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Guest converge241

Beyond The Mat + Wrestling W/shadows

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Guest converge241

A little Beyond the mat talk spurred this.

what are your favorite scenes?

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Guest MideonMark

Paul Heymans motivational speech before Barely Legal


Paul Heyman talking about Jake The Snake Roberts, cause in a few words he describes the ability of Roberts and his promo skills perfectly-'he literally explodes into your living room and capitvates you'(I dont think thats exactly what he said but its close enough)


'And then there was New Jack...'-I dont know why but I love that line


The two guys outside the arena describing Mick Foley, one guys describing how he can get up from anything, and the other guy is reapeatedly says-'That boy know'. I like this part cause both guys look so damn idiotic.


Vince McMahon after the guy who wrestled Mike Modest hits a Fishermans Buster saying that he needed to work on that, cause the idiot thought it was a messed up Fishermans Suplex.


Ive never seen Wrestling With Shadows, I really should. How does it compare with BTM?

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Guest Drury37

I have only seen Beyond The Mat,but does anyone else remember the part where the guy was trying but lifting weights on a trampolene in his underwear.It's not my favorite part but I still found it very funny.I liked Paul Heyman's motivated speech a lot and I thought the parts when they where at the wrestling school was pretty cool.


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Guest gwf0704

:o The cameraman asking Spike Dudley to please wipe the blood off his face.


I think my favorite part was the segment on Terry Funk in ECW


Most heartbreaking is seeing Mick Foleys kids freak seeing daddy get his head bashed by a chair over and over by the Rock!

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Guest MideonMark

Yeah and 'Stand my Me' playing, adds to the emotion of it, brings a tear to my eye thinking about it

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Guest converge241

when Jake is in Podunk and proclaims he could be the mayor if he wanted to stay in BTM

(yeah sure Jake..im sure the pops would drop if you did more than one show there)


the dungeon in WWS where the guys just getting tortured by Stu and hes like "yes sir!!!"


BTM with Roland Alexander and showing Tony and Mike's tryouts


both for the little scenes with everybody walking around/hanging out backstage.. its surreal

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Guest franchise632
when Jake is in Podunk and proclaims he could be the mayor if he wanted to stay in BTM

(yeah sure Jake..im sure the pops would drop if you did more than one show there)

He could be mayor if he moved to Washington D.C. they have already elected one crack smoking mayor.


My fav BotM parts: Any of the ECW stuff, especially the Paul Heyman speech before Barely Legal, it gives me chills, but i get pumped up by stuff like that.


Wrestling with Shadows~ I don't think I have one favorite part, I thought the whole things was great. Even though Im not a big Bret Hart guy. Maybe the part where he is talking about how he can trust Earl Hebner, lol.

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Guest papacita

BTM...any part that had Chyna in it, and I also enjoyed Heyman's speech. I thought Jake's meeting with his daughter was interesting too.


Wrestling With Shadows...hated it all.









Not really, but nothing really stands out to me.

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Guest dreamer420

beyond the mat:


foley/rock from RR99

terry funk's retirement show

paul heyman's speech before barely legal

spike dudley talking about shakespeare while blood is dripping from his forehead


wrestling with shadows:


i like this entire movie top to bottom so there isn't really anything bad I can say about it.

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Guest The Son of Sting

Beyond the mat

Heymans speach

All the Foley segments


Wrestling with Shadows

Stu in the dungen with those two guys


both for the backstage parts

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Guest J*ingus

Wrestling with Shadows: when Bret confronts Shawn in the locker room after Montreal, and HBK whines like a little kid about how he had nothing to do with it. Also: "Vince... (smirk) ran into my fist."

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Guest dreamer420
Wrestling with Shadows: when Bret confronts Shawn in the locker room after Montreal, and HBK whines like a little kid about how he had nothing to do with it. Also: "Vince... (smirk) ran into my fist."

that's the footage that shows what a piece of shit shawn michaels really is.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

When heyman slams his hand down and says AND THIS IS THE DANCE! man that was just awesome and i gave me chills.


I think the part with the jobber guy(cant remember his name off hand) and he whines about not being on the card and stuff.



When Bret's wife confronts HHH and Shawn was a great part.

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Guest converge241

that exterminator is just too much


"well its been 1,460 days since my last macth but you never know when the next one is going to be"


you just know that he x's off the days on his claendar to keep that total running.


"well thats an old wreslter's rule, you dont appear if your not booked"


then he drones on and on about how he wont be there then minutes later (on screen AND probably in real life) hes all ecstatic and babbling like a girl

"its the main event!!"


I wish there was more New Jack and shake my head at the casting scene due to them not referring to New Jack as an actor but in terms of "Denzel".


How forced do some of those scens with Vince and especially Shane look?


Rock sure sounde differnt huh?


favorite line:

whwn the foleys bump into Austin backsatge

"how you doin Steve?"

"im not very good , at all" (stated matter of factly)

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Guest converge241

also , is it just me or does Roland Alexander seem/look a little "shady"?

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics

That bit in BTM backstage with Foley and Rock when Austin comes in has the first recorded instance of the "What" catchphrase.

I recently got the DVD and saw it again for the first time in a while, and that "what" bit cracked me up.

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Guest FakeRazor

Without a doubt, the best part of Beyond the Mat is, "First its one girl... then two at a time... then two with toys... then two, I'll just watch."

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Guest cabbageboy

My favorite part of WWS: "You can swear to God all you want Hunter but some day God is going to strike you down."

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Guest Perfect Plex

BTM Moments:


How can you forget about the ultimate Jake Roberts line?

(looks down at jacket) What the hell is this shit?......fucking chocolate?


Anytime I get to see Paul Heyman and Jim Cornette backstage, I'm happy


On the part where Roland is telling that potential student how to stay healthy, and adds "And stay away from the Jack in the Box" does anyone else get hungry?


WWS Moments:


There's nothing funny at all about this movie, but I have to smile at "Vince ran into my fist."

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Guest dreamer420
Without a doubt, the best part of Beyond the Mat is, "First its one girl... then two at a time... then two with toys... then two, I'll just watch."

it's funny that jake was the threesome king back in the day when he was loved by millions.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

I wanna know how much pussy hulk was getting back in the day(coughNONEcough). Im sure no one got more than Rude.

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Guest RetroRob215

I loved all of Wrestling With Shadows. As for Beyond The Mat, I liked everything except the APW & Jake Roberts stuff.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

The Jake Roberts stuff is depressing. BTM should have gone with UPW instead of APW IMO.

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Guest Combat Apparatus

Best part of BTM,


"Lookat those ducks! WAKWAKWAKWAKWAK!"




"All I ever did for my son was out of love" -this coming from a man that raped a 13 year old girl

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Guest nWoScorpion

Beyond the Mat: Terry Funk story


Wrestling w/ Shadows: None of it cause I only seen it once and it pissed me off at WWF.


BTW WWS i think was a documentary on A&E, not a movie.

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Guest caboose

When Foley's kids are crying really makes me feel horrible.

My girlfriend started crying when see saw that.

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Guest TheScholarlyLion



Oh man, so much here. I love the Terrance Stamp stuff and the Paul E speech too, and I'll try to name stuff that hasn't been said yet (for the most part)


-"The hell is this shit... is it... chocolate?"


-"Fuck you, daddy." -Sylvia Plath. I know the poor girl has some issues, but that scrapbook was creepy. Cripes, she had a full page with the word "anger" written over and over.


-Vince not recognizing a Fisherman's Buster and then Mosh saying he was going to steal the Air Raid Crush. Even the guys in the business are rubes!


-"When I caught up with him a few hours later... he was doing crack." I find this funny for some reason.


-"Yo Barry, this is yo' favorite negro!"


-"I think he'll be Denzel's pal, I don't think he'll be Denzel." I can't believe those casting agents weren't actors. Too funny.


-"He was born out of love and I still love him." OK there, Grizz.


-The thing where Jake says he was going to stick the business up his dad's ass and how he did and how it didn't matter. Sad.


-Jake pissing in a garbage can. "Ahhhhhhhh"


-Koko B. Ware sounding absolutely positively CUCKOO. "See ya Frankie. God bless." hahahahaha




-The subtitles on the DVD "The man they call FEVER!"


-In the commentary, Mick hates this shot of him where he and Colette walking with the kids riding their bikes in front. "Could I look any more like a bowling pin than I do there?"


As for WWS I haven't seen it in years, but I have it on tape somewhere. I remember Bret going on and on about wanting to be a hero and Julie damning HHH to HELL and both those were funny. Oh yeah, the Dungeon related stuff. The taped screams! "Er er er see this vein on his forehead? Pretty soon, his eyes will go bloodshoot and his face will turn blue." with Stu acting like he did this everyday and it was as normal as sitting in a Barcalounger and reading the paper. What a messed up family.

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Guest Tod deKindes

Look very closely, in Beyond The Mat, when they interview...that's right Justin Incredible. Read that again. Justin Incredible.


It's also funny to see Al Snow say how much Vince bullshitted him in the past and now he has a semi famous role as Tough Enough trainer.


Concerning Dennis Stamp and his excuse about not appearing if he's not booked, that's pure bullshit. From personal experience of working in a wrestling fed, I do know that you have to show up whether you're booked or not. You never know when someone might not have made it to the arena on time, thus the bookers can have someone to replace him. When you keep no-showing, the bookers think you just don't wanna do it, and thus they don't book the person.


More funny bits include Jake Roberts pinching Greg The Hammer Valentine's love handles, and Greg nonchalantly asking if the camera is gonna film him pissing.


Another great bit is Paul's motivational speech. But what I wanna know is what the hell Brian Lee (in mask and robe) was doing one floor up when he should be with the other guys listening in?


In the additional footage; Tommy Dreamer listing his injuries and Afa The Wild Samoan explaining how he got a strand of hair stuck in his eye socket are a mix of somewhat funny and disgusting.


You know, I'd kill for a follow up title to Beyond The Mat. Or if only there was a way to see ALL of Barry Blaustein's shot footage for the movie (for those without DVD capabilities)

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Guest TheScholarlyLion
Concerning Dennis Stamp and his excuse about not appearing if he's not booked, that's pure bullshit. From personal experience of working in a wrestling fed, I do know that you have to show up whether you're booked or not. You never know when someone might not have made it to the arena on time, thus the bookers can have someone to replace him. When you keep no-showing, the bookers think you just don't wanna do it, and thus they don't book the person.



See, the thing is that Dennis Stamp is a little off his rocker (or trampoline, eef you weeeel)


More funny bits include Jake Roberts pinching Greg The Hammer Valentine's love handles, and Greg nonchalantly asking if the camera is gonna film him pissing.



Hahahaha I forgot that part.


In the additional footage; Tommy Dreamer listing his injuries and Afa The Wild Samoan explaining how he got a strand of hair stuck in his eye socket are a mix of somewhat funny and disgusting.



I don't think this is on the DVD unless it's an easter egg or something. I heard the VHS version has some additional footage.

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