AndrewTS 0 Report post Posted June 1, 2008 The moderator comes back with a well-what-do-you-expect argument, without saying exactly that. The Wii's a console parents buy for kids, he says. "Parents who are buying a console for their children do not really care about Prince of Persia, Rainbow Six or Far Cry on the box, they want games that are going to be good for their children and not get them in the local newspaper." Then, quoting a bunch of sales figures, says Ubi's mindful of the Wii's growth market, which is casual gaming, not Assassin's Creed. "If you look at the most successful Wii games, they are not amazing new AAA games, they are predominantly family orientated [THIS IS NOT A WORD] games/alternative games." Ubi forum topic here: The topic ballooned big time with many other gamers sharing their displeasure towards that attitude. From the VG Chartz forums where one of the viral marketers was first exposed: Apparently Ubisoft has decided to employ viral marketers for damage control after this Wii fiasco. On VGChartz one appeared with thw profile:merkh66 His first post was promoting Ubisoft's FarCry2 as seen here: Soon after he decided to go to a Nintendo discussion thread speaking out on Ubisoft's latest fiasco in this thread: What occured next was a futile attempt at trolling the Wii and eventually got in a war of words with poster Bored4life. At page 8 however everything just fell apart because we now realized that Bored4life strung him all along as seen here. Please go down to the part where Bored4life goes into detail on how to expose a viral marketer and explains how he did it.I think everyone needs to know about this new fiasco as well as quote Bored4life statements where he exposes him here:Brilliant! After he ran he then went on to promote Ubisoft's Endwars in another thread here: I think this is a lesson that needs to be learnt. Why do Ubisoft insist on this crap? So Ubi puts trash on the Wii except for Raving Rabbids (Red Steel = ****, Far Cry = ****, Prince of Persia = full-priced nerfed port w/o even bonus PSP content), and publishing (but not marketing) No More Heroes, and draws sweeping conclusions based on that. Nice job, guys! Oh, and while we're on the topic of Ubi being f-ups: So the Wii is only for "casual gamers," but Beyond Good and Evil 2 needed was to be dumbed down for...uh...I guess all those "casual" PS3 and 360 owners. Wait, what?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BUTT 0 Report post Posted June 1, 2008 Gamers don't care about Far Cry or Prince of Persia when Far Cry is a shitty port with N64-level graphics and Prince of Persia is a 16-month-old game with tacked-on waggle controls. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AndrewTS 0 Report post Posted June 1, 2008 Prince of Persia is a 16-month-old game with tacked-on waggle controls. Minus blood. And they put more effort into the PSP port (bonus content), but this wasn't reflected in the prices. I'm probably the biggest fan of the new PoP games on this board and I wasn't going to pay for that. When you've got "hardcore" Wii releases that have been covered by the Angry Video Game Nerd and Broken Pixels, you're part of the problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
At Home 0 Report post Posted June 1, 2008 Maybe because the Wii isn't designed to be a hardcore gaming machine? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luke-o 0 Report post Posted June 1, 2008 I really don't get the point of the "it's a lame console because it doesn't have hardcore games". It's a fucking stupid statement. Just because it releases games for the family it's suddenly a lame machine? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarvinisaLunatic 0 Report post Posted June 1, 2008 I bought No More Heroes yesterday with $20 in GC somebody handed me while I was in Best Buy (The guy was like, heres $20 but they expire today, I cant find anything I want..) Anyway, long story short, I got home and the disc had a huge ding in it and wouldnt play so I have to take it back tomorrow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites