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Guest kurtangledoesnotsuck



15 members have voted


    • Yes
    • No
    • My Name is Vince
    • LA PARRRRR No Shane is better
    • HE'S A better wrestler
    • He's a better business man

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Guest Masahiro Chono Sushi Nagata Jush

He takes up too much TV time. That's what I think. A good actor? How can I say this bluntly? Fuck no. Good enough?

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

he *is* a better businessman, but that would be giving his acting skills too much credit, so NO!

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Guest goodhelmet

He's a shitty actor with great facial expressions. His freak out after Flair anounced he was part-owner was great. But I wouldn't rely on Vinnie MAc to help carry an angle the way Flair can.

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Guest mastermind

Vince over-acts too much. Especially that stupid gulp of his. He actually stole that from Hogan who used it first when Roddy Piper(how far is he from returning?*just a joke don't get any bright ideas writing in for Piper's 2939483482203 comeback) showed up at Halloween Havoc or something in 1996. I thought Vince did great when Flair returned on RAW, but as always ruined it by over-acting with putting his finger in his ear.

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Guest goodhelmet

The finger in the ear was priceless while he was going into convulsions. Overacting? Yes. Funny? Yes

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Guest Tony149

I thought Vince putting his finger in is ear was the sign to send out Austin.


Vince does over-act, but no where near as bad as Stephanie's over-acting.

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Guest The Electrifyer

Vince, I think, isn't that great of an actor, but I think he is good enough of one. I do like it though, when Vince puts on those priceless expressions that you guys mentioned. I think he is pretty funny at times, like when Undertaker & Kane "broke" his leg with the steel steps, his reactionwas priceless!!

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

As others stated, Vince is good when he doesn't overact.  When he's a rude and angry McMahon, with the whole "You're fired" type of attitude, I love McMahon's acting.  He does overact, but this is wrestling, what can we expect?


What he really sucks at doing is trying to act compassionate during his eight hundred heel/face turns.  


Shane's probably the best actor of the family.

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Guest goodhelmet

Shane's just as bad as the rest. Linda is by far the worst McMahon to ever appear on tv. Just her voice on RAW made me fall asleep and nearly miss the shitty wedding. If you have insomnia, put on a tape of Linda's voice, you'll be snoring in no time.

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Guest Tony149

Shane's ok. Linda & Steph are the bad actors. Although Linda is really a robot Vince created in a failed move to get into the computer making business. :)

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Guest Army Eye

I think he does overact sometimes but in a good, cheesy, wrestling way.  Stephanie's overacting is intolerable.. she just sounds like she's trying way too hard


Linda and acting are two words which just don't belong in the same sentence.  The two have never met

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Guest Tony149

I agree about Steph. She tries to act too much like her Dad. I thought Smackdown was a good example of her trying to act like Vince. It doesn't work well for her.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

I think that McMahon is a great actor for the WWF - completley OTT and a great character.


He always makes my mates and I laugh when we watch WWF.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Err, I thought that I was supposed to be remembered each time I came back to the board?  Oh well, I'll try again...


To add to my above post, no other McMahon can act other than Vince.


You have Linda the robot, Stpeh who is just poor, and Shane who is annoying.

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Guest Sassquatch

Vince and Stephanie make me embarassed to be a wrestling fan now.


And I really mean that.


Vince has become an embarassment and Stephanie is just terrible.


Vince use to be awesome on the mic and would play his part perfectly but now he is a joke.

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Guest areacode212

McMahon is actually a better actor than nearly all of his wrestlers. Sure, he's cheesy and has limited range, but he has good timing and knows how to ad-lib well.


As for Stephanie, I thought it was pretty clear that she overacts on purpose. That whole bit on Smackdown when she was ranting and raving about burning Hunter's photographs and videotapes was so funny because it was so absurdly over-the-top.

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Guest Tony149
McMahon is actually a better actor than nearly all of his wrestlers. Sure, he's cheesy and has limited range, but he has good timing and knows how to ad-lib well.


As for Stephanie, I thought it was pretty clear that she overacts on purpose. That whole bit on Smackdown when she was ranting and raving about burning Hunter's photographs and videotapes was so funny because it was so absurdly over-the-top.

Yeah, that's what I mean by her trying to act too much like Vince. Vince does that 100 times better than her.

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Guest Luke Cage

I saw video of Vince on the stands during the steroid trials. I'd have to say that he is one of the greatest acotrs of modern times...

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Guest Army Eye
I agree about Steph. She tries to act too much like her Dad. I thought Smackdown was a good example of her trying to act like Vince. It doesn't work well for her.

yeah that promo was brutal.  I had trouble watching it

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Guest TheHulkster
I saw video of Vince on the stands during the steroid trials. I'd have to say that he is one of the greatest acotrs of modern times...

lol ouch. Anyway, about vince, he hasn't really exhibited a whole lot of dramatic range, but its no where near as bad as stephanie, who pretty much has the same facial expressions and tone of voice whether she is angry or happy or sad. Vince has enthusiasm thought, and thats always a plus.

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