show in the head too hard.


By the way, people say that guys like me who love Hogan, Nash, Hall, Goldberg, etc... aren't Pro. Wrestling fans, well I have news for you...


...people who even JOKINGLY state that they'd like ANY wrestler to suffer a carear ending injury, THOSE people are the ones who are not true Pro. Wrestling fans. If you want to see horrible stuff like that to happen to anyone, then you are sick, period.

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Guest goodhelmet

"...people who even JOKINGLY state that they'd like ANY wrestler to suffer a carear ending injury, THOSE people are the ones who are not true Pro. Wrestling fans. If you want to see horrible stuff like that to happen to anyone, then you are sick, period."


Then call me sick...sick and tired of seeing talentless hacks, who know the right people to kiss up to, get pushed or go over wrestlers that I prefer to see. Sports entertainment may be your thing, and that's fine, but when the business is down and the storylines suck, the wrestling is what is going to make your company money. After sitting through the horrible, convoluted angles from last year, the wrestling was the only thing that kept me watching.

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Guest Downhome
Then call me sick...sick and tired of seeing talentless hacks, who know the right people to kiss up to, get pushed or go over wrestlers that I prefer to see. Sports entertainment may be your thing, and that's fine, but when the business is down and the storylines suck, the wrestling is what is going to make your company money. After sitting through the horrible, convoluted angles from last year, the wrestling was the only thing that kept me watching.

If you truly do not wish to see them on TV anymore, then complain about the people totaly in charge of allowing them to be there in the first place, that being the bookers, Vince, and the "suits".


By the way, yes I am a fan of Sports Entertainment, but I am more so a fan of WRESTLING. But hell, they are presenting it on TV, and I will always watch wrestling, so I'm going to watch it. Would I rather guys not get held down, and young stars who will usher in a brand new era of Pro. Wrestling being promoted to the top of the business? Yes, of course I would. But that isn't happening right now, and there is nothing that I can do about it.


No matter how much I hate The Worm, I do not wish for Scotty to suffer a carear ending injury. No matter how much I hate The Stink Face, I do not wish for Rikishi to suffer a carear ending injury. No matter how much I wish some certain stars would pass the torch, I do not wish for them to suffer a carear ending injury. What I do wish however...


...is that the people in charge would realize what needs to be done, and begin to really steam ahead. Lay down the law, that if so and so doesn't job for whomever, they are outahere, etc...


Before these "young stars" are promoted however, I first wish that the bookers would give them a reason gimmickly to be promoted, you know, actually BUILD THEM UP. Like, give RVD something that actually means something to do. Give Benoit when he comes back something that MEANS something to do. Same goes for every other future mega-star.


But under no circumstance should anyone wish ANY wrestler to suffer a carear ending injury, because that isn't being a fan...


...that is simply being sadistic.

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Guest goodhelmet

"Like, give RVD something that actually means something to do"


They were in the process of giving him a world title shot before Trips returned.


"If you truly do not wish to see them on TV anymore, then complain about the people totaly in charge of allowing them to be there in the first place, that being the bookers, Vince, and the "suits"."


My criticisms of the booking staff, writing team, and Vince are all over this board. We've already decided the writing staff aren't on drugs or RVD would be the unified champion.



"Would I rather guys not get held down, and young stars who will usher in a brand new era of Pro. Wrestling being promoted to the top of the business? Yes, of course I would. But that isn't happening right now, and there is nothing that I can do about it."


Yes there is. You can refuse to just accept whatever BS the WWF machine feeds you and actually decide if you want to watch crap or demand a more entertaining, quality wrestling program. Why do I still watch the WWF? Because occasionally Angle, Austin, RVD, Jericho etc. will put on a great match. But I do not have to pay for a product that I feel is inferior to what they are capable of.


As for me wishing that these guys CAREERS would end. I certainly do. Excuse me if I'm bitter that guys like UT and Show are still working while guys like Bret Hart and Steamboat are retired because of injuries suffered inside the ring.

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Guest RickyB

"As for me wishing that these guys CAREERS would end. I certainly do. Excuse me if I'm bitter that guys like UT and Show are still working while guys like Bret Hart and Steamboat are retired because of injuries suffered inside the ring."


I'm a BIG fan of Bret Hart but just because he's injured doesn't mean that I want someone else's career to end.  The Undertaker has worked hard for years (watch his early 90's WWF work and his WCW Work as Mean Mark Callus, or even the Work he did before that).  The Big Show has only been around since 1994 but it's obvious he loves the business.  It's not like he's tried to hold guys down in WCW or the WWF, he's been jobbed out to almost everyone in the WWF and he's done whatever he's been told to do, and in WCW he played out a terrible storyline of his father dying.


But why would you want someone elses career to end?  What have they done that's so terrible that you would wish for them to get hurt so badly that they can't do the one thing that they love to do?  No matter how much I hate anyone, I would never wish them to get a career ending injury - especially to someone who hasn't done anything to me personally.  No-one in the WWF has done anything to you personally.

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Guest goodhelmet

"What have they done that's so terrible that you would wish for them to get hurt so badly that they can't do the one thing that they love to do? "


They take valuable time away from wrestlers that can actually give a compelling in-ring performance.


"No-one in the WWF has done anything to you personally."


I consider it a personal slap to the face that the WWF tries to put a mediocre product in my face by throwing slugs on my tv screen, hyping them up as monsters and hosses, then expecting me to buy their ppvs and merchandise but not delivering the goods in the ring. Is their an alternative to their product in the US? Unfortunately, not. When WCW was still around, I had the option of flipping channels, and if both products were shitty, then I could turn to Monday Night



Do I have anything personal against Mark Callous or Paul Wight? No and I only use them examples of how unjust this world is. They still have jobs while Bret Hart can't wrestle anymore. That's F***ed!!! And now we're going to have to sit through shitty Hogan and Nash matches in the hopes of seeing a decent Angle or Austin match. The world is not fair and in a just world, UT and Big Show and Bossman and Hogan and Nash would not be wrestling while greats like Steamboat, Bret, Ultimo Dragon aren't  sitting at home. They're wrestling.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Ultimo Dragon could've easily returned to the ring.  But the WCW doctor fucked him up, and hopefully Ultimo will get his cumuppance (it's spelled wrong, but I just don't have the energy to spell check) by winning a big money settlement from the asshole.


Accidents happen?  Yes.  Could most accident's be avoided.  Owen Hart and Austin could've been avoided, D-Lo and Droz would've been a little hard to avoid, and Goldberg could've easily learned the proper way to kick a guy in the head without giving them eight concussions like he did to Hart.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

Oh, I forgot the WWF is in business for your personal entertainment, sorry, silly me.

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Guest goodhelmet

"Oh, I forgot the WWF is in business for your personal entertainment, sorry, silly me."


exactly! Especially when they expect me and other CONSUMERS of the product they are selling to purchase tickets, ppvs, merchandise, watch their programming etc.

But then again, the WWF isn't known to listen to their fanbase and give them what they want.If they did, RVD wouldn't be feuding with Goldust.

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Guest Tony149

Nobody is ever going to be pleased. I liked WWF "Attitude" (The Russo years) and the WWF did HUGE business from it, but most of the net hated it. You never know what gets over.

RVD does need to be in better feuds than Goldust.

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Guest Army Eye

speaking of possibly bringing in Goldberg, does it bother anybody that the spear is such a common move in the WWF?  That was easily Goldberg's most over move, there was a huge roar every time he did it.  I just wonder how much the fans would pop for a move that almost everyone on the current roster has done

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Guest BrianScala

Rhyno had no problem getting the Spear over while other guys like Edge and Bob Holly were doing it. It's the anticipation, plus, the fact that everyone knows that it's his "big move", that gets the crowd popping when it hits.


Case in point: Shawn Michaels never got a huge pop when he did his superkick prior to, say, 1994. Later on, he made it his finisher & added the foot-stopping, "Cue the band" part as the precursor to the movie itself. After that, the crowd popped huge, even when others did just a plain ol' superkick.


Notice how nowadays Rock sets himself (a la Goldberg) & waits for his opponent to turn around before hitting the Rock Bottom. In past years, he'd just do the move and wouldn't get as great a reaction.

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Guest TheBigBadBootyDaddy
on a side note, im not sure if everybody else has seen them, but steph actually did fall out of her dress on raw, and there are pictures on some other sites.


You wouldnt happen to know WHICH sites these are on, would you?

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

i saw a close up on that hhh mark forum which bps posted a link to the other day, but i have lost that link now.  its side on, and you can see one breast, although she didnt fully "fall out" its close enough

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