alfdogg 0 Report post Posted March 12, 2008 DJ Clue's Super Mario Remix plays, and the Burrough Boys make their way through the curtains, to the boos of the crowd. COLE And here come the Burrough Boys, to the boos of this crowd here in Louisiana! Let's to to Michael Buffer! BUFFER [i]The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring, accompanied by fellow Burrough Boys Mariano, Luther, and Waldo...hailing from Queens, New York, weighing in at 220 pounds...Burrough Boy QUUUUUUUUUUUUINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNCCCCCCCCCYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!![/i] COLE So it'll be Quincy competing in this match for the Burrough Boys, who last week, ambushed their former ally, Reject, right here in this very ring! They said that Reject hadn't been producing results in the ring, and it was reflecting on them! Quincy slides in the ring, and starts shadow boxing as his partners egg him on. [i]God of Thunder[/i] hits, and Thunderkid makes his way through the yellow strobes and smoke in the entryway. COACH Well. Quincy's got a tough test here tonight! BUFFER [i]His opponent...hailing from Green Bay, Wisconsin, weighing in at 250 pounds...THUNDERKID!!!!![/i] Thunderkid walks down to the ring, then slides inside and poses on the buckles. As the lights come on, the other three Burrough Boys are gone from ringside. COLE And apparently Quincy's group has been sent to the back! COACH What for? COLE Well, they're not licensed managers! *DING DING DING* TK and Quincy circle the ring, and tie up. TK promptly shoves Quincy off into a corner! COLE And right away, TK showing off that power! COACH Gotta use your speed here, Quincy! Quincy gets to his feet slowly, then moves in, and quickly goes behind TK. He grabs a waistlock, then quickly drops down and trips TK to the mat from behind, hopping over and paintbrushing him after the fact! COLE And now Quincy trying to get under the skin of TK! COACH That was a nice trip by Quincy, though! COLE A very good wrestling move, I have to admit! TK moves in on Quincy, who goes to the eyes, and backs TK into a corner. He delivers some quick kicks, then steps out and delivers a spinning thrust kick to the face! COACH And Reject felt that one last week! Quincy then executes a monkey flip, kipping up and then celebrating, not knowing that TK had flipped right over to his feet! COLE And Quincy may want to turn around right here! Quincy does turn around, just in time for TK to deliver a big right, sending him back into the corner. TK delivers big rights in the corner, followed by a stiff European uppercut! He then whips Quincy across the ring, and catches him coming back in a PRESS SLAM~! COACH Uh-oh... TK walks to the ropes and tosses Quincy right to the floor! COLE And a long way down for Quincy, as TK in complete control of this match! Quincy starts to get to his feet, and TK gives chase as Quincy takes off gingerly around the ring! Finally, Quincy ducks underneath the ring, and TK follows. After a few seconds, Waldo makes his way into the ring, selling phony injuries. COLE Wait a minute! Coach, that's not the right one! TK slides out, and follows Waldo inside, who begs off. TK picks up Waldo, who goes to the eyes, then starts delivering body blows, and executes a vertical suplex! He follows with a standing somersault senton, then a regular standing senton! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Waldo then rolls to the outside and grabs a chair, which is promptly taken by the referee. COLE And now Waldo attempting to blatantly cheat right in front of the referee! COACH No, he's not! Look! As the referee turns to put the chair away, Luther appears and springs to the top rope, coming down on TK as Waldo holds him on the ropes! COLE And now another one in there! That's Luther! This is like a 4-on-1 handicap match! COACH No, it's only 3-on-1 so far! COLE But you know Mariano is lurking under there somewhere! COACH How do you know that? COLE ...are you a fucking idiot? Waldo jumps out and goes under the ring, as Luther stays in. He picks TK up, and executes a twisting neckbreaker! 1... 2... Kickout! Luther picks up TK, and whips him into a corner, then charges...but TK moves out of the way! TK grabs Luther from behind, and executes a back suplex! Both men lay on the mat, as the referee counts! 1!!! 2!!! 3!!! 4!!! 5!!! Both men get to their feet, and TK quickly wins a slugfest. He then whips Luther into the ropes. Luther ducks a clothesline, but gets caught in a bodypress attempt, and TK executes a FALLAWAY SLAM~! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! TK attempts another Irish whip, but Luther reverses, and TK is tripped from the outside! COLE And look at this! What's the referee doing? Luther tosses TK to the outside, then distracts the referee as TK is double-teamed by Mariano and Quincy! COACH Mariano! What a surprise! COLE :rolleyes: They roll TK back inside, where Luther covers... 1... 2... Kickout! Luther then removes a turnbuckle pad, which, again, is blocked by the referee. As the referee assesses the situation, this allows Quincy to jump back in. COLE And another substitution, now it's Quincy back in! Quincy sets up a piledriver, but TK blocks, and backdrops him! TK then floors Quincy with a clothesline! A second! A third! TK then whips Quincy into the ropes, and catches him with a BICYCLE KICK! COLE And TK amazingly able to withstand this! TK then signals for the end, picks Quincy up, and plants him with the THUNDERBOLT DDT~!!!!!11111 COACH I can't believe this! Mariano, who was peeking over the apron, slides in and goes after TK, but is met with a clothesline, as the referee calls for the bell! *DING DING DING* TK gets caught with a MISSILE DROPKICK from Luther, then he and Waldo stomp away on TK, with Mariano shortly joining, as Reject jogs down the aisle, steel chair in hand! COLE And here comes Reject! COACH Listen to the crowd, too! Indeed, the crowd cheers as Reject slides in and blasts Waldo across the back with the chair! Luther then takes a shot to the head, but Mariano grabs the chair from Reject! He cranks it up, but TK takes it from [i]him[/i], then hits him over the head with it, causing him to stagger back into the EULOGY~!!!!!11111 from Reject! COLE I never thought I'd see this again, and neither did this crowd here in Louisiana! Listen to them! Reject gets up, and is looking TK right in the eye. After a brief awkward stare-off, Reject turns and exits the ring, and walks to the back. COACH I don't know what to make of this situation, Cole! COLE Well, I'm sure we'll hear more about it in the weeks leading to AngleMania! Right now, let's go to... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites