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John Cena calls out the The Rock for leaving wrestling

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I think WWF is doing the films themselves to prevent that from happening so they dont lose Cena or anyone else to Hollywood.


and Id like to see the Rock 1 more time..vs either HBK or Cena but Im not gonna hold my breath on it.

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It's all quite simple, actually.


Wrestling is a business (much like Hollywood), and wrestlers are essentialy freelance contractors. If they sign a contract, they must stay for the time they have signed on for, and when that time has expired, they are free to do as they please.


Have you ever had a really back breaking labor job where you work five days a week and just want to call it quits on the weekend? Well, wrestlers (at least the main eventers) get maybe 5-15 days off in an entire YEAR, not even counting promotional work.


Let's say you put in your time at said labor job, you do really well, and your boss and clients love you, yet your body can't handle the strain. You find a new job that pays better, and has a lot less to do with the toll it puts on your body and more to do on the way you do business and the way you market yourself. Anybody who worked shit jobs in college and got a nice office job later on can attest to this. You get this new job based on your past work experience and resume, and the new job allows more time off, better benefits, and in a nutshell your family life and overall quality of living improves. And best of all, you get to sleep 8 hours a night.


You a currently doing a gig for said new job, and your old boss calls you up and says "I know you are busy, but all of the old clients have been asking about you. Do you think you could set something up to take time off of your better job and come back to work for us for a few days? We could really use the additional revenue!"


That being said, The Rock doesn't owe the WWE a damn thing.



once again the people care about the character/just seeing him, he doesn't have to wrestle. In terms of showing up and doing a funny skit every once and a while, there is absolutely no harm to him to do it.

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I don't think they're all jealous of The Rock, but its pretty obvious, Triple H, HBK, Foley, and now Cena is kind of envious.

Are we just gonna start throwing names at random here? Since when the hell are Michaels or even Foley "obviously" envious of The Rock?

I realize most here hate Triple H and Michaels but mentioning them on this discussion is kinda stupid. Get your facts straight or shut the fuck up.

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It's all quite simple, actually.


Wrestling is a business (much like Hollywood), and wrestlers are essentialy freelance contractors. If they sign a contract, they must stay for the time they have signed on for, and when that time has expired, they are free to do as they please.


Have you ever had a really back breaking labor job where you work five days a week and just want to call it quits on the weekend? Well, wrestlers (at least the main eventers) get maybe 5-15 days off in an entire YEAR, not even counting promotional work.


Let's say you put in your time at said labor job, you do really well, and your boss and clients love you, yet your body can't handle the strain. You find a new job that pays better, and has a lot less to do with the toll it puts on your body and more to do on the way you do business and the way you market yourself. Anybody who worked shit jobs in college and got a nice office job later on can attest to this. You get this new job based on your past work experience and resume, and the new job allows more time off, better benefits, and in a nutshell your family life and overall quality of living improves. And best of all, you get to sleep 8 hours a night.


You a currently doing a gig for said new job, and your old boss calls you up and says "I know you are busy, but all of the old clients have been asking about you. Do you think you could set something up to take time off of your better job and come back to work for us for a few days? We could really use the additional revenue!"


That being said, The Rock doesn't owe the WWE a damn thing.



once again the people care about the character/just seeing him, he doesn't have to wrestle. In terms of showing up and doing a funny skit every once and a while, there is absolutely no harm to him to do it.


Hollywood is a petty business. If people are telling him he could be more successful by staying away from Vince McMahon then the Rock should. The Rock may not get gigs if studios and directors know he's still involved in that fake, cartoon, kind of gay, wrestling business.


Hate to be the one to crush your dreams, but the professional wrestling business isn't universally loved by all.


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I know for certain the Shawn took one of his unscripted cheapshots at Rock once in a promo.


But anyway, this is plain silly.


A: Rock, unlike guys like Austin or Hogan, liked to put guys over and give guys the rub. While the other two probably have no problem coming in, taking the spotlight from the guys that are actually busting their asses for every week, cutting some promos, going over said talent in ways that does absolutely nothing for their careers, then fine.


What does Rock coming in and cutting a promo on anyone prove?


B: He retired. RETIRED. You guys groan everytime Foley shows back up, and he is fake retired. The guy was a wrestler for quite a while. He is damn near 40. Yes, he has moved on to a easier, better paying job. To say he doesn't have love for a business he grew up around and did for the better part of his younger years is just silly.


He loves it, he also was smarter than alot of the dumbasses in the business. He could be Hogan or he could be someone else that is actually successful outside of wrestling.


A younger, dumber Cena can say stupid shit where he is basically saying "Why can't he take breaks from making movies to get back into wrestling shape and have some matches...or better yet come show up everyonce and a while, not in wrestling shape, and risk serious injury to perform for a small amount of money?"


This is dumb. And anyone asking why Rock doesn't come back has dumb selfish reasoning. Why SHOULD he. He busted his ass for your entertainment for years. Take that and be happy with it you whiney fucks.


I will give you a better example than Michael Jordan. Take the hundreds of other guys that loved the NBA and LOVED basketball but hasn't done anything basketball related since they left the game. Like, say a Kevin Johnson. You can't question the guys love and devotion to the game of basketball, but when he retired (at around 31-32 I believe) he LEFT. And there is nothing wrong with that.

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And people, a wrestler killed his wife and kid and every show on television was bashing it as a bunch of roided up drug freaks. WHY would anyone with any type of success outside this business attach themselves back to it now anyway.


"Fuck your life Rock, you need to randomly show up to give back, even if it could screw up your ACTUAL job. "

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Also, actors actually have to have insurance policies to work. Somebody can explain that more into detail if they wish, but say the Rock has a few jobs lined up and a studio found out he was at risk of getting hurt he could be fired from a future project.


There are more then enough reasons for the Rock to stay away.

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Has it come to anybody's mind that this is probably just Cena's / WWE's way of goading The Rock into working a comeback match to put either Cena / Orton / somebody else over since The Rock didn't do the job in his last match?


I'm not pining away for him to come back, and I don't refuse to see his movies in protest, but he's starting to come across as the family member or friend who pledges eternal love and admiration for you, yet never really sees you or calls you anymore unless there's something in it for him.


That's how I've always looked at it too.


I wish the Rock would've worded it better by saying "I can't thank the WWE enough for what they've done for me, but I have no intentions on ever coming back." instead of kissing up to fans by saying crap like "I miss you guys and I wish I could still be there blah blah blah"


No, this isn't an angle, since starting one via British tabloid is quite stupid.


Rock coming back a few times a year would be pointless. The guy has moved on. He's not a wrestler, he's a professional actor. I'm sure a part of him still misses the fans and the rush of the crowd, but he had his fun and he got out.


And Ripper is absolutely correct. If he came back a couple times a year to cut promos, you guys would be bitching about that too.

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Guest dustinbeaverton
I opened this fully expecting it to be a dustinbeaverton thread.


Dude, I've been a lot better lately. I don't even really post anymore.

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Do you really think HHH would jump into being a full time actor if he was given the chance?

Considering while he was on hiatus on 2005, Hunter and Stephanie were shopping him around Hollywood, I'd say he was receptive to the idea. If Hunter could have a career like The Rock, he'd jump at the chance. Few wrestlers would choose a life on the road with all the hassle that entails over even a moderately successful acting career, where they could make comparable or better money, take fewer bumps, deal with less bullshit and spend more of their time at home with their family.


Rock doesn't owe wrestling anything anymore. Some people seem to be taking that to mean Rock shouldn't be grateful or isn't grateful for what wrestling has done for him, which is untrue. Rock's done his time, given back more to wrestling than a lot of people at his level have, and made it out. Not only that, he made it out alive, with his head and his heart intact, money in the bank, and, divorce aside, a pretty solid family life. Most former wrestlers can only dream of having made it out to the other side.


I'm thinking Rock turned down doing something at Wrestlemania, beyond showing his face and waving, and someone, more than Cena, in WWE isn't happy.




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I'm thinking Rock turned down doing something at Wrestlemania, beyond showing his face and waving, and someone, more than Cena, in WWE isn't happy.


It's worth bearing in mind that this interview was done before the Royal Rumble - I have the interview audio from The Sun's Wrestlecast podcast feed and Cena kayfabes about not being able to come back for Wrestlemania in an in-ring capacity. Chances are that at that time, Rock wasn't even on the table for Mania as far as Cena knew.


As far as Rock's involvement in the Hall of Fame/Mania, I'm sure we'll see him come out during Mania to put the verbal smackdown on someone like Santino, hit on Lilian Garcia, do his catchphrases, probably do a double People's Elbow with his dad, and get an INSANE pop.

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I'm thinking Rock turned down doing something at Wrestlemania, beyond showing his face and waving, and someone, more than Cena, in WWE isn't happy.


It's worth bearing in mind that this interview was done before the Royal Rumble - I have the interview audio from The Sun's Wrestlecast podcast feed and Cena kayfabes about not being able to come back for Wrestlemania in an in-ring capacity. Chances are that at that time, Rock wasn't even on the table for Mania as far as Cena knew.

It's also worth bearing in mind that given Rock's schedule, WWE would have approached him months ago about doing something for the HoF, so as to avoid any potential schedule conflicts. It's also no secret that WWE have long wanted Rock to do something with the HoF and induct his grandfather, father or the Wild Samoans.

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Do you really think HHH would jump into being a full time actor if he was given the chance?

Considering while he was on hiatus on 2005, Hunter and Stephanie were shopping him around Hollywood, I'd say he was receptive to the idea. If Hunter could have a career like The Rock, he'd jump at the chance.


Meh. maybe he was a bad example.. Though I couldn't see him leaving his father in laws company. He would probably just do movies on the side, and still wrestle almost full time.


There are lots of people who would rather be wrestlers than actors, I'm sure though..


If somebody dreamed of working in the WWE, and were working the indys, and they offered a WWE contract, and a hollywood movie contract, I bet most of them would go to the WWE. Because it's just what they want to do. Be a wrestler. Which they don't view as being a D-List actor.

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There are lots of people who would rather be wrestlers than actors, I'm sure though..


If somebody dreamed of working in the WWE, and were working the indys, and they offered a WWE contract, and a hollywood movie contract, I bet most of them would go to the WWE. Because it's just what they want to do. Be a wrestler. Which they don't view as being a D-List actor.

There are plenty of people who would rather be wrestlers than actors, but that wasn't the argument being made. The argument was a wrestling career vs. a movie career. And whilst most aspiring wrestlers would choose the WWE contract over the movie contract, if we're talking a low-end deal, when it comes the one career versus the other, I refer you to my earlier post:


Few wrestlers would choose a life on the road with all the hassle that entails over even a moderately successful acting career, where they could make comparable or better money, take fewer bumps, deal with less bullshit and spend more of their time at home with their family.


And if the movie career is skyrocketing, like Rock's is, you'd find even less wrestlers who would choose wrestling over the movie career.

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Well, no, the arguement was that any wrestler would trade places with The Rock. Some wrestlers would, and some wouldn't, because they view wrestling as a better career for them, for whatever reason.


I don't think it's fair to say that "few wrestlers" would choose the life on the road over a moderetly successful acting career. Why didn't they take acting courses then? What are they even doing wrestling in the first place? I don't disagree that some wrestlers would rather be actors, but I wouldn't say most, and definately not all.

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I could understanding wanting Rock to show up for something like the Hall of Fame or do some interviews for his DVD set or something, but to ask him to be a part of an actual segment rather than standing around and waving to the crowd is asking too much. He's moved on from that.

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I don't think it's fair to say that "few wrestlers" would choose the life on the road over a moderetly successful acting career. Why didn't they take acting courses then? What are they even doing wrestling in the first place? I don't disagree that some wrestlers would rather be actors, but I wouldn't say most, and definately not all.

The fact they want to be a wrestler over being an actor isn't the argument. The argument is, and always has been, choosing wrestling over an acting career, specifically an acting career that is, at the very least, moderately successful.


Once more:


Few wrestlers would choose a life on the road with all the hassle that entails over even a moderately successful acting career, where they could make comparable or better money, take fewer bumps, deal with less bullshit and spend more of their time at home with their family.


You really think most wrestlers wouldn't give up the constant travel, the bumps, the politics, the being away from home so often and all the stress that puts on a relationship, when they have an alternative that provides comparable money, if not more, and has less of the travel, none of the bumps, less of the stress and politics, and the bonus of not being on the road all the time and away from their family?


I won't say that all wrestlers would give all that up for a much better alternative, but to say most wouldn't is just ridiculous.

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It depends on their situation. Most of the younger wrestlers, who love the business, and want to make it big, would choose to stick with wrestling. More older wrestlers who have been in the business for awhile might choose to go to movies if they were given the chance, but alot of them would still stick with wrestling, because alot of them love the business.


Yeah, I'd say if you were to survey all current active wrestlers, you'd get more saying that they'd stick with wrestling over a movie career. (If the level of money they're making as around the same as it would be for acting.. I.E. Indy wrestlers would have an indy movie career etc.)

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A key factor is that a great majority of wrestlers are aware they couldn't get work as an actor which is why they'd stick to being wrestlers because they can do that. Wrestlers are typically bad actors, Rock was a rarity.

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It's all quite simple, actually.


Wrestling is a business (much like Hollywood), and wrestlers are essentialy freelance contractors. If they sign a contract, they must stay for the time they have signed on for, and when that time has expired, they are free to do as they please.


Have you ever had a really back breaking labor job where you work five days a week and just want to call it quits on the weekend? Well, wrestlers (at least the main eventers) get maybe 5-15 days off in an entire YEAR, not even counting promotional work.


Let's say you put in your time at said labor job, you do really well, and your boss and clients love you, yet your body can't handle the strain. You find a new job that pays better, and has a lot less to do with the toll it puts on your body and more to do on the way you do business and Cthe way you market yourself. Anybody who worked shit jobs in college and got a nice office job later on can attest to this. You get this new job based on your past work experience and resume, and the new job allows more time off, better benefits, and in a nutshell your family life and overall quality of living improves. And best of all, you get to sleep 8 hours a night.


You a currently doing a gig for said new job, and your old boss calls you up and says "I know you are busy, but all of the old clients have been asking about you. Do you think you could set something up to take time off of your better job and come back to work for us for a few days? We could really use the additional revenue!"


That being said, The Rock doesn't owe the WWE a damn thing.



once again the people care about the character/just seeing him, he doesn't have to wrestle. In terms of showing up and doing a funny skit every once and a while, there is absolutely no harm to him to do it.


Hollywood is a petty business. If people are telling him he could be more successful by staying away from Vince McMahon then the Rock should. The Rock may not get gigs if studios and directors know he's still involved in that fake, cartoon, kind of gay, wrestling business.


Hate to be the one to crush your dreams, but the professional wrestling business isn't universally loved by all.


You mean the same business that willfully employees known drug addicts and the like? And lol about the "crushing your dreams"...yeah boy I just have this fantasy that everyone loves wrestling. If they think they will make money off of him, they couldn't give a damn. Never mind the fact they already know he is and always will be associated and remembered for his time in wrestling. showing up for a 10 minute skit every blue moon isn't going to make them somehow think less of him. Hell if anything they saw his popularity in wrestling and knew they could capitalize on it. Keeping that popularity going in some minor fashion among wrestling fans, can only be good for business.

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But him showing up and doing a 10 minute skit once in a blue moon MEANS NOTHING. That's a pointless waste of his time and the viewer's time. I already said that I would mark out like a little bitch if he showed up again, but that doesn't mean I'm really clamoring for it. Just let him go. Short of coming back full time there is nothing left he can do that would make it a good move on anybody's part. And I would go so far as to say that him coming back would not even be a good move on his part because there is nothing left for him to accomplish (and don't give me any of this 'put someone over' crap).

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But him showing up and doing a 10 minute skit once in a blue moon MEANS NOTHING. That's a pointless waste of his time and the viewer's time. I already said that I would mark out like a little bitch if he showed up again, but that doesn't mean I'm really clamoring for it. Just let him go. Short of coming back full time there is nothing left he can do that would make it a good move on anybody's part. And I would go so far as to say that him coming back would not even be a good move on his part because there is nothing left for him to accomplish (and don't give me any of this 'put someone over' crap).




Thank you. I've been saying for years, beating The Rock will really mean nothing now that he isn't in the business anymore.


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One thing that seems to have escaped a lot of people is that while wrestling is performance, it's athletic performance. It's thinking on your feet, in real time, getting a real time reaction. That could very well be the draw for the wrestlers who wouldn't just take an acting career over a wrestling career.


And before you say, "Well, why aren't those people just in football, etc?" keep in mind that a lot of them were, but couldn't perform at the necessary level. For a lot of people. being a wrestler is the next best thng to being a traditional athlete.


Saying that any wrestler would jump at the chance to be an actor is like saying that any independent store owner would jump at being in a corporate position. Yeah, there are overlaps, but the indy store owner might be doing what he's doing for reasons that have nothing to do with being a corporate guy.

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But him showing up and doing a 10 minute skit once in a blue moon MEANS NOTHING. That's a pointless waste of his time and the viewer's time. I already said that I would mark out like a little bitch if he showed up again, but that doesn't mean I'm really clamoring for it. Just let him go. Short of coming back full time there is nothing left he can do that would make it a good move on anybody's part. And I would go so far as to say that him coming back would not even be a good move on his part because there is nothing left for him to accomplish (and don't give me any of this 'put someone over' crap).


Why does it have to mean anything other than giving the fans a surprise appearance and laugh for one night once a year or something? He doesn't have to be involved in any major storyline, he doesn't have to wrestle or even beat someone up (unless its mcmahon or something) . Hell they could do a thing like they did with pete rose and kane, just have him come down once a year at wrestlemania and give vince the people's elbow or something. I think that would be something perfect for him to do and it would be entertaining.


For the record, I'm not clamoring for it either or mad that he doesn't. But I have always felt a little bit that he kind of comes across as one of those guys who thinks to themselves "i'm too good for you and this shit" now. I'm not saying that is the way he is but taking 10 minutes a year or something just to put smiles on people's faces just seems like the cool thing to do, especially since everyone loves and misses the dude.

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He doesn't need to. There's no point in doing it, because the guy has been gone from wrestling, and having him show up periodically would just be useless. Yes, it's great that he was a wrestler. He's moved on. Apparently the WWE hasn't.


Besides showing up the current faces, and all. Cena's lucky to get even half the reaction The Rock would.

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The Rock was being trashed constantly before he quit wrestling all together. Now all of a sudden, he is looked at as some god. I don't buy it. Guy was barely better than Cena in the ring. People are arguing over someone needing to come back because of his mic skills.


and that's sad.

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