Guest This is Bo Report post Posted March 9, 2008 A different camera man gets a paged that reads ‘go into SIN’s locker room for interview’. The page came in private but he just shrugs it off and walks towards SIN’s locker room. He knocks on the door but there was no answer, he pressed his right ear to the door trying to hear something, but there was nothing to be heard. It’s dead silent in the locker room, the cameraman apprehensively grabs the door knob, pulls back, takes a deep breath and slowly grabs the door knob again, turning it to the right it clicks open. He exhales and stood there; hand on the knob and the door slightly ajar. He walks into a dark, dimly room. He wants to say ‘hello…is it me you’re looking for?’ but decided not to. He slowly inches himself in, camera firmly on top of his right shoulder searches the room. He still can’t see anything, too dark. The camera man thought of something, he puts on the ‘night vision’ on his camcorder and starts looking through it. He walks cautiously forward trying not to make any noise. “I’m pretty sure I’ve made a statement…” A voice was heard from somewhere in the room. The camera turns widely with the camera to where he thought the sound came from. “Clarke had nothing on me and even with the distraction of these two idiots, I still managed to…” SIN was interrupted by the cameraman who is frantically looking for him and finally he said “Where are you?” SIN exhaled “Turn around, 70 degrees to your left, sitting on sofa.” The cameraman slowly turns, trying to follow directives. “Keep going…” SIN said trying to be a patient man. Slowly but steady the cameraman continues… “A little more…you’re almost there.” Assured SIN The cameraman still didn’t want to hurry up, but when he heard SIN exhaled he picked up the pace a tad and quickly saw SIN sitting at the sofa with his elbows on his knees and hands under his chin. SIN quickly sat up straight and changes his face from boredom to focus. The cameraman gives a signal with his free hand that he’s ready. “Now where was I?” SIN paused for a second, trying to remember exactly where he got cut off. “Oh yeah…I remember now, Clarke, he had nothing on me. Even with the distraction by those two bend over buddies I still managed to whip Clarke’s ass.” There was a silent moment which made the camera man get a tad uncomfortable, the camera catches the eyes of SIN, looking down to the floor, catching an inching sensation as he unconsciously scratches his right index finger…he looks up. “Next week, I’m facing a chick…I don’t know if she’s a chick with a dick, but a chick nonetheless. I don’t know who she is and frankly I don’t give a fuck. Because this is a man’s world, now if you step into ‘men’ business than you get treated like a man, get put down like a man, and get stomp, beat, punched, kick, hurt like a man.” He continues to speak while shaking his head “No, I’m not going to take you lightly, I’m not going to underestimate you, you are competition, hence you are going to be treated without prejudice, without sexism…basically you’re going to get treated fairly, and get your ass beat fairly.” SIN chuckles…a small smirk emerges from the left side of his mouth, he continues. Evidently you like things ‘hard’ since you call yourself the hardcore princess…I’ve seen you, I aint giving you nothing hard.” SIN leans forward, right hand on top of the left, eyes squinting a bit…he lowers his voice. “A word of advice, I’m going to this match with the mentality of disposing you as quick and painful as I can possible can, don’t resist, don’t fight back…the more you do, the more you’re going to get hurt, and then you’re going to have no choice and be where you should be and that’s in the mother fuckin kitchen.” SIN’s door is flung open and Bo runs it…The cameraman twirls the camera towards the door, SIN gives a puzzled as well as an anger look. Bo flicks on the lights, slams the door and leans on it too as he tries to catch his breath. “What the fuck are you doing Chuck?” SIN said as he gets up. “Shhhh.” The sound came from Bo’s mouth as he places his right index finger on his lips. There was a sound of running coming from the other side of the door, Bo leans his head back making his head make contact of the door. When the sound faded Bo looks back at SIN and noticed he was a bit perturbed, he also noticed the cameraman facing Bo with the machine on his shoulder. “Whachudoin?” “I’m trying to cut a promo here Bo, do you mind?” SIN said with an attitude. The face Bo put was priceless, a mixture of bewilderment, shock, anger, sorrow all at the same time crossed the face of Bo. “You’re cutting a what?” “A Promo, you do know what that is don’t you?” “Don’t get smart with me…but what the fuck is you doing? Who the fuck is you to be cutting a promo on your second match? Nigga you aint nobody, this is your second match and you got to prepare yourself for this match, what is wrong with you?” Bo said “What?” SIN asked with a bit of confusion and frustrated tone in his voice. “I know you aint talking? On your second match you cut a promo with caskets and shit because you had a casket match, and you’re talking about me?” Bo just stood there, thinking, actually looking up to the ceiling trying to remember. “Shit, was that my second match, if felt like ages ago.” “Yeah, it was in the IGNWF and you have the audacity to talk about me, besides, I’m facing a chick.” SIN said with a cocky sound. Bo’s face drop, his look now is frustration with tiredness; he begins walking towards SIN who stood there on guard. Bo stood about 6 feet away from SIN and just stood there, he’s about to say something when SIN quickly starts talking right before Bo does. “I don’t want to hear it Chuck.” “Well you’re going too…what the fuck is wrong with you acting all cocky?” “I’m the not cocky I’m confident, and when people say I’m the best, that’s just a compliment.” SIN said, popping his collar and a million dollar smile on his face. “Do not sleep on anybody, that’s the problem with ya young motherfuckers right now, ya don’t listen and ya think ya invincible. I myself thought that until I was put in my place…many times.” Bo started; his preaching about this business has begun to be a thorn in SIN’s ass. “You don’t underestimate anybody, you listening?” “Yeah, I hear you.” SIN answered with infuriation. “You’re hearing me but you’re not listening…you better take this shit a bit more serious youngin.” “I have a question for you Mr. Bo…what would you do if a couple of overpaid wannabe wrestlers and manager tried to interfere with your match, what would you do?” Asked SIN, really not wanting an answer because he already had things planned. “I would plan a payback, but honestly Sir Marv wasn’t or isn’t trying to hurt you, he’s just trying to recruit you.” Bo answered. SIN smiles, the first smile he had since the promo started. “I told him to suck my left nut; you think he would be upset because of it. I’m pretty sure I will, I mean, unless he swings that way.” Bo exhaled in frustration “Listen, you’re a grown fuckin man, you’re going to make your own decisions, I’m just trying to help you so you don’t make the same mistakes that I’ve made, and make it beyond my success. You are a capable world champ, and with my little help and the managerial skills of Sir Marv, shit, the skies the limit.” “Thanks…I will try not to let you down, but I cannot accept the offer of Sir Marv, I don’t trust him and I think a relationship, any kind of relationship should be based on trust. I trust you; you are like a big brother to me therefore I trust you. I will not underestimate anyone, and I’m not taking this match lying down.” “Good” Bo said. Another smile crept along the lips of SIN as he snuck in “Shit, unless she got a hotter sister and they both want to jump on top of me naked, then I would not mind lying down at all.” Bo shakes his head, walks slowly towards SIN with a disappointed look on his face. He stands face to face with his protégé, exhales, than a big smile came to his face with his hand extended and said. “Shit, I feel you on that dog.” SIN continues to smile, gives Bo a pound with a one arm hug. “Listen Sammy, I gotta sneak out of this shit, you aint seen me, you dig?” Bo said. “What about the cameraman?” SIN said while pointing with his face. Bo looks back towards the cameraman who shows some nervousness “You aint going to say shit right?” “No sir.” The cameraman said, knowing what happen to his co-worker about 2 weeks ago. “I will not say a word I will take it to the grave with me. “You know, just saying ‘no sir’ would have been enough for me, but you kept talking which makes me nervous. Maybe I should beat you senseless that you’ll forget?” Bo said taking a step forward and causing the cameraman take a few steps back. SIN grabs the arm of Bo and said “He aint going to say shit, I’ll make sure of that.” Bo stood facing the cameraman with a sick smile on his face as he extended his hand to SIN. “Aight man, you got it…now let me sneak out of this hell hole.” Bo gives SIN and pound, walks towards the door, put his hand on the door knob, opens it oh so lightly, peeks out, looks left and right, sticks his head out to take a good look, looks back at SIN, closed his fist and punches his chest, and off he leaves slamming the door behind him. The scene switches back to SIN who his sitting back on his sofa. “Like I was saying, I’m an equal opportunity type of guy…so this chick that I’m facing next week. If I give you the opportunity to suck my left and right nut, hey, it is what it is.” SIN said, ready to finish the promo. “Excuse me sir.” The cameraman dared to speak up. SIN shot an evil look towards his way but didn’t threaten him at all; in fact, he just waited for this cameraman to say what he was going to say. “I really don’t think that Taiga is really paying any mind in this match. She’s focus in what lies ahead when the return of Annie finally comes, you’re actually second…if not third notice for her.” “What?” SIN now walks closer to the camera, his face as intense as the fist time he arrived and saw Sir Marv. Taiga let me tell you something…you want to think about another chick, well, that’s your business, but after our match, you won’t be able to think about anybody else again. I am going to destroy you, I’m going to look at you as my dead beat pops that paid attention to someone else instead of his own goddamn family, and that’s a big mistake. If you’re not religious than I will make you ask god for forgiveness and if you believe in God you will become an atheist. You decided to look pass me and just for your disrespectfulness you have just committed your biggest SIN! “ The scene starts to fade out as SIN walks towards the door. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites