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Guest bcu1979

Biggest Winners And Losers

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Guest bcu1979

It's still unclear how much power Russo will have and exactly what role he will play in the company, but there's got to be people in the WWE who are already very nervous.


Biggest losers:


Jim Ross - in the course of two weeks his biggest ally in the company is out the door and his biggest enemy is welcomed back. J.R. better get used to regular humiliations. He'll probably pay the price for being on the losing end of the political war this time.


Bradshaw - one of the most vocal of Russo's detractors. The WWE already gave up on his single's push. Meet "Justin"...Billy & Chuck's "special friend" from West Texas.


Hulk Hogan - I hesitate putting the master of backstage politics on the loser list since Hogan always seems to come out on top. But I think he might have finally reached the end of the line. He might leave before he gets pushed out again.


actual wrestling - not that it's doing all that great right now with Taker and Hogan in the main events, but expect screwjob finishes and run-ins to multiply tenfold


Biggest winners:


Triple H & Stephanie - of course. Russo was around for the start of Triple H's GOD push and I believe has always spoken highly of him. I bet it's only a matter of time before Triple H & Stephanie are reunited on camera.


Rock - Russo was around for most of Rock's rise to the top of the WWE so hopefully this will lead to some strong material for Rock. If you think about it, Rock's program with Jericho was the only good material he had to work with since WM X-7. And even then Rock and Jericho had to play second fiddle to the McMahon crap.


Angle/Jericho/Benoit/RVD/Eddy/Booker/etc. - This is a big question mark, but Russo has always been a big proponent of young talent. Jericho has said that Russo was the guy who really pushed to get him in the WWE. Benoit and Eddie walked out of WCW out of loyalty to Russo. (Well, Russo probably sees it that way.) He was the first guy to really push Booker. The only question is if Russo can get Vince on board to moving these guys up to the top like the moved Rock/Triple H a couple years ago. Even if the answer is now, I think all these guys will get stronger storylines than they have right now.


midcard angles - one thing Russo was always given credit for was writing storylines for the lower card guys, instead of just throwing them out there in pointless matches. There's nothing that takes the heat off a show like a couple of segments involving dead characters. Hopefully Russo's return will mean an increased time investment in the midcard angles.


Divas - they'll be in every segment - if Russo can convince Vince to give up a few members of his harem

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Guest DawnBTVS

Personally I'd take characters with storylines and identities over a 4* match with no crowd reaction due to lack of storyline/identity.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Russo is a big Jericho guy, so thats a plus.


I have heard he also likes RVD...so thats a plus.


And If I'm not mistaken he is also a fan of Booker and Benoit...both pluses.


If he can get RVD put over at KOTR instead of Brock...Welcome back.


If not...then I don't know what he point is.

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Guest Dangerous A

The Russo thing is iffy, but a real dynamic.


If he can get the midcard over in any way, then I actually welcome him back.


But if there are things like Beaver Cleavage and Higher Power angles then this is the beggining of the end. (for me at least)


Russocity just gets me closer to buying Ring of Honor tapes. (shill)

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Guest goodhelmet

"Personally I'd take characters with storylines and identities over a 4* match with no crowd reaction due to lack of storyline/identity. "


*sheds a tear*


what's sad is that both are possible and with the talent the wwf has, it would be conceivable for them to have a **** match on EVERY show.


unfortunately, what's the point of having an identity (val venis, godfather, choppy choppy, etc.) when the storylines are terrible. and vince russo has shown us he is capable of bad storylines.


also, if you watch the attitude era stuff, the crowd was dead throughout most of the matches not involving rock, austin or foley. they pop for the entrance, sleep through the match, and could give a shit about the storyline. and hopefully, thier "Star" would get a pop from some brainless catchphrase (pimpin ain't easy, oh you didn't know, hello ladies).


i already sat through that shit once. i have no desire to live through it again.

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Guest Sandman9000

I am not a fan of Russo's by any means, but the one thing I will give him credit for is at least attempting to give every person on the roster some kind of character or gimmick. Sometimes they worked (Screamin Norman in the Hardcore Division) sometimes they don't (The Dog). But at least he tries to help out everyone, and not just those who put asses in the seats.

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Guest dreamer420
sometimes they don't (The Dog).

lol. i forgot about the dog. ohh man what a gimmick that was.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

somebody shoot me


this is hell, my wrestling show...its going to hell


somebody send me some puro tapes

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Guest The Czech Republic

I liked The Dog in his first match before he joined the Hardcore Army and acted like a dog. But man, that's bush-league.

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Guest Cactus Clothesline

You gotta give this a chance. I mean if you liked the Russo WWF era you should. I got back into wrestling in '98 (King of the Ring) so I dug it.


But hopefully instead of the Godfathers and Venises we'll get the Storms and the Knobles.

As long as Russo stays off the screen and tries to create new stars then I'm cool with it.


More on topic,


Biggest winner: Chris Jericho (Mr. Main Event is comin' back)


Biggest loser: I dunno but hopefully they keep Russo the hell away from Flair.

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Guest Angle-plex

I would say Triple H would be pushed more, but after watching Smackdown and seeing Trips take on 5 guys, I relized that he can't be pushed much more.

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Guest TheMikeSC

Winners: ADD patients.

Kevin Nash

Fans of dick and fart jokes.

Boys too young to buy real porn.


Losers: Wrestling fans.


Easy, huh?


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Guest El Satanico
Biggest losers:


Jim Ross - in the course of two weeks his biggest ally in the company is out the door and his biggest enemy is welcomed back. J.R. better get used to regular humiliations. He'll probably pay the price for being on the losing end of the political war this time.


Bradshaw - one of the most vocal of Russo's detractors. The WWE already gave up on his single's push. Meet "Justin"...Billy & Chuck's "special friend" from West Texas.


Hulk Hogan - I hesitate putting the master of backstage politics on the loser list since Hogan always seems to come out on top. But I think he might have finally reached the end of the line. He might leave before he gets pushed out again.


actual wrestling - not that it's doing all that great right now with Taker and Hogan in the main events, but expect screwjob finishes and run-ins to multiply tenfold

Other then the wrestling part i don't see a problem.

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Guest cabbageboy

I don't think Jericho is main eventing ever again even with Russo backing him. They've given up on him. Hell, not even I want to see him main event again.

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Guest Tony149

Hardcore Holly might get another chance (in the midcard), since he's friends with Russo. I remember reading a Russo interview from April 2000 where he said if he was still in the WWF, he would push Val Venis & Test.


I think the biggest winners will be the younger guys i.e. Jericho, RVD & Angle.


Russo & HBK supposedly have a love/hate deal going.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Flair's program after this Eddie thing is going to be awful, I feel it. He'll job to Benoit, but not before being humiliated on every single Raw between KotR and Vengeance.

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Guest bcu1979
I don't think Jericho is main eventing ever again even with Russo backing him. They've given up on him. Hell, not even I want to see him main event again.

Would you rather see Triple H, Hogan and Undertaker continue to main event PPV after PPV? Well, this appears to be Triple H's most successful burial yet as he's starting to get smarks to stop caring about Jericho.


If you are right, then Vince has become an even bigger idiot than I had previously thought. Jericho is one of the few guys in the company who currently has all the tools necessary to be a main event star for years to come. Besides Angle, I can't think of anyone more ready to be portrayed on that Triple H/Rock/Undertaker level. The only thing "missing" has been the company's lack of interest in building Jericho up as a credible main eventer and Triple H's refusal to treat Jericho like an equal.


Maybe I have decided to block out the worst parts of the Russo-written WWE, but I just don't see how it can get much worse than it already is. There's already plenty of boring main events, backstage politicians, bookers hogging up tv time, pointless T&A matches, gross "humor", dead characters and two minute tv matches.

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Guest One Bad Apple
Without a doubt, the biggest loser is me.

Good God ... you better edit that.

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Guest Shaved Bear
I would say Triple H would be pushed more, but after watching Smackdown and seeing Trips take on 5 guys, I relized that he can't be pushed much more.

yea one day HHH is gonna no sell Jesus

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Guest LesnarLunatic



you hear about the time that Triple H fed 50,000 people with 5 loafs of bread?

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Guest justcoz

I read this story as it broke by abusing my office internet policy and browsing wrestling sites. Where I work there are three other hardcore wrestling fans. People who stick by it through the good and bad times. However, the office is full of people who will jump in on conversations with comments of when 'they used to watch wrestling'. When I broke the news of Russo's return to the three hardcore fans they all pretty much said the same. "Good, they need him, they need something."


Russo will be cut on and will constantly be under the microscope. For those of you who are saying that this means the end of WWE, I'd like to rewind back to when another story broke on the internet. This story was of Russo and Ferrarra's defection from WWE to accept deals with WCW. This was immediately following the heavily criticized yet highest quarter rating in the history of the Monday Night Wars I believe, Mick Foley's This Is Your Life Rock skit.


I recall people at the time saying that this would be the end of the WWF. Vince couldn't recover from the loss of the creative team who made the company the force it had become.


Say what you want about Russo's WCW stint. He made some terrible decisions in desperation to pull the company from it's downward spiral. However, his tenure was constantly interrupted and he was never given the opportunity or length of time it would take to change WCW's fortunes. By the time the strap was put on David Arquette and Russo turned himself into an on air personality, I think Russo was just screwing with the company. He was constantly on the outs with Standards and Practices and had walked out on the company several times before this.


If you recall though, it was under Russo's leadership where Booker T received his first real push, Benoit and Eddie were pushed and much emphasis was placed on building new stars and characters. The first few Nitro's under Russo were gold in my opinion. Whether you agreed with every storyline, character or angle, the shows were fun to watch. Every segment led to the next. You didn't want to turn the channel and you were interested in seeing what would go down next week.


This hasn't been the case since WWE bought out WCW. The talent is there, the workrate is there, the mic work is there but it's not fun. You can miss a week and catch up the next. This is where I feel Russo will come in handy.


I look for Jericho to be pushed. RVD will be pushed. Booker's babyface run just may work now. I see good things in store for Benoit, Eddie, Raven, Edge, Storm, hell Russo was a Taz mark big time.


I like the idea of Russo and Heyman working together. Russo was heavily influenced by Heyman and to my knowledge they've never expressed negative feelings toward the other beyond when questioned if Russo ripped off Paul.


There are many reasons this will not work. It will follow the Invasion angle, Ric Flair debuting, the NWO return, etc. as WWE disappointments. Personally, as long as Russo doesn't abandon the concept of actual wrestling, I think this is just what the WWE needed...




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Guest LesnarLunatic
yea he did that right after Jesus, so he can hold Jesus down

I hear Triple H made Pilate condemn Jesus to a death on the cross, so Triple H could be in the main events in Israel.

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Guest joshicho

If he works instead of that Gerwitz fellow, it may work. But he MUST have strict guidelines.

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