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Guest LesnarLunatic

Test =! Excitement

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Guest LesnarLunatic

Test, who is out of breath, talks about Brock getting the next big boot and then Test would be the next big thing.


Uh... no.

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Guest Nevermortal

Test, always a comedian cuts a promo about how he'll beat Brock Lesnar.


I laughed.

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Guest LesnarLunatic

Why did Test (a heel) beat Hardcore (a face) to face Lesnar (a heel)?

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Guest One Bad Apple

Test was just the better man tonight.


It's that simple.

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Guest LesnarLunatic

Test could win the King of the Ring.


King Test..




but it'd mean that Test could face HHH at Summerslam for the worst SS main event since Nash/Viscera

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Guest One Bad Apple

I like Test, I don't like HHH, and I liked the last Test/HHH match.


Especially since Test won.


He was the better man on that night.

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Guest WWE Champion
but it'd mean that Test could face HHH at Summerslam for the worst SS main event since Nash/Viscera


No, it would be worse.

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Guest LesnarLunatic

picking a worse match between Diesel/Mabel and Game/Human Vacuum Cleaner is like picking between Hitler and Stalin for 'who's more evil'

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Guest The Czech Republic

Well, Stalin executed the Ukrainians, but Hitler executed the Jews. Killing Jewish people=very bad. Hitler 1, Stalin 0.


Hitler was a fascist. Stalin was a communist. Tied at 1 apiece.


Hitler had a mini-mustache. Stalin had a big evil mustache, bordering on handlebar. Handlebar = evil. Hitler 1, Stalin 2.


Hitler spoke German. Stalin spoke Russian. Russian always sounds evil. Hitler 1, Stalin 3.


Stalin helped us in WW2. Stalin helped Hitler in WW2. Two-facedness = evil. Hitler 1, Stalin 4.


I think it's clear that Stalin was more evil than Hitler.

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Guest LesnarLunatic

German sounds alot meaner than Russian.


Hitler was an unemployed artist, Stalin was a student in a seminary. Vienna artists = evil. Point for Hitler.


But, I'd say that a song that goes "Stalin loves the little children" would not be as bad as "Hitler loves the little children, all the children of the world"


It's still a tossup.

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Guest Razor Roman
Well, Stalin executed the Ukrainians, but Hitler executed the Jews. Killing Jewish people=very bad. Hitler 1, Stalin 0.

Hey,I"m Ukranian. I think Stalin should get a point for that too. You can't say killing one t ype of person is worse then killing another type of person.


(Unless you're talking about terrorists, of course)

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Guest Prince Paul
Test could win the King of the Ring.


King Test..




but it'd mean that Test could face HHH at Summerslam for the worst SS main event since Nash/Viscera

I think I'd rather see Test with the belt than HHH. And I'm not big on Test, if that means anything. Am I alone?

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Guest Razor Roman

At least Test's song... well the one that was on WWF The Music 4 has catchy lyrics..


From what I can gather it's


"When we go can I get a can of Coke please?

When you go can you pick me up some goat cheese?

Talk about a lie but your momma won't stop now.

One stop to the givin' up the throat now.

Test... This Is a Test..."

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Guest Rick001

Last I checked I thought Harcore was a heel (if you listen to Micheal Cole) I like Hardcore Holly though. Way I'll see it is Test will lose to Lesnar RVD will beat Jericho. Then knowing WWE and thier wanting to push the big men and screw over the talented ones. Lesnar will win and become king Lesnar and face HHH at Summerslam becuase we all know HHH won't let Taker win

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Guest Prince Paul

Lesnar vs HHH better not be our SS Main Event. Lesnar needs heat. He could be somethign big, but he's heatless. Way better than HHH though in my book.

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Guest Invader3k

Personally I'm not opposed to Test getting a push. I was excited a couple years ago when he was feuding with HHH during the whole Stephanie marriage fiasco. But that didn't really go anywhere, did it?


Test could be accepted as an upper mid-carder/sometime main eventer if pushed in the right way. But simply making him win KotR isn't going to do it. The character is stale and needs some re-tooling. Maybe give him a manager or valet, and make Test a bit more cocky or something. I don't know...


It would probably help if he picked a finisher and stuck with it too. How many has this guy had? The big elbow, the big boot, the pumphandle slam thing, that impaler DDT move...I'm probably forgetting one or two.

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Guest Angle-plex

Test has been pushed MANY times and he still hasn't got over. I don't even think he could get over if they change his gimmick, let alone main event(If he ever does my TV will be on a different channel).

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Guest LesnarLunatic

Test wouldn't even get over if his gimmick was "I'll have women flash their tits if you cheer me"

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Guest Human Fly

If they want to get Test over, the first thing they need to do is give him a month or two off. All of this trial and error with im while he's on tv makes people care less and less about him. If they want a Test push to work they need to vcome up with something while he's gone and stick with it, if that doesn't work send him to OVW.

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Guest Prince Paul

They might have had something with that whole immunity thing, but that's long forgotten by the WWE braintrust. Plus they no longer need a Nash look a like, when they have the man himself. <_<

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Guest Angle-plex

Why even bother pushing Test? It's not like he is a great wrestler like Benoit and Angle. It's not like he is Storm who is a great wrestler with no charisma (Although Storm did well on smackdown). Test can go fight on Velocity while WWE could be pushing someone ::gasp:: in the cruisereight division.

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Guest Anglesault

Test couldn't get over if Jesus Christ himself descended from heaven to endorse Test.

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Guest HartFan86
Last I checked I thought Harcore was a heel (if you listen to Micheal Cole)


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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Well, since no one listens to MC, you've missed the parts on Smackdown over the last couple of weeks where he's mentioned that TEST still has IMMUNITY until Survivor Series.

So they haven't completely forgot about it, they just aren't doing anything with it.

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Guest Nezbyte
Test wouldn't even get over if his gimmick was "I'll have women flash their tits if you cheer me"

Be fair, that WOULD get Test over. Atleast for a few weeks.

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Guest Nezbyte
No, it really wouldn't.

How do you figure? With a nearly 100% male audience, he's be fucking HUGE!

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