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Guest converge241

Red Dragon

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Guest converge241

there is a really good article in the new entertainment weekly on it


Anthony Hopkins

Edward Norton

Ralph Fiennes

Harvey Keitel

Philip Seymour Hoffman


it looks great and the character is not supposed to be as "over the top" as in Hannibal.


for those who dont know its a prequel to "Silence", right after Lechter gets put away and sortof a remake of Manhunter, based on the book "red dragon".


comes out in October

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Guest Mattdotcom

I saw the same article and it made me look forward to it even more. Apparently, we'll see Hannibal at people and get captured. On another note, did anybody catch the clips on Access Hollywood? I sure didn't.

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Guest Mattdotcom

Unless I copied the wrong name, Philip Seymour Hoffman, an unknown actor, will fufill all your dragon-tatoo needs.

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Guest El Satanico
Philip Seymour Hoffman, an unknown actor,

He's not an unknown actor. He's one those guys that's in a shit load of movies and you recognize him but can't think of his name.


He's the guy that hit on Marky Mark in Boogie Nights.



Here's his imdb profile i'm sure you'll recognize him



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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

according to imdb, Ralph Fiennes is playing the dragon tatto role... Philip Seymour Hoffman is the tabloid reporter

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Guest J*ingus

Why is Brett Ratner directing this? The only stuff on his resume are buddy action comedies and The Family Man.

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Guest dreamer420

looks like to be better than hannibal was. the cast is really impressive and i know the story is better.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

The story is definitely better, Red Dragon is the best of the three books, and I think Manhunter is the best of the three movies made so far. The guy that was Dr. Lechter in it (I don't remember his name) was mcuh closer to what I had in my mind from reading the books. He seemed more believable as a doctor and less believable as a cannibal, and therefore scarier in a way.

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

I saw the preview before Minority Report and it looks good. Will be better than Hannibal. Edward Norton was a good choice in his role, he's a good actor period.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

The trailer for Red Dragon is impressive. Although I am a big fan of Manhunter, I'm really looking forward to this film.


You can watch the trailer here.

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Guest Army Eye

This looks really good. Love the choice of Ralph Fiennes as Dolarhyde.


And Edward Norton, forget about it, just his presence in a movie means I'll go see it. He is too good

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Guest razazteca

Does anybody know if there will be any differences between Manhunter and Red Dragon besides the cast. Will Brett Ratner's vision take this movie in a different direction?

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

The actor who potrayed Dr. Hannibal Lecter in Manhunter is named Brian Cox. Manhunter is quite the movie and by the looks of it, you can immediately tell that Michael Mann used to also direct the TV series Miami Vice. Manhunter also has Dennis Farina (Get Shorty, Snatch) and Joan Allen (The Ice Storm, Face/Off and The Contender).


I've never read Red Dragon but the story in Manhunter is indeed more engrossing and IMO superior to those covered in Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal. I assume that Edward Norton will be playing the role of FBI agent Will Graham. This'll be good.


When I went to see Minority Report last Friday, I was taken COMPLETELY by surprise by the trailer for Red Dragon. I usually keep abreast of happenings in the entertainment industry but I must be slipping in my old age because I never knew that they were working on another movie based on Harris' novels. And I certainly didn't know that Anthony Hopkins signed on ONCE AGAIN and that Norton was part of the deal. Like someone else said, his involvement practically guarantees my ticket purchase on opening day. See you all there!

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Guest JAxlMorrison

Philip Seymour Hoffman I believe also played a hilarious role in The Big Lebowski as the rich Lebowski's right hand man, and also played Lester Bangs very well in Almost Famous.

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Guest razazteca

Hoffman was also in the Incredible Mr Ripley that featured Matt Damon stalking Jude Law. Hoffman played one of Jude Law's characters close friends

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