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Patty O'Green

HD: House of worship!

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Patty rule in effect. Is it still called patty rule if I am patty?!


only tomorrow

only tomorrow
Sajo see you tomorrow 

Sajo jon te i fe,
Ousmane ko ka bi fe ka bi
fe koniete ka le te sigi
Sajo jon te i fe malienw[/i]

The glorious and soul searing tenor of [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZM4NIVIOUI"]Salif Keita's Tomorrow[/url] join with even more glorious images of Abdullah Abir Nerdly speaking the message of the prophets to the citizens of various countries, as well as being flocked to by children and fawned over by women.

[color="#008080"][font="Impact"][size=7]HOUSE OF WORSHIP[/size][/font][/color]
With your Inspirational Leader....[b][color="#008080"]Abdullah Abir Nerdly[/color][/b]

[b]Tonight’s Guest Speakers: [color="#2E8B57"]Theodore Moneymaker & Christian Wright[/color][/b]


Escorted by a bevy of beauties in belly dancer costumes, Abdullah walks a yellow brick road towards his House of Worship, a mellow Arabic chant playing overhead. Once at the podium Abdullah thanks his beauties with a simple gesture, a nod of the head, and they wander off backstage. Then a single beam of light shines down on the Spiritual One.

I open my sermon this evening with news of yet another of your false idols has fallen from grace. Bohemoth it seems is more than just the Metrosexual Monster, he’s a sexual monster! As I speak he and a certain individual who shall remain nameless are in all likelihood instant messaging their tales of debauchery to each other. Nonetheless, a vocal minority fail to believe the accusations leveled against the Sexual Monster. Therefore I have arranged for the lead detective on the case to appear live tonight in order to put to rest any doubts a violent crime was committed. His name is Detective Tango Bosley!


Perhaps the first law enforcement official in history to have a theme song, "In the Air Tonight" by Nonpoint, played on his way to a press conference, the Boz is joined by fellow V.I.C.E. squad member CPA who possess a small brown paper bag.

What?! Does the Enterprise really expect us to believe a fair investigation could be conducted by Tango Bosley? He’s on the take!

I wouldn’t say that.

Then how would you describe his relationship with Theodore Moneymaker?

Well, uh... I mean... Similar to that of Commissioner Gordon and Batman! Yeah, that’s it. They’re trying to make the OAOAST a better place.

Abdullah welcomes V.I.C.E. into his HOW.

Why, I’ve never felt more protected in my life than I do right now standing around you gentlemen.

Speaking of protection, Spiritual One, the perp in our case thought he could beat the system by using such extra precautions. But it’s a classic case of million dollar body, 10 cent brain, because after the brutal assault a key piece of evidence was left behind, the contents of which my partner CPA holds in that brown bag.

You don’t mean...?

DNA evidence that conclusively proves the apprehended perp committed the assault, yes. NOW HOW ‘BOUT SOME PROPS FOR CRACKING THE CASE? WHAT A FUCKIN’ RUSH! GIVE THE ALPHA MALE OF THE GROUP SOME!!!

Praise Allah for detectives the caliber of Tango Bosley.

Right on, man. Right on.

FUCK YEAH!! I'm sayin, man, this is the kinda shit bitches dig. They love this shit. You roll up into the fuckin' club and you start in with about how you just nailed a rapist, you ain't gotta rape someone that night, because you are getting that fucking ass! Black bitches, white bitches, Dot head bitches no offense, man

Dot heads is a slur to hindus so no offense taken, my brother.

Yeah, man, I'm sayin chicks of all ethnicities dig on that, man. Because they see, right, they fuckin see that they coulda got raped to, so these bitches, right, they say you caught the guy who was gonna take it from me now let me and four of my hot friends give it to you for free, and shit right we take it in the shitter! FUCK YEAH!

Jacked the hell up, Bosley paces uncontrollably in the background.

And now tonight’s guest speakers, who on Sunday night will join yours truly hand in hand as we battle the OAOAST’s favorite sons in a battle of epic proportions... CHRISTAIN WRIGHT and THEODORE MONEYMAKER!


[i]Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul and faith[/i]

It’s nothing but love at the podium as Theodore Moneymaker, Christian Wright and Abdullah embrace in a group hug. The Inspirational Leader gleeful as can be.

Brothers Theodore and Christian, welcome to my House of Worship.

Thank you for having us on, Spiritual One. First time visitors, long time viewers. I know I speak on behalf of the Enterprise when I say your program is a service to the community. That’s why the Enterprise proudly contributes to your House of Worship.

It’s funding by viewers like you that make this program possible.

Boy is that an understatement. Moneymaker’s the one who got Abdullah his own talk segment.

And it’s because of your guidance that the OAOAST is on the path to a better future. I’ve been asked time and time again by my high powered friends why I’ve decided to do business with someone the likes of Abdullah Nerdly. Well it’s simple. The man delivers on his promises. He promised the Heavenly Rockers would become tag team champions and they did just that. He promised the OAOAST would be mine for a tiny little favor and it just about is. One major obstacle is gone but another stands in my way, and I’ll get to that in a few minutes because I have something to say about the special referee being assigned to our match at Angleslam.

Please do. The ruling befuddles the Spiritual One. After all, was it not the Sexual Monster who got his team into a mess? Why the need to level the playing field a bit?

Believe it or not, I actually favor the idea of a special referee.


Ah, gentle spirit, that is no different a visage than the one claimed to me when Mister Moneymaker informed me of this same belief. 

That’s right. You heard me. I favor the idea. You know why? Because the Usual Suspects won’t have any excuse when they go down in defeat! BWAHAHA!

Far be it for me to suggest the quality of thy words are at all strained, but mayhaps, we shall speak on matters of the otherwise? Speak on those members of a unique subspecies of primate faithfully disbursing their yeoman currency to take delectation in events performed under our entertainment banner?

Yes, the fans. What would you like to say about the fans, my brothers. You may speak freely and honestly in the House of Worship.

OAOAST Nation, I gotta clear the air. 

Clear it my brother. This is a green friendly temple of love.

Fans, I think you and I may have got off on the wrong foot. I think somewhere along the line, somewhere in the hundreds of hours of interaction you and I have had, our wires have gotten crossed, our messages have been scrambled and our communication has been disturbed. The result? A very simple, but a very costly misunderstanding. You see, OAOAST Nation, you all view me as the bad guy. The evil loathsome bully, who wants nothing more than to crush any and all he deems unfit to stand in his kingdom. That is your perception, and that is your reality and I'm sorry to say but that's a real shame. 

A shame that is of no fault of your own, brother Theodore! 

Kings do not die for the faults of paupers.

Either way, there are misconceptions about my methods, my means, and my goals. There are lies, half truths, and wild fabrications about my true intent. Some say I want power, some say I want money, some say I want just want chaos. They think I'm the type to do bad just for sake of doing bad. 

No! You are type that does great, because his heart is great! Praise be to Allah and to yourself!

Yeah, I know, you know, Christian knows, but everyone else thinks that I start fires because I just want to see everything  burn, and I've recruited a like minded gang of remorseless maniacs to scorch this earth. As romantic as that is, a crazed rich vilian, just wanting to see something die, I'm afraid it isn't so accurate. I am a man of order. I like things to be neatly organized, everything in its place doing what it is designed to do. That is the beauty of civilization, everyone serving their role. You notice I and The Enterprise do not bother Los Diablos anymore because they are serving their role. As awful and disgusting as it may be it is their station in life and they are not attempting to move beyond it. If Krista Isadora Duncan were just performing the role I see best for her to perform I would happily and openly admire her beauty and intellect instead of trying to corrupt and destroy them both. You see when there is a ripple, when there is something that disturbs the proper order of things I have to react. Zack Malibu and his In Crowd disturb the order of things. They are a problematic  and destructive force to an arrangement I took so long to shape. Anglesault on the outs, Josie on the in, The Enterprise as the leading stable in the company, and me pulling the puppet strings. A model of order, that I was able to enjoy for all of about three weeks before they came along to ruin it.  But there's more!

Haven't these cretins done enough to us?

Worst of all, at least in my mind, is with their desturction they bring a whole heap of lies. I can't tolerate that. In addition to creating order, I also bring the truth. Because in truth there is a certain...order. 

Zack Malibu, Leon Rodez, Sly Sommers, Bohemoth. "If you aren't in the In Crowd You're Insignifcant." Witless prattlings told by idiots full of sound and empty of meaning. You four heartless fiends read your lines well, but play your roles so poorly. This above all to thine ownself be true, do I know you not to be four horsemen riding for the greater good of this professional wrestling establishment. What softheaded blatherskites have you judged us as, that you might think we'd play part and parcel to the belief that you're of the mind to work towards the greater benefit of your erstwhile companions. No. By the honor of my kin and stablemates, do I hold it not a sin to brand you as you are! You are an empty, selfish and soulless lot, as no more bound together than any lose confederation of men who's time in our athletic venue has reached its final sunset.

There's no unity, no common ground between them. In short there is no order. The Enterprise exmplifies order. Machine like order. Everyone with a purpose, everyone in their place, everyone doing their duty. The In Crowd is an archaic relic gone haywire. There's nothing of substance there, there's no real inkling that they're a solid group. I could spend hours and hours providing you with evidence to support my claim and over the coming weeks I just may do that. But tonight, me and Christian wish to give you some food for thought for Angleslam. Everyone likes to think of Zack and Leon as bosom buddies. Zack is the straight laced family guy and Leon is his happy go lucky fun loving tag partner, and through it all they get along honky dory. Right? Uh-uh! Wrong! Get along? For the longest time they could hardly stand each other! They were at each other's throats like no one ever before. You all think that I pick on Krista too much? Why don't you take a look at how your Franchise treated his "little brother" before you complain about what I do to our Red Carpet Princess? Go ahead and see just what kind of "team" The Usual Suspects actually are. Go on and watch, Zack Malibu at his truest.

[b]OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 1/6/05[/b]

Zack takes one of the World Tag Team Titles and runs up the ropes, posing with it, while across the ring Tony raises his belt over his head. Malibu then turns and tosses the belt down to Dan Black, who holds it in one hand and raises it up, tilting his head back and cackling gleefully as he and his associates gloat. As the song fades out, Malibu heads over to the ropes and requests the mic, tapping it a few times to cue the sound guy to cut the music out completely so that he can speak. Malibu pauses, and converses off mic with his contingent, allowing the fans to absorb what he's just said, before continuing.

Next up in '05 we have Leon Rodez. Little Leon, trying so hard...SO HARD to make a name for himself. The thing is, Leon, you're doing it at the expense of the wrong man. You want to be a name that bad, my friend? You want so hard to be able to say you climbed that ladder, all the way, from the openers to the X Division to taking out the greatest star this company has ever seen? It didn't happen for you before '04 became history, and the future doesn't look to bright for you, Silky. You're another one, along with those stupid girls and the bop-boys, oh and who can forget Josh Matthews, Mr. Superstar who thinks he's a big man because he pinned me after what, nine people ran in? YOU GUYS are supposed to be the force to be reckoned with? Please, you make Mario and the Dungeon of Doom look like my In Crowd in comparision! In fact I don't think anyone could measure up to you, because we are not only the past, but we are the present and the future of this company! YOU HEAR ME PEOPLE! THIS IS YOUR FUTURE, RIGHT HERE!


In the plush surroundings of Bill Watts' office, X-Division Champion Leon Rodez sits lounged in front of Watts with his X-Title placed over his shoulder, whistling away to himself as he waits for Watts to finish off some paperwork. Rodez's feet seem to be hovering between floor and table awkwardly as he shuffles about, trying to get comfortable. Trying in vain it seems.

(shrugs) If you're willing to put the belt on the line against Zack Malibu, then more power to ya. But...you gotta be sure.

I'm sure, okay. Jeezus, why does everybody talk about Zack like he's some sort of a...mythological figure of the OAOAST. Anyone would think he was unbeatable, the way people talk. The GPX think I'm crazy for getting into the ring with him. I spoke to Alix and all she can do is warn me about asking for a match with him. And now, here you are, acting like I'm signing a death warrant rather than a contract for a wrestling match.

Speaking of which...

Watts flops another sheet of paper on the table, which Rodez looks at curiously.

...a waiver?

Yah. It says that if you get injured by Zack, you cannot hold the company responsible.

You're kidding me, right? I'm signing up for a singles match Bill. A singles match!

Yes I know, but with the frame of mind Malibu has been in recently, we gotta take precautions. Let's face it. You saw what he did at Climax. The guy's a loose cannon. And...

...what? And what?

Well, I'm sure Zack still remembers your part in his loss to Josh Matthews. If he can do what he did to someone like Alix, you can imagine what he might do to you.

Nobody gives me a hope in hell, do they? (chuckles) Everyone thinks...I'm just gonna be another Zack Malibu victim, don't they. Which is EXACTLY why I want this match! Zack Malibu thinks that he's above everyone else in this company and he's managed to convince quite a few people that he's right, or so it seems.

[quote][b]OAOAST HeldDOWN 12/13/04[/b]

[b]Zack Malibu Vs Josh Matthews[/b]

Malibu releases Josh, and suddenly it's three on three, with old rivals Black T and GPX pairing off, and Malibu taking on Rodez! All six men do battle, as Josh rolls out to the floor, and it's a melee in the ring! Static clotheslines Dan over the ropes, Tony is hurled out by Jackson, leaving just Malibu and Rodez! Zack regains the advantage, firing off lefts and rights to stagger the X Division superstar, but when he goes to Irish whip him, the move is reversed, and Leon pulls Zack in close, hitting an inverted atomic drop! With Malibu staggered, Leon winds up, and starts peppering Zack with jabs...because Mama Said Knock You Out! Malibu is hobbling as Leon finishes off the punches, and he leaps up for the finale, an enzugiri...but Malibu ducks it! Leon crumples to the mat, and Zack quickly bounds for the ropes, rebounding and cracking a recovering Leon in the side of the head with a Zack Attack that sends him spilling out of the ring!

I love it! That makes two men whose asses he's kicked!

Both Black T and GPX continue brawling, having taken their brawl up into the crowd! With Leon disposed of, Malibu looks for Matthews, but the crowd pops yet again as Alix Spezia runs out and nails Zack from behind with a low blow!


Malibu falls to his knees, but before Alix can follow up, Candie comes in and tackles her! The two girls start rolling around on the mat, and it's a good old fashioned CAAAAAAAAAAAATFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!

Oh man, I gotta get me some of that!

You've gotta get you some, period.

Candie gets the advantage, and pulls Alix up, tossing her into the corner, then charging in...but Alix nails her with an elbow to drive her away! Candie stumbles, and Alix quickly takes her by the head, then kicks off the middle ropes, spiking her with a Tornado DDT!

Alix just took out Candie!

I'd like to take out Can...

COACHMAN COME ON, there's chaos in the ring, and...LOOK OUT ALIX!






Pfft, I knew it would take more than that!

Josh, needing to capitalize quickly, pulls Zack up...but Malibu drops him with a jawbreaker...THEN NAILS HIM WITH SCHOOL'S OUT! MATTHEWS IS DOWN!


Zack, worn out from all the fighting turns around...and doesn't see Rodez tossing a chair from the outside into Alix...AND SHE CROWNS THE FORMER WORLD CHAMPION WITH A CHAIR SHOT!


Alix then urges Leon to climb the ropes, telling him to do so while Zack is down and out. Leon obliges, balancing on the top rope and soaking in the crowd cheers...








It's highway robbery!

"I Like" is cued up, and both Alix and Leon help Matthews, who is thisclose to passed out, to his feet and raise his hands, getting a huge reception from the crowd.

Atta boy J. Math!

Matthews is in complete shock that he won, a fact only proven to him by Alix and Leon pointing out the fallen body of the raving lunatic behind him. Once Josh realizes what's happened, he throws his own arms up in the air joyously, getting another major pop!

Merry Christmas Josh Matthews, because you just pinned a former World Heavyweight Champion!

Leon and Alix help Josh out of the ring. Matthews, who would have been happy to survive this match, is now ecstatic thanks to his victory. Back in the ring, Malibu is completely still, and a ravaged Candie crawls over to him, doing her best to revive him, as the scene closes with a shot of Josh, Leon and Alix up on the ramp, arms raised in triumph due to Josh's moral and in-ring victory tonight.[/quote]

[b]OAOAST HeldDOWN 7/8/04[/b]

Malibu is almost looking directly into the camera, but as it pans back, we see him looking at a superstar who's recently returned to the OAOAST ranks, Leon Rodez. Rodez is in a conversation with Josh Matthews and road agent Rick Martel, when we see Zack wheeling himself over in the background, as Candie, Hoff, and Cal look on.

'Scuse me, boys.

The conversation stops, and a feeling of uneasiness comes over both Martel and Matthews, while Rodez isn't quite sure what to make of the interruption.

Matthews, go watch Boy Meets World or something. Martel, when that ends, watch all the PGA you want. I wanna talk to the kid here.

Matthews and Martel reluctantly scatter, leaving Malibu with Leon.

So kid, how do you like it here?


Don't be a smart ass. How do you like being in the OAOAST?

It's cool, y'know?

No, no I don't know. I don't know what you think. I don't know anything about you. You know what that means, right?

That you should watch more tapes?

Heh, you're a real wiseass kid. I can appreciate that. The thing is, is that if you were someone worthwhile...if you had a shred of actual talent somewhere in that body of yours, I'd have heard about it by now. I'd have had people telling me you were the next big thing. Instead, I see you hang around with Coffee Boy and Never Was. You do realize that you're only as good as the company you keep, right?

Is that a fact, Zack?

That's a fact, Mr...

Rodez. Leon Rodez.

Rodez? What are you supposed to be, the "New American Dream"? Don't even tell me you think you could get away with wearing polka dots in MY company. Hell, even Northstar doesn't do that crap.

It's R-O-D-E-Z actually. You know, for a guy who claims to be on top of things in this company, I figured you'd have paid more attention to potential title threats.

Potential title threats? As in YOU? C'mon Leon, be serious.

Rodez's stare shows Zack that he's not kidding at all.

Mr. Newbie thinks that by stepping up his game in front of the champ and making some grandstand challenge, that he can become a superstar. Let me tell you something, NO ONE...becomes a star at my expense.

I've seen you talk the talk, Zack, and I've seen you walkin' the walk...just not lately, if you know what I mean.

Malibu frowns in disgust at Rodez, who smiles, happy with the comment.

Yeah, well, I haven't seen you do jack that tells me you're ready to run with the big dogs here. My guess is you'll be jerking the curtain for a long, long time.

You know, Zack, if I'm such a pushover, then why aren't you pushing?

You don't want me to push, Leon. When I push...I push hard. So tonight, it's your proving ground. Whatever you had planned...scrap it. The main event slot belongs to you tonight...and I guarantee you're not going to see it again for a long, long time. Candie, get me away from this no name, will ya?

And people call me a miserable hate filled bastard? BWAHAHAHAAA! Yep, just as I thought, as long as Leon is willing to play good obedient lap dog, he's welcome to have the honor and privledge of tagging with the great Zack Malibu. But, of course, when Mister Rodez develops a mind of his own, however poorly functioning and pea sized it may be, and has any desire to make something of himself beyond fellating Zack at every chance, you all know how quickly Malibu will disable The New Age Love Machine. As the old saying goes with friends like that who needs enemies? Leon Rodez, if I were you, I'd be thanking my lucky stars I have D*LUX to fall back on when Zack tells you to hit the Rodez jack. Hilarious pun intended.

Eye opening. Eye opening, brothers. I thank you, the prophets thank you, and the newly enlightended minds of the world thank you. What kind of men are these? Men without a hair on their body that's to be trusted to even do so much as blow in the wind! We saw truth, and it hurt, but we will heal and we will all be better for it! Please go on.

We know the Usual Suspects are going to be fighting with a chip on their shoulder. In their minds it wasn’t Bohemoth who did the screwing, it was he who got screwed. But they won’t be the only ones fighting inspired, so will we in honor of one brave woman. She’s an inspiration to us and women the world over... MACKENZIE DECENZO!


Looking more like the old Jade Rodez in bagging clothing, a makeup less Mackenzie DeCenzo is whisked to the staging area by V.I.C.E.

Teddy was right. Mackie is an inspiration to us all. To be on television after such a violent crime is a testament to her determination to move on with her life. What a way to stick it to her rapist.

Wait a minute now. Bo is innocent until proven guilty.

Didn’t you hear what the Boz said? They’ve got his DNA.

Abdullah blesses Mackie who begins to tear up.

There, there, my child. Let it out.

Spiritual One, I want to thank you for guiding me through this horrific time in my life. What happened to me I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. But I must come to terms with the fact I was... I was raped.

Abdullah and the guys comfort Mackie some more.


Oh, this is Academy Award winning stuff right here.

It’s attitudes like yours that cause thousands of women never to report their attack. You, sir, ought to be ashamed of yourself.

If only I could turn back time and retract my comments about...that man, sparing me the worst night in my life.

It’s not your fault. It’s so not your fault.

But..but...I must have did something...

You did nothing more but be a strong, proud woman, unafraid to stand up for her rights to personal freedoms. You are...amazing. I am in awe of you.

Bravo. Bravo to you, Mackenzie DeCenzo.

If only our constitutional rights to carry conceled weapons were upheld in every state! Then the tragedy would have been avoided, the sexual monster would be dead, and they would serve taco salad at his funeral. And it would be tasty.

But, nay, dear sir, the culinarian personnel in his future bastille shall not serve him that sapid a dish as taco salad! However, I may be so bold as to predict he will be tossing plenty of salads in his future.


When I say pick up the soap, you pick up the damn soap!

He's gonna find out what The Erotic Awakening Of Bohemoth really is. Its getting woken up in the middle of the night by fifteen members of the Aryan Nation running a train on him!

An eye for an eye! That is true justice!

I just can’t shake what happened to me. One minute I was playing pinball, the next I had Bo come up and ask whether I wanted to play with his balls, but he... *sobs* ... just wouldn’t take no for an answer. I just wanted him to stop...stop hurting me...my parents watch this show...and....why did he do this to me? Why god why?

Unable to control her painful emotion and freely flowing river of tears, Mackenzie falls onto the shoulder of the Spirtual One. He strokes her bright blond hair as his own sorrowful tears well in the corner of his eyes.






Edited by Patty O'Green

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