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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels


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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

I know this will bring out a lot of people hating me, but it is an opinion just like the ones each of you have.....


Before I start, I really like RVD, and he is one of my favorite wrestlers. Here is why he is not ready, though. RVD's striking moves are very weak except for his spinning kicks. Watch his forearms that he throws, and you will most likely say that they are very unrealistic. I am glad that RVD does not throw a lot of punches like the majority of the roster, but a couple tossed in hear and there would not hurt. Also, if he is going to use the forearms in transition, he should put a little more efoort into them. It is like he throws five harmless forearms in quick succession just to get them in instead of making them mean anything.


Also, think if RVD had the kicks of someone like Tajiri. Tajiri smacks his pants to give them the loud pop, but they look very realistic. The fact is, RVD has a lot of flips, tumbling, and weak strikes. His offense is VERY unique, and I love his moves. However, he needs to step it up and become more aggressive. I somehow see how it fits his character because he is so laid back, but I find it hard to take him serious as a title holder because of how weak he looks.


Another thing noticed about RVD is how slow he moves in the ring. When he is thrown into the ropes or takes off running to dive to the outside, he is moving very slow for someone of his agility. A friend of mine who is a very casual viewer saw him compete for the first time the other night against X-Pac. He agreed with me about how amazing his offense was, and I pointed out that he could work on his forearm strikes a little more. My friend said he noticed that, and said: "But man.....he is slow as hell!"


I think RVD should step it up and be more aggressive, and work in a couple more technical moves and transition moves, and then push him to the moon. He is way over, but I still don't think he is ready.

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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

Sorry, I haven't been on this board as much as the last board. All I have seen on here in the past week or so is how RVD was the next logical champ. If I had seen the previous thread, I wouldn't have posted a new one. Didn't mean to bring up old stuff........

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Guest Flyboy

I think Shiro posted it best as why he IS ready:


Let's face it here. Some of the main eventers aren't exactly marvels in the ring. Hogan never was. Trips only is on one of his "good" nights. Rock can be. Austin's matches sometimes degenerated into kick-punch-stunner fests.


Does it really matter if his offense is credible enough? Right now, I buy him more than Jericho as an ME. At least Rob has a finisher he can really use on bigger guys.


In one hand, you've got a guy that can stop the bleeding. He's over with the fans, and a long title run could give the belt some much needed credibility.


On the other, you've got people who have become JTTS, as sad as it is. You've got a washed up 'icon'. You've got a half-strength HHH. You've got a relitavely green "monster". Rock may or may not be there long enough. Benoit is still out for a month, and he's in a program with Flair.


Build up Rob, and give the belt to him. They could do a hell of a lot worse in my eyes. Give him a good title reign, and it'd be a way to start off bringing the company back to what it was.



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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

Points well made. I still think it would be in both RVD's and WWE's interest to have him step it up a notch. Perhaps after losing the title for the first time, then? Remember Angle getting more aggressive and using the Anklelock right after losing the title to Rock? Maybe RVD could do it that way. I expected Jericho to do something to gain back some momentum in the same manner, but he wasn't given the chance really.

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Guest Brian

Despite the fact I'm pimping RVD to win the tourney and title, there's one statement I can't possibly ever agree with as it pertains to anyone:


"In one hand, you've got a guy that can stop the bleeding. He's over with the fans, and a long title run could give the belt some much needed credibility."


Never, ever true until they have the belt and are headlining and are proving themselves as a draw and even than alot of pieces have to come together. And still, even than the first time means nothing.


The point that does get me though about RVD is that it will be very, very hard to turn him heel. And face it, main eventers in the WWE are there because they can play the heel character. It's a measure of their entertainment qualities.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I feel..quoted.


Right now, I think it'd be more important to have a strong face with the belt, than a heel. Reason why? A good face run will get people to tune in, and that's what they need right now. Keep it for a while, hell even WM19. That gives plenty of time to build up the roster, by making both faces AND heels. You can have Rob defend against either easily. People like the guy, and cheer for him. Turning him heel even remotely soon would screw with his career. Get him ME level first, then once he has a good face run, consider turning him. It won't be a Rock case, where he's such a heel they have to turn him face. Once the roster is built up, reinstate the heel champ/face chaser all you want. But right now, I don't think it would be a good idea.


(and since when does wrestling ability matter? Hogan was champ and he can't wrestle worth crap. Austin did paint-by-numbers a lot of nights. So what if his punches suck?)



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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



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Guest Brian

I agree, but I think one of the things the WWE does to gauge a wrestler's potential in the main events is looking at him as a heel.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I didn't say Lesnar was, either. However, we all know the WWF's preference for muscleheads. They're not exactly partial to that "Flippy-floppy" stuff. That's exactly why this hideous "WWF style" is around.



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Guest humongous2002

RVD is not ready?mmmmm...RVD is more ready than anybody else in the WWE roster right now, besides doing weak elbow shots(due to the fact that if he throws a real punch will be too "stiff" for the WWE superstars) he's got a whole arsenal of amazing moves, he is way over with the fans, his promos are pretty good and different compared to all the other Austin wannabees promos that everybody else is doing(you know those that have "whipping someones ass" after every sentence) he's young, not a musclehead but not a jobberweight either, marketable, athletic, and have I mentioned that he is way over with the fans?It's time for Vince to take his head out of his own ass, and starts making the right decisions. He could bring back Russo, or he could dig up Andre the giant from the grave so he could job for Hogan that's not the answer. The answer is to give us the fans what we want, to introduce us to the next big thing, and his name is not Brock Greenberg, but his name is R-V-D.

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Guest I Fear Hogans Air Guitair

RVD's punch's are weak but who really cares his offense is still the best in the Entire WWE and if they give him a 1-2 month build up against Taker It would Draw. Also at KOTR RVD besides Rock Probably got the best crowd reaction and did anyone else think that some chants were piped in especially the Hurricane chant.

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Guest goodolemr

Lets look at this for a moment.


Ratings are down and fan approval of the product is down.


I gotta idea! Lets stick with the same old, same old. More Triple H destroying everyone! More 'Respect Me' speeches from the Undertaker! More McMahons! And under no cases should anyone new be pushed to the mainevent!


Yeah, that'll turn things around...


RVD can't be a heel. Who gives a fuck? Steph? Vince? Why do they matter?


Whatever happened to giving the fans what they want? Whatever happened to that saying? I guess it was just a phrase repeated over and over to the fans during the good times that was actually meaningless.

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Guest wolverine
RVD's punch's are weak but who really cares his offense is still the best in the Entire WWE


I care because I can't stand watching said "offense." If I want to watch guys doing highspots, I'll watch Eddy Guerrero or Rey Misterio Jr.--workers who incorporate them into, you know, wrestling, as opposed to whatever Van Dam does in the ring.

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Guest Goodear
RVD's punch's are weak but who really cares his offense is still the best in the Entire WWE


I care because I can't stand watching said "offense." If I want to watch guys doing highspots, I'll watch Eddy Guerrero or Rey Misterio Jr.--workers who incorporate them into, you know, wrestling, as opposed to whatever Van Dam does in the ring.

Rey incorporates his high spots into normal wrestling how exactly? The body sissors bulldog is a bit hokey and he over uses the 'rana in my opinion. And, to me, Eddy hardly even works high spots into his matches aside from a odd 'rana here and there, and of course, the frog splash. Perhaps you'd care to enlighten me?

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Guest papacita

I like RVD a lot. As a matter of fact, last night when he lost the ME was the first time in the while I was pissed that anyone lost a match from a markish standpoint. But unless Rob is allowed to develop his WWF character like he was able to with Mr. Monday Night/PPV in ECW, he will suck as a Champion. I was hoping that he won KOTR and the WWE would slowly build towards a match w/ Taker at SummerSlam...(maybe have Rob get high and crack on Sara or something. I dunno), but he really needs to add another dimension to his persona if he's ever gonna get anywhere.


BTW: RVD would be a great heel.

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Guest Spicy McHaggis
BTW: RVD would be a great heel.


Because every move he does gets a face pop?

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Guest papacita

I honestly feel he needs a heel turn to give some depth to his character, because pretty much all he's done since entering the WWE is wrestle and point at himself. I say turn him back into the dickhead heel he was in 97/early 98 (or something similar), give him a big winning streak and turn him into the man to beat in the WWE. After every win, have him get more and more cocky and have him piss off the crowd even more. And I really don't worry about heels getting face pops, because these days it seems like a lot of people like heels better anyway, but if they cheer, there's always cheap heel heat to get some boos. And give him some henchmen or lackies. Lackies are always good.

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Guest cabbageboy

Oh, RVD can be a terrific heel. The WWE has no clue about how to book him as such though. In his early ECW days he was asshole personified. Oddly enough, in ECW he never really turned face, the crowd just started liking him. He still wrestled mostly as a heel but was the most over guy in the company.

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Guest BlackRainbow1025

Give him Fonzie and that fucking whistle. People will hate him then, heh. Seriously, they need RVD as a face right now. I mean, turn him heel and what do you have on RAW? With Austin gone, there is a huge face void on RAW, even moreso if you turn RVD.

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Guest Flyboy
Oh, RVD can be a terrific heel.  The WWE has no clue about how to book him as such though.  In his early ECW days he was asshole personified.  Oddly enough, in ECW he never really turned face, the crowd just started liking him.  He still wrestled mostly as a heel but was the most over guy in the company.

Exactly... that's why he would never be a good heel in the WWE. The fans wouldn't allow it.


Doesn't he play the asshole role, now? Just down a tad down.


You're right he never really did do a face turn in ECW, he just sort of turned face on his own.


It would be hard to turn RVD heel... trust me. Even with Fronzie and that annoying ass whistle.

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Guest cabbageboy

I always thought a hugely underrated angle was Sabu turning on RVD in early 2000. I mean, it was shocking and yet it made total sense given the way RVD constantly belittled Sabu and poked fun at him. Oddly, Sabu was the heel in that feud despite just getting sick of RVD's shit.

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Guest Flyboy
I always thought a hugely underrated angle was Sabu turning on RVD in early 2000. I mean, it was shocking and yet it made total sense given the way RVD constantly belittled Sabu and poked fun at him. Oddly, Sabu was the heel in that feud despite just getting sick of RVD's shit.



I remind one RVD/Sabu match, Fronzie got into the ring with a chair.... both wanted it. Then, RVD hit one of the sweetest looking Van Daminators I've seen on Fronzie.


I was like... "HOLY SHIT!"


I have that match on my CPU. :)

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