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Retard Girl

Promo: Heat, Humidity, and Hostility.

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Inside the large locker room sit several people. DVS people. X-Punk and Kevin Riggs of Team Canada, Hardcore Jammer, and Spyke. Jammer is pacing back and forth, already in his gear and ready to go. Spyke is sitting alone on the far end of the bench, listening to his iPod and reading a magazine. X-Punk and Riggs are sitting on the other end of the bench, sipping on beers, looking like Canadian rednecks.


"Hey guys, it's good to see y'all here." Taiga Star says as she walks into the room. "I just wanted to stop in and see how you guys were doing."


Jammer comes to shake her hand. "Taiga, thank you for getting us this opportunity. I know that I'm excited to be getting my name out there, I'm geared up and ready to go."


X-Punk pipes up with an air of sarcasm, "Yeah, this is gonna be an excellent opportunity, eh?" He nudges his Team Canada cohort, Kevin Riggs. He agrees and they both chuckle with an exaggerated evilness.


"What's that supposed to mean?" Taiga says, locking eyes with X-Punk as she walks up and gets in his face. "Well?"


X-Punk straightens up and stares back down... down... down at Taiga. They don't exchange any words, but their stares echo loudly through the room.


Jammer runs over and gets between them. "Guys, guys, guys! We all know we've had our own personal grudges with each other, but fucking let it go. Here we are all on the same fucking team! Lets just go out there and win."


Taiga backs off, not breaking the stare with X-Punk.


X-Punk smirks. "Yeah... opportunities."


Spyke notices this all, but doesn't bother to get up, as he's only in it for himself.








Taiga Star is laying in a shady area under a group of trees behind el Jose Miguel Agrelot Coliseum, located in a sunny and obnoxiously hot Hato Rey, Puerto Rico. She is sitting on a folding chair, her legs propped up on a cooler, and a bag of ice is balanced on her head. She appears to be sleeping... at least, until the camera boy startles her out of her chair.


"AHHHH FUCK!!" She bolts upright, ready to take on who or whatever woke her up. The bag of ice goes flying to the ground, ice spilling about. It meets there with a refreshing drink of Pepsi that was knocked over, mingling into a sticky mess.


"Fuck kid... don't do that to me again." She moves and steps on scattered ice cubes with her bare feet. "Fuck... dammit! Look at this mess.!!" She snatches the bag of ice and ties off the top before sitting in her chair. She reaches into the cooler and pulls out a bottle of water, which she drinks half of in a few gulps.


After calming down, she speaks in a promo-like tone. Imagine that! "Sorry I snapped at ya, kid." Taiga says. "It's the heat. Fat girls hate when it gets hot out. I see everyone running around saying how nice it is out. Nice? You call not being able to breathe nice? You call sweat stinging your eyes NICE!?"


She places the bag of ice on her head. "It's just making me irritable and cranky. And angry! You know who made me angry earlier? X-Punk. There's no surprise there, one of us pissing the other off. It was just in the way he said it, you know?" She sits forward, bag of ice placed on her lap.


"I mean... when everyone got back together to do the Memorial show, people would come to me, asking about what I was doing. I mentioned the SWF... some of them begged me to talk to Landon and Toxxic about seeing if they can get try-out matches. And me, being the decent person I am, I said that I would try to get them in.


"Some people may not know this, but everyone should... I don't exactly have a lot of friends. And I put the word up for some people that I don't really like. Because I'm a nice guy. Girl. Whatever." Taiga sits up, moving the bag of ice to her upper back. "I mean, Jammer seems to be into this. And Spyke seems... well, yeah, he'll be okay as long as he gets paid. But I don't trust Riggs and X-Punk.


"I did trust them, at one time. We had a nice little stable going. Hardcore Foundation. We had a lot of fun with that too... until X-Punk and Riggs... well, they decided they wanted to be Team Canada, so they turned on me. To tell you the truth though, I should have known better than to place my trust in others. Hindsight, they say, is always 20/20."


Taiga opens the cooler to place the bag of ice inside. She stuffs her feet into a pair of ripped and safety-pinned purple hightop Converse (one of the few times you will see her without boots, btw). "Oh, and speaking of the Memorial Show... X-Punk pissed me off that night too. We were the last ones left in our Survivor Series match. A momentous event, two hated enemies, the final fight to show dominance... You know how it ended? A fucking DQ. X-Punk brings in a chair, I get caught with it. I mean, hell... If I wanted to bring in a chair, I would have. I had it handled without resorting to those measures. Apparently, X-Punk had other ideas. I hold him that I would get my hands on him eventually."


Taiga turns to gather her things. "Today is not that day, however. Today..." She turns back around, swinging a large backpack over her shoulders. "Today, is the day of Orden Noash, some big angry broody hoss that I'm sure wants to kick my ass. Just another night at the office, right?"


She folds her chair and slides it between her and her backpack, in the style of how kids carry their skateboards. A strap is pulled from the cooler and placed over Taiga's shoulder. She pulls a rag out of her pocket and wipes the sweat off her face. She has one last thing to say before she goes inside.


"Though, if it's just another night at the office, why do I have this bad feeling?"

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