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Guest Sandman9000


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Guest Sandman9000

Normally, I try to stay away from places such as MickeyD's, BK, etc. However, on the rare occasion that I do stop by, I always find myself parking my truck and walking in. For some strange reason, I can't bring myself to go through the drive-thru.


So, if anybody can either a) give their opinions, or B) figure how what the hell is wrong with me, it will be appreciated.

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Guest J*ingus

Um, you're a freak. I'm lazy and don't like to stand up if I don't have to, so a drive-thru is my choice every time.

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Guest TheDames7

I don't prefer the drive thru because my picky ass always gets his a "special order". They've gotten them wrong so many times that I just want to go in so I can avoid the extra BS that happens when I realize my order is wrong after I've driven off.



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Guest Mark4steamboat

I hate when the people working them flirt or try to start conversations when youre waiting on your order. Ugh that pissed me off.

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Guest franchise632
I hate when the people working them flirt or try to start conversations when youre waiting on your order. Ugh that pissed me off.

What usually makes it worse is that its an extreme rarity for any good looking girls to be working there.

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Guest dreamer420
I hate when the people working them flirt or try to start conversations when youre waiting on your order. Ugh that pissed me off.

What usually makes it worse is that its an extreme rarity for any good looking girls to be working there.

if you are talking about mcdonals then you're right.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

McD, burger king, ANYWHERE! all the chicks that work there are whores or nasty skanks with zits all over the place. <shudders>

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Guest dreamer420

i know exactly what you mean. but if you walk into any family restaurants or anything around here you will see the hottest girls waiting tables.

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Guest redbaron51

heh not at Wendy's in my town.


Some of the hottest girls work there, and we never screw anyone's order up.

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Guest franchise632
i know exactly what you mean. but if you walk into any family restaurants or anything around here you will see the hottest girls waiting tables.

Yea no doubt, places where big tips can be made you are more likely to find hot girls waiting tables, I know there is a steak house here where there are a lot of hot girls working, and a Tony Roma's that is the same.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



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Guest converge241

"What usually makes it worse is that its an extreme rarity for any good looking girls to be working there"


i picked up a hottie named lorinda at a 24 hour BK in 96..i walked up to the window after seeing her from inside working it..


has anybody heard about what mcdonalds is testing? a speedpass (like in some gas stations) where everything is automatically charged to your credit/debit card!! that scares me, in the way that how are they going to get the billing right when they screw up the orders left and right

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

My is-it-a-good-idea-to-use-the-drive-thru system is this:


If there are 4+ cars in line, I go in...


If it's late at night, I go in...


If I'm going to order more than 2 "meals," I go in...


It's so entertaining to see a car in the drive thru line, particularly during lunch/dinner time move up on or two spots in line while you already walked into a vacant dining area, received your order, and walked back out to your car.


I love lazy people -- they make my time at a FF place so much more efficient.

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Guest Insanityman

Yeah, they almost always screw up the order so I try to avoid the drive-through.

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Guest razazteca

Well Burger King over here take 10 minutes to figure out how to squeeze mustard on a hamburger, so I stay away as much as possible.


Micky D as you call it has the best system ever!!!!! Double windows, computer screen that shows your order and is fast.


Wendys is very similiar to Micky D with a great drive thus system and has better food. Best way to waste $3


Sonic is the best of both worlds, you get to talk into a speaker and if your lucky the hot girl will bring it out. Best place to get drinks, shakes, malts etc...average on the food.

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Guest dreamer420

i must say that mcdonalds sure does get an A for effort when it comes to the drive thru. everytime i go through it it only takes seconds and i know a few people that work at out local mcdonalds and they say that they get pushed while working to keep that drive thru going.

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