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Guest converge241

Well, Pigs Are Flying

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Guest converge241

seriously is anything out of the realm of possibilities now?


I bet well see Bret and Sable back this year


(I dont want sable back before I get attacked btw)

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Guest Anglesault

Test will get over/have a watchable match.



Nah, that's just pushing it.

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Guest Nezbyte

To be fair to Test, he's a wealthy man and he's doing a job you wish you could - one that he probably does better than you ever could.


You're welcome, Anglesault, drive through.

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Guest Anglesault

No, I don't want to be a wrestler, thank you very much. And if I DID, and I found out I was worse than Test, I would find myself a new profession.

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Guest Nezbyte

Dont even try that, every fan desires the job. Just like how football fans watch to remember there childhood. Test is better than a crap load of people on the indy circut. If the days of territories were still amung wrestling, i could feasably see Test being over and champ.

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Guest Nevermortal

Test was ok at one point, but when Steph married Trips, he got totally killed. As a matter of fact, HE DIDN'T EVEN GO FOR REVENGE! What a pussy.

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Guest alfdogg
Dont even try that, every fan desires the job.

You know that? Really?


Can you tell me what the winning lottery numbers are going to be?

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Guest Ripper

Test has been over twice and one potentially over story line and every time the push was aborted for absolutly no reason. Test has been held back just as much as most of the other wrestlers that should be on top... Its not a question on wether or not he deserved the pushes, it is that he DID get over and they just aborted them in a classic RVDKurtAngleRhynoChristianJerhicoTajariKanyonBookerT fasion.

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Guest alfdogg

No, you, my friend, are the ass. AS was only stating his opinion and you come in and flame him for no reason at all. It's people like you that drove people like cobainwasmurdered out of this board.

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Guest Anglesault
Test has been over twice

Woah woah woah woah woah woah! Test was over TWICE? During the marriage angle and... ???

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Guest Nezbyte
No, you, my friend, are the ass. AS was only stating his opinion and you come in and flame him for no reason at all. It's people like you that drove people like cobainwasmurdered out of this board.

Yeah, his opinion that has degraded countless threads. (Here comes the argument that i added one more, woo!). Maybe if he did something else other than blow Kurt, verbally, and bash everyone else - it wouldnt be so bad.


I said something that needed to be said.


I didnt drive anyone away, if someone can drive you off the internet - you need to take a look at your life.

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Guest Ripper

Actually, more than twice...unless you count the entire dating Steph, fighting shane for the right to date her, purposal and losing her in the HHH marrige thing as ONE angle(thats 2 different angles, but if you want to count it as one, cool.)


So the other, Test starts a fued with HHH/Steph over the whole I hate you guys over what happen a year ago blah blah blah. The crowd loved him. So what did they do next, HHH squashes him a few weeks later, powerbombs him through a table and all is forgotten. ???


Next, we have the "fued" with the Rock. Test started actually ranking on the "most Heat" reports (as it tends to do when fued ing rock) and was getting more heat than Angle at the time who was no push over himself. so what do they do, the job him to Rock on free TV and have him fued with Rikishi.. ???


And although it didn't get him over, how easy was the immunity angle. What did they use it for, him hitting on women with cheesy lines and shoving Tim White.


They have screwed up this guy more times than most. Test is a big man with speed and can sell, he could get over in a heart beat if he got something resembling a decent push.

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Guest Prince Paul

They might have been able to get Test over with that immunity shit, but when was the last time they mentioned that on WWE TV?

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Guest Prince Paul
seriously is anything out of the realm of possibilities now?


I bet well see Bret and Sable back this year


(I dont want sable back before I get attacked btw)

Until this year, I never, EVER thought we'd see Bret back in a WWE ring. But I think we better get prepared. When Vince's sees the opportunity to make loads of money off him, he surely will.

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Guest Anglesault
So the other, Test starts a fued with HHH/Steph over the whole I hate you guys over what happen a year ago blah blah blah.  The crowd loved him.  So what did they do next, HHH squashes him a few weeks later, powerbombs him through a table and all is forgotten.  ???


I don't remember him getting much of a reaction for that.



Next, we have the "fued" with the Rock.  Test started actually ranking on the "most Heat" reports (as it tends to do when fued ing rock) and was getting more heat than Angle at the time who was no push over himself. so what do they do, the job him to Rock on free TV and have him fued with Rikishi.. ???


Okay, I remember that REALLY well, and I remember how everyone was shocked that the crows was STILL apathetic to the guy while he was attacking Rocky.

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Guest Frankie Williams

This is what i think we will see:


The return of the hos


JR will retire alot sooner than he wanted too.


Russo will reveal himself as the REAL Higher Power


A Los Boriquas reunion


The Euro title will be eliminated only to be found by Ric Flair in the trash

who will then become a janitor.


Vinny Mac will start looking at Steph as a "real woman"


Linda Mac will start looking at Steph as a "real woman"


Somewhere down the line the world title will be decided in a game of chicken (the car game in which there are two cars speeding towards each other and the loser is the first car to swerve out of the way).


The Corporate nWo Ministry


Vince Russo: WWF champ


Eminem: WWF champ


Rikishi and Judy Bagwell: WWF tag champs


Someone will get pregnant and then suddenly it will never be talked about again.

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Guest dreamer420
The Euro title will be eliminated only to be found by Ric Flair in the trash

who will then become a janitor.

i hope that wasn't a comparison between flair and duggan?

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Guest razazteca

how about the this for the what if:


1) UFC and Pride FC will send fighters to WWE to fight in HITC taking over the Hardcore division


2) New Japan and All Japan will invade owning the tag division


3) CMLL will invade taking over the Lightweight division


4) Antonio Ionki vs Vince McMahon will main event a PPV


5) Bret Hart & SCSA will be tag team champs


6) Terry Funk and Bob Backland will fight over the Undistuted Championship at SummerSlam


7) Ring of Honor will invade


8) David Arquette goes for the Grand Slam Championship winning all of the titles in a Super J style tourny, drops it on RAW to Shane McMahon


9) Chyna returns


10) Mr T as champ

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Guest BobbyWhioux
Dont even try that, every fan desires the job. Just like how football fans watch to remember there childhood. Test is better than a crap load of people on the indy circut. If the days of territories were still amung wrestling, i could feasably see Test being over and champ.

Don't speak so soon.


I don't desire a job in pro wrestling.


Sure, I've dreamed about it now and then, not so much a wrestler but maybe more of a manager/broadcaster type.


But I don't seriously want it. I'm one of those people who NEEDS complete or near complete creative/artistic control over my persona/public art (i.e. an on camera character). There's no way they'd let a mere broadcaster have that kind of self-control. I'd pitch "HHH the game" promotional DVDs and like it or hit the bricks.


I'd rather not do that.


As for your thoughts on Test, on the other hand, I agree. In fact, I don't really see why Anglesault has so much venom for him. I think Test is a victim of bad booking and packaging (I mean, come on, he's been called "Test" since his debut in Jan. of 1999! You'd think they'd give him a decent new ring name by now. Plus, he is the first victim of the "HHH glass ceiling" [the horrible misbooking about having Stephie "stolen" from him at the altar], so you'd think Anglesault would have some sympathy for the guy, wouldn't ya?) Maybe not the world's greatest wrestler, but he's hardly a new Big Boss Man. Just because the guy looks so much like Nash doesn't mean he wrestles as apathetically and poorly as Big Kev.


There's just a few guys ahead of him who are a little better in some or all facets of the game, and who have been taken better care of by the booking teams than he has.


I figure a new name, maybe a reworking of his look, and a couple PPV cycles of good, constructive booking, and Test would be fine. Maybe not world champion, but certainly nothing to sneeze at.

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Guest J*ingus

But raza, half of those are GOOD ideas, so of course they won't be done.

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Guest Frankie Williams
i hope that wasn't a comparison between flair and duggan?

I would never...ever compare Duggan to Flair. Im just tring to look into the mind of Russo. Dont forget, this is the man who had Flair kidnapped and buried alive in the desert.

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Guest Cactus Clothesline

I thought this thread was about Bret Hart coming back.


Nah it's not gonna happen. I'd shit though if they were redoing Montreal for the 100th time and he ran in.

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Guest razazteca

Canada vs Mexico vs Japan vs UFC at Survivor Series

Brett as leader of Canada

Eddie Guerrero as Mexico team captian

Misawa as leader of Team Tiger Mask

Mark Coleman as UFC leader because he looks like Goldberg

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Guest LesnarLunatic

Goldberg will return, and then have a match with Undertaker where neither 'follows the script' and then the fans riot... Go figure

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

Who will come to the WWF?


The Man.


The Phenom.


He will take the Grand Slam in One year, defating oppnent after oppnent after oppnent in a streak to end all streaks.


Then he will retire, with a redcord of infinity and 0.


Yes, The Man will come.





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