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Guest DrTom

Some Wedding Party

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Guest DrTom

Mortar shell kills 25 at wedding celebration


PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) --A mortar shell meant to be fired in celebration of a wedding in a Pakistani tribal area exploded prematurely Saturday, killing at least 25 people, including the bridegroom and many of his relatives, officials said.


The blast occurred in the village of Korez, 180 miles southwest of the northeast Pakistan frontier city of Peshawar, in the tribal area of Orakzai.


During the wedding festivities, one of the groom's relatives tried to fire the mortar shell as a form of noisy celebration, but it went off early. Several people, including some children, were killed outright, and others died of their injuries at the local hospital, authorities said.


Members of Pakistan's tribes often fire small and heavy weapons in the air to celebrate weddings and other festive occasions.


The Orakzai area is largely governed by tribal elders, and Pakistan's central government holds little sway there. It is also home to a thriving black market in military-style weapons.


Copyright 2002 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Somehow, someway, I'm sure the Jews will be blamed for this...

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Guest big Dante Cruz

Wow, good job there guys! *thumbs up and a wink*


Morons. Why do you think rednecks only stick to the deer rifles and shotguns?

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Guest muzanisa

Pakistanis would be more likely to blame India. Does anyone who posts on this board actually read newspapers. I read somewhere that fifty per cent of Americans couldn't point to Canada on a map. I'm starting to believe it.

BTW if you go to the DARWIN AWARDS on line you'll see many more stories like this and the majority of them seem to involve Americans.

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Guest Cancer Marney
the majority of them seem to involve Americans
Because it really isn't all that remarkable when it involves Arabs or Europeans.

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Guest muzanisa

Actually the reason is probably because of the amount of media in the States, but have it your way. I'm sick and tired of you and others coming out with racist shit and personally attacking everyone who's world view doesn't coincide with yours. You know fuck all about what you write but all back each other up. The fact that you can defend stuff that has been proven to be wrong means that you really are worthless pieces of shit who think that screaming louder than anyone else is the way to win an argument.

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Guest Cancer Marney

...whereas your posts, of course, only outline facts which have been proven conclusively by multiple sources, and are invariably free of personal attacks - your most recent post being a case in point. You didn't generalise a hostile assessment to a non-specific group either.


Well done.

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Guest J*ingus

You might wanna edit that again, Muz, before any mods see it and ban you.

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Guest Spicy McHaggis
Pakistanis would be more likely to blame India. Does anyone who posts on this board actually read newspapers.  I read somewhere that fifty per cent of Americans couldn't point to Canada on a map. I'm starting to believe it.

BTW if you go to the DARWIN AWARDS on line you'll see many more stories like this and the majority of them seem to involve Americans.

Actually the reason is probably because of the amount of media in the States, but have it your way. I'm sick and tired of you and others coming out with racist shit and personally attacking everyone who's world view doesn't coincide with yours. You know fuck all about what you write but all back each other up. The fact that you can defend stuff that has been proven to be wrong means that you really are worthless pieces of shit who think that screaming louder than anyone else is the way to win an argument.


Where the hell did that come from?

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Guest DrTom

"You might wanna edit that again, Muz, before any mods see it and ban you."


I don't think there's any need to do that, Jingus. I just got a feeling of "pot, kettle, black" while reading Muz's invective, and anyone who can be so unintentionally funny when trying to make a serious point should be safe from banning.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"Pakistanis would be more likely to blame India. Does anyone who posts on this board actually read newspapers."


Actually, I read wire copy off the Internet -- why buy a newspaper when I can get the real source for free?


BTW: The Jew remark was a joke. Damn, it must be that time of the month for someone on this board.

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Guest muzanisa

Yeah it's my time of the month and India and Pakistan were close to an all out nuclear war.


DAMN I wish i could be as ignorant as you KKK.


fucking retard

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"Yeah it's my time of the month and India and Pakistan were close to an all out nuclear war.


DAMN I wish i could be as ignorant as you KKK.


fucking retard"


Sure India and Pakistan are close to blowing each other up, what the hell do you want me to do about it?


And to quote an old EPMD song...


You gots to chill.


Either that or change your pad.

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Guest Spicy McHaggis

Bye-bye muzanisa. You call us "Yanks" stupid... you must be a few cards short of a full deck to insult a mod like that.

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Guest J*ingus

Muzanisa, if you hate us Americans so much, why do you have over 700 posts logged on one of our websites?

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Guest Cancer Marney
Dr Tom, read the instructions I gave Marney and never darken my doorstep again until you've grown up you stupid little cocksucker.
That made me giggle. If all 6'4" of Tom actually did ever darken this twit's doorstep he'd probably wet his pants.

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Guest DrTom

I'm 6'5", actually. <g>


Anyway, Muz has been taken care of. I can deal with disagreements, arguments, and a little good, clean mudslinging. (Pardon the mixed metaphors, but I'm sure you all know what I mean.) Repeated, crude belligerence, though, is just uncalled for.


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