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Guest This is Bo


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Guest This is Bo

[in this Promo there is no individual seen speaking. The only thing that shows are clips of the ghetto; the slums, the streets, the hood. The speaking is coming from the narrator of sorts. In this Promo I will give a visual description of what is seen at the same time the narrator is speaking. Hope you enjoy.]




{The first clip shows an overhead view of the projects in New York City; Webster Projects in the Bronx to be more exact. The rooftop of a total of 12 buildings is seen as well as the trees surrounding the projects. Small, family orientated playgrounds seen in every two project building; and groups of young individual, male and female occupying the front and back entrance of the building.}


“This is my home.” The narrator speaks in a low, non-threatening tone. In a manner that speaks more of humility than arrogance. “This is where I was raised; I came here when I was 4 years old from Puerto Rico, evidently my mother was convinced that this was the land of opportunity, the land of the free, oh how wrong she was.”


{The next clip, video clip, shows a group of six teenagers beating up on two defenseless kids. One of the kids shows a cut under his eyes as he tries to block the blows coming from boots and punches. The other kid just lies there, motionless as he continues to get “stomp”.}


“This is the life I had to adapt to, violence, jealousy, greed, envy. This is the land of opportunity?” The narrator asks more to himself than to anyone else. “This is the land of the free? This is hell to me, the opportunity that people seeks is robbing your ass when they get a chance. I mean, I don’t blame them, survival of the fittest right? Only the strong survive. Isn’t that the “Marx” theory? Well, I’ve lived through that theory…my life is that theory.”


{The next clip shows a chalk outline on the street, the shape is that of a human body. That is the silent statement of a murder as “NEW YORK’S FINEST” patrols the area.}


“Hmm, cops. “To protect and Serve.” The only thing accurate about the slogan is that they do protect themselves and serve a major ass beating for anyone that is not in favor of them.” The narrator states as his tone gets a bit more aggressive, a bit more emotional. “Look at what happen to Sean Bell. 45 fucking bullets for a man that’s un-armed; what about that off duty police officer that shot that youngster over road rage and then flee the scene; and you call this justice? These authority figures are a fucking joke, they are the reason why my older brother got knocked up; defending himself from a beating he was receiving from three cops for no reason. Granted, he almost killed one of those pigs but damn, now he got convicted of attempted murder for breaking the nose of that pig? Shit, what kind of justice is that? That’s one fucking joke after another.”


{The next clip shows a funeral, a gathering of about 20 people on a cemetery morning the loss of Jayson “Innocent” William. The song “It’s so hard to say good bye” is being played by a small battery operated radio. Many people crying some angry and vowed for justice that will never come.}

“This is what I’m talking about that justice here is a fuckin joke. One of my closest friend, Innocent, died in the hands of fuckin cops. They said he was at the wrong place at the wrong time and took a stray bullet to the fucking head.” The narrator states in anger and in disgust. “The family asked for an autopsy and rumor from the streets states that this was a close range shot but there was a gag order in place. You know, this is the usual when it comes to the ghetto, fuck the youths; we’re only going to grow up to be either in jail or locked up. This is why I’m going to make head rolls, all these people that were born with silver wear in their fuckin mouths and don’t know what it is to suffer and to live in the streets and survive. To these people that had the road already made for them to be successful and think they’ve made it through hard work and pain. These motherfuckers don’t know shit about pain, they don’t know about hard ache, they don’t know what it is to lose someone and suffer. I will do what ever I have to do show these ungrateful assholes what it is to live where I live. Even if I have to sin, then so be it.”


{The next clip is a still picture of Perfect Bo and S.I.N. standing side by side.}


“This is the only person that knows where I’m coming from, the only person that actually made it in this business and is from the ghetto. This same person that I speak about knows how it is to lose someone they loved by authority figures. This person that I’m talking about has taught me the ins and outs’ of this profession. This person was once considered one of the most feared professional wrestlers in the business, but politics and injuries hindered him. This person is the one that trained me into being a beast, into becoming a monster because these people that were born sucking on a silver spoon don’t know anything about struggles. This person, who was there for me through thick and thin, guided me into the path of righteousness, and who was forgotten by everyone in the business. This person is Bo and he’s angry at the industry. This is not Anarchy, this is not Evil Inc. This is one person that is totally pissed at everyone for being blinded by the truth. All I’m asking is for you to come home with me, come walk through this cold city, and if you deny me, then I will force you to see.” In a convincing voice mixed with anger and confidence states the narrator.


{The last clip shows the words “GET READY TO COMMIT SOME SINS”}











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I think, WC, the confusion may have stemmed from the possible interpretation of your sentence. I mean, I wasn't (and still am not) sure whether it means "does S.I.N. need a manager? If so, I may be able to provide one" or "does S.I.N. really need a manager (which I would interpret to be Bo, since he's standing next to the guy), shouldn't he be on his own?"



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Okay, let me try and spell it out then:


As everybody here knows, the WCC is tops for the Wildchild character, because that's how I wish it to be; he regards that as the premier championship in the SWF, and that's the way I like it. I'm not exactly looking for someone to be as fanatic about it as I am, but I would like to find someone that considers it to be a goal worth aspiring to, rather than as a stepping stone to something else... if such a writer/character ever comes along, I'd like to try to turn over the Cruiserweight division to them and, unless Johnny crawls back out from whatever rock he's hiding under, I will then "retire" the WC character and switch to writing Bruner full time.


When I asked Bo if S.I.N. needed a manager, it's because I could see the potential in a partnership between him and Mister Bruner, with both managed by Sir Marvelous. And, that would be a rather suitable rival for the VDN, if I must say...

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