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"If you are what you say you are
A superstar
Then have no fear
The camera's here
and the microphones and they wanna know
Oh oh oh yeah"

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty0u1PzXfTo][i]Superstar[/url][/i] by Lupe Fiasco plays as Molly Nerdly leads out the Beverly Hills Blonds, filming with the Siclopse.

Big match here, the winner of this one gets Thunderkid and Reject at AngleSlam for the belts!  Let's go to Michael Buffer!

[i]The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with the winner earning a shot at the OAOAST World tag team titles at AngleSlam!  Introducing first, being accompanied by Molly Nerdly...from Beverly Hills, California, at a combined weight of 460 pounds...representing The Enterprise, the team of NED BLANCHARD and SIMON SINGLETON, the BEVERLYYYYYYY HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSS

The Blonds climb into the ring, and Simon poses for the crowd, while Ned makes passes at some females sitting ringside.  [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrF8vxLRDNE][i]Makes Me Wonder[/url][/i] by Maroon 5 hits, and the fans come to their feet for D*LUX, led out by Jade Rodez.

[i]Their opponents...being accompanied to the ring by Jade Rodez...from Detroit and Auburn Hills, Michigan, respectively, at a combined weight of 379 pounds...the team of SHAYNE BRAVE and TYLER BRYANT...DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE * LLLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!![/i]

A tremendous matchup set to take place here on HeldDOWN~!

The camera pans to the timekeepers' table, where Maggie Nerdly sits with a microphone.

And there is Maggie Nerdly, we understand she'll be giving an in-ring interview to the winner of the match!

D*LUX plays to the crowd a bit, then both teams begin to talk out strategy.  Shayne and Simon step out, as the referee calls for the bell.


Tyler and Ned circle the ring, and tie up.  Both men jockey for position, then Tyler takes down Ned with an armdrag!

Nice armdrag there by Tyler Bryant!

Ned gets to one knee and sizes up Tyler, then the two tie up again.  This time, Ned is able to execute a nice hiptoss on Tyler!  Ned celebrates his feat, to the boos of the crowd.

And a nice response from Ned!

Tyler gets to his feet, and the two circle the ring once again, then tie up.  Tyler grabs a side headlock, and Ned backs him into the ropes, then shoves him across.  He drops down, then comes up and executes a leapfrog, then drops down for a reverse monkey flip, but Tyler stops and drops a fist to the face!

Ned going to the well once too often, and paying for it!

Ned rolls to the outside, where Molly is there to check on him.  Ned takes a rest, then rolls back in, as Tyler tags in Shayne.  Ned and Shayne circle the ring, then tie up.  Shayne gets a hold of the right arm and wrings it, but Ned quickly reverses.  Shayne reverses again, and quickly bars the arm.  Ned is able to back him into the ropes, and whips him across, then drops down, and tries to catch him for a slam, but Shayne drops behind, and lifts Ned for an atomic drop!

Atomic drop, coming up!

Simon attempts to come in the ring, but when he does, Shayne completes the move, causing Ned and Simon to crash together!  Simon rolls to the outside, while Shayne and Tyler hit a double-dropkick on Ned, causing him to follow!

D*LUX on a roll here early on!

The Blonds regroup on the floor, and eventually Ned rolls back in, and ties up once again with Shayne.  Ned backs him into the ropes, then breaks slowly, and delivers right hands, followed by a scoop slam in mid-ring, then tags in Simon.  Simon comes in, but is surprised by a drop toe hold from Shayne!

Nice recovery from Shayne there after getting slammed to the mat!

Simon gets to his feet, but gets caught in an armdrag!  Simon starts to get back to his feet, but drops back down when he sees Shayne there with his fist clenched.  Slowly, he gets back to his feet, then challenges Shayne to a test of strength.  Shayne slowly moves in and locks knuckles.

Test of strength, and I've gotta think Simon's got the edge here, Cole!

Simon with a decided weight and leverage advantage over Shayne Brave, so you'd have to assume that, yes.

Both men struggle against each other, then bring the hands up, and Shayne is ultimately forced down to one knee.  Simon looks proud of himself, as he continues to force Shayne down with the wrists.  However, as the crowd gets behind Shayne, his hands start to shake, and he begins to force his way up!

But look at Shayne fight back!

Shayne gets to his feet, then kicks Simon in the midsection, before sliding underneath him and catching Ned with a shot to the gut as he comes in the ring!  Ned rolls to the floor as Tyler dropkicks Simon to the floor, then D*LUX executes STEREO SUICIDE DIVES~!


D*LUX fires off rights, then toss the Blonds back inside.  They grab Simon and execute the COWELL MOVEMENT~!, then execute a DOUBLE SUPERKICK~! on Ned, sending both right back to the floor!

HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME~!, and the Blonds had better get it together!

This is not looking good right now, Cole!

Tyler stands in the ring and awaits one of the Blonds, which after some stalling on their part, ends up being Simon.  The two tie up, and Simon backs Tyler into the ropes, then fires off rights, followed by a knee to the gut, then tags in Ned.  However, Ned gets caught in an armdrag!

Just when the Blonds start to get in rhythm, they get caught by surprise!

Shayne holds onto the arm, and tags Tyler back in.  The two whip Ned into the ropes, and drop him with a double back elbow!  Shayne goes to pick up Ned, but gets caught with a shot to the gut, followed by blows to the back.  Ned tags Simon back in, and Simon delivers right hands.  Shayne fights back with rights of his own, then backs into the ropes, where Molly grabs his foot!

And look at this, Molly from the outside!

Shayne jumps out and goes after Molly, who leads him in a chase around the ring, until suddenly Ned, who had ducked down below the apron out of sight, pops up with a clothesline!

And now Ned, what a cheap shot that was!  That was set up beautifully by the Blonds and Molly!

Ned picks up Shayne, and delivers a scoop slam on the floor!

And now a slam on the outside!

Ned then picks up Shayne and rolls him back in, where Simon, who was distracting the referee, covers...




Simon then chokes away on Shayne, before tagging in Ned.  Ned drapes Shayne over the top rope, then lifts him up by the legs, as Simon leaps over the top of him and comes crashing down onto  Shayne!

Classic double-team move from the Blonds!

Ned hammers Shayne down to the mat, then backs him into the ropes and tags Simon back in.  Simon grabs Shayne and whips him across, catching him with a drop toe hold, as Ned comes flying in with an elbow to the back of the head!

And now it's the Blonds that are starting to get things cooking, Cole!  They may be going to AngleSlam!

Simon covers...




But don't count out Shayne and Tyler yet!

Simon picks up Shayne, and executes a hanging vertical suplex!

A few more moves like that, and you can!





Simon tags Ned back in, and Ned whips Shayne across, catching him with a powerslam!  Ned stops briefly to gloat, then covers...




Ned questions the referee, then nails Tyler on the apron, drawing him into the ring, before tossing Shayne to the outside.  While outside, Simon scoops up Shayne and drops him across the guardrail!

And Simon continuing the assault on the outside!

Simon jaws with some fans, then picks up Shayne, and attempts to ram him into the post.  However, Shayne blocks, and it's Simon who's head meets the post!

Nice block by Shayne on the outside!

However, as Shayne rolls back in, he gets caught with an elbowdrop from Ned!  Cover...




Ned whips Shayne into the ropes, but puts his head down, and Shayne executes a sunset flip!




Ned quickly takes down Shayne and chokes away, breaking at the referee's four-count.  He then picks him up and delivers right hands...which Shayne returns!

And look at Shayne continue to fight back!

Shayne backs into the ropes and charges Ned...who catches him with the STUN GUN~!!!!!11111

Ned got the Stun Gun!



NO!  Tyler makes the save!

Come on, ref!

This match could have been over right there, but Tyler in there to save his partner!

Ned tags Simon, who climbs to the top rope, as Ned tosses him off for the ROCKET LAUNCHER~!!!...but Shayne gets his knees up!

Shayne getting the knees up!

Ned tries to drop an elbow on Shayne, but Shayne rolls out of the way and tags in Tyler!

And the tag is made!

Tyler comes in a HOUSE AFIRE~!, nailing both Blonds with right hands!  He then executes a scoop slam to Ned, followed by a dropkick to Simon!  He knocks Ned out of the ring, then backs Simon into the corner, setting up an Irish whip, but Simon reverses, then charges.  He goes for a shoulderblock, but Tyler lifts his legs up, then rolls down with a sunset flip!



NO!  Kickout!

Simon drills Tyler with a double axhandle, then sets up an Irish whip of his own, but this time it's Tyler who reverses.  Simon grabs the ropes and slings himself over the top of Tyler as he charges, but Tyler quickly turns around, and catches him with the MERRY TYLER GORE SHOW~!!!!!11111

HE GOT IT~!  This is it!



NO!!!  Ned makes the save!

Wow, if not for Ned, this would be over!

Shayne comes flying into the picture, delivering right hands to Ned, as Tyler continues to assault Simon on the mat.

The referee is losing it here, Cole!

The referee goes over to Tyler, but gets shoved away for his efforts.  He then makes his way to the corner, and gets the same treatment from Ned.  He approaches the corner once again, and in the heat of the moment, takes a double headbutt from Ned and Shayne!

Oh, this one's WAY out of control!

The referee, groggy, signals for the bell.


And it looks like he's thrown this one out!

But what about the title shot?

[i]Ladies and gentlemen...the referee has disqualified BOTH TEAMS, ruling this bout a double-disqualification![/i]

Molly slides a chair in to Simon, who grabs it and swings it upward, drilling Tyler with it!  Ned then spins himself around in order to expose Shayne's back, for another shot from Simon!

And D*LUX assaulted with those steel chairs!

Well, which team's standing, Cole?  It's obvious to me which team's deserving of the title shot!

But they didn't win the match, Coach!  The result was a double-disqualification!

Simon then turns and sees Maggie, who has entered the ring for her interview, and clutches the chair with evil intentions, as Maggie backs into a corner.

Oh, come on, you guys, don't do this!

Ned has Maggie totally backed into the corner, when the camera cuts to the aisle to show REJECT, attired in black dress pants and a long-sleeved lavender dress shirt, racing to the ring!

Look at this!

Reject slides in, then grabs the chair from Simon and cracks him over the head!  Ned then turns and sees Reject, and charges him for a clothesline, but Reject ducks, drops the chair, and catches Ned with the EULOGY~!!!!!11111  Reject stares at the fallen Ned, before Simon manages to grab his foot and pull him to safety.  Reject leans against the ropes and stares them down as they retreat up the aisle.

Wow..I never thought I'd say this, Coach, but thank God for Reject!

Reject looks over at Maggie, then walks up and puts his hands on her arms, asking her if she's okay, to which she nods approvingly.  The crowd then starts to cheer, as LEON RODEZ runs to the ring!

And here comes Leon!

Yeah, a little late, don't ya think?

Leon slides in and grabs the chair, then blasts Reject over the head with it as he turns around!

Wait a [i]minute![/i]

Big chairshot from Leon Rodez to his opponent tonight, Reject!

Now why would he do that?  He should be thankful that Reject was there to save his girl!

I don't know what to make of this triangle that's been going on lately, Coach, I just don't.

Leon ushers Maggie out of the ring, and the two leave the ring area, as Reject lays on the mat, looking between the bottom and middle rope at them as they leave.  However, Maggie can't help but take a couple concerned looks back towards the ring at him.

Well, I think we saw right here who the better man for Maggie would be!  And it's that man right there, the R-Man!

Your opinion only, Coach!  Folks, we'll be back after this!


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