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Guest Prince Paul

Kane's Return

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Guest Prince Paul

I read on 411 that Kane is about 6 weeks from returning. When he returns, he will surely feud with X-Pac over the mask (in feud that most of us can't wait for)--*sigh*. But will he be masked? Many say his character can go no further unless he loses the mask and tries to move on and become more human like. There's also the argument that removing his mask just makes him another big hoss like the rest of them. Any thoughts?


My feelings are mixed...but with Russo just being hired, I'm saying that they take the mask off and say that his scars are healed because of something retarded. This is not what I want, but probably what could happen.


I say leave the mask on at this point. It's not like Mr. Jacobs is a young man with a lenghty career ahead of him, and he'll probably never truely shine until Taker retires, if at all.

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Guest LesnarLunatic

I bet the WWF just forgets about the whole mask thing in the first place when Kane returns. Kane will have the same mask as before and then he will job for Triple H, or Test

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Guest Prince Paul

Did X-Pac wear the mask this week? I don't recall, but I know he wore it previous to this past week.

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Guest mach7

I'm sure Kane owns more than one mask. But regardless, I think the whole point of it was to 1) give him a reason to take time off for his surgery. and 2) give him a reason NOT to come back with a mask. If anything, they'll say he had plastic surgery to fix his face when the nWo smashed it in with a chair. Or am I hoping for too much continuity here? This IS WWE afterall.


PS- I hate these fucking smiley faces. Every time I use brackets something retarded comes out of it..

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Guest Prince Paul

That might be TOO much continuity there. I'm sure WWE can remember, "hey X-Pac has his mask, and has been wearing it." But anything beyond that would almost take a miracle.

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Guest Human Fly

I say keep the mask on. The only thing taking it off can accomplish is that everyone will realize that he's been in the WWF before with many failed gimmicks. The mask makes him standout. I'm guessing his first feud will be with X-Pac. Could be decent if it doesn't run too long.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20








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Guest LesnarLunatic

If we get to see another X-Pac/Kane feud, will X-Pac go over in every match like he did the first time?

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20











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Guest LesnarLunatic

Well, the NWO's now feuding with Booker T and Goldust, so they're getting in-check... hehehe

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Guest bob_barron

I think at Summ, Kane should come out with a new mask and fight XPac.


Kane no-sells all until XP hits him with a weapon and takes control. XP goes for the broncobuster but Kane just pops up, chokeslams him and tombstones him all to hell.


It'd be awesome.

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Guest LesnarLunatic

Yeah, it would be, but in a real life Kane/X Pac match, Nash interferes, Big Show interferes, Shawn Michaels superkicks Kane, X-Pac gives Kane the X-Factor for a 3 count. ;)

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Guest Prince Paul

Yeah, they need to get X-Pac/Kane over with a 1 PPV Payoff. I'm not sure everyone will realize his failed gimmicks without the mask, but it's probably just too little to late.


Kane will always be a HOSS though! :D

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

According to a recent radio interview, Kane expects to be feuding with X-Pac upon his return over his mask. He expects to return in about six weeks.






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Guest Zack Malibu

I think they need to drop Kane's whole "tortured soul/freak" gimmick, and give him a badass, almost vigilante style gimmick. He just goes around kicking ass, wiping people out (maybe make him a tweener, and have titles be his only goal). Update his look a bit (new mask design, outfit, etc.) and push him as a badass. Give him a more menacing aura. When he talks, have him be quick and to the point. It'll be a lot better than a Test/Holly/Big Show badass push of the week.

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Guest Zack Malibu

All I can think of is Kane vs. Hurricane, in a recreation of that pointless Vader vs. Kane "mask vs. mask" feud.


Vader used to VOLUNTARILY take off his damn mask, not like it left any mystery behind his identity anyways. I can just imagine Tazz, just like last week, shouting "Oh My God, it's Gregory Helms!!!"


I'd die if I heard "Oh My God, it's Isaac Yankem, Cole...Isaac Yankem is Kane!"

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Guest LesnarLunatic

I'll die even more if Cole screams out "It's the New Diesel!" when Kane is being unmasked..

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Guest KANE

That first X-Pac/Kane feud pissed me off. HHH probably used his power to get X-Pac over and bury a man who was formerly a main eventer.


That feud sucked because no one could EVER buy X-Pac beating Kane. The only way X-Pac could ever conceivably beat Kane is if X-Pac was backed by 5 guys with baseball bats, and X-Pac has a bomb.


Anyway, I think the way to go is with a new mask and costume. The mask needs to be fierce looking, maybe having devil horns or something, and a wider mouth slit so he can speak clearly.

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Guest Prince Paul

They'll have Nash unmask him, and laugh at him for being his former imposter. Then the whole Clique will probably piss on him as they've buried another soul. :angry:

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Guest dreamer420

when russo was last in the wwf kane was getting a nice little push and after he left his career has been kind of fluttering. maybe russo can give kane's character the kick in the ass that it needs to get into the main event scene where he belongs.

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Guest Prince Paul

It doesn't sound like Kane will be getting any help from Russo now. Poor Kane. For a big man, he's not THAT bad.

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Guest KANE

Notice that when Kane got injured, the WWE became 10 times more unwatchable? Coincidence? Absolutely not!

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Guest Incandenza

I just hope this Kane/X-pac feud is short, painless, and involves a lot of no-selling by Kane.

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Guest Prince Paul

So then most of us agree that the X-Pac Kane feud should be short, Kane should murder X-Pac and probably keep the mask, because as Retro Rob said, he'll just be another HOSS.


I'm not sure I'd even tweak his attire or mask.

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Guest GenerationNever

I'm tired of the "Kane" gimmick. I honestly think it's holding Jacobs back and keeping him in the Undertaker's shadow.

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Guest El Satanico

He should keep the mask because he's just too average looking without it.


But he needs a costume and character update.


Put him in all black with a more stylized mask. And get rid of a mesh openings for his nipples.


Since they seem to be pushing Raven as his old self wouldn't be a bad idea to make Kane his muscle who Raven has control over. I know some will reply with "but he's with Undertaker", well i don't believe that he is. I think he's getting into some sort of fued with the Hardys and just used the Undertaker as an opening to torture them.

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Guest thebear

5 years can change someone's looks considerable, considering the last time we saw him unmasked, he had shitty short curly hair, and gimmicked teeth...


A new look Glen Jacobs with a new finisher could help re-establish him...

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