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Guest Nostril king

In A Piss Poor Pay Per View

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Guest Nostril king

And it established the ankle lock as a viable finisher again..


Horrible matchs the whole night through -


* brock proves he isn't ready

* rvd proves he can't carry a match

*jericho continues to be erratic (he was off tonight)

* HHH refuses to give up on his face push

*Jamie knoble drops the ball

* Hurricane drops the ball

* Main event has a billion run nonsensical run ins, went on far too long, bored me to death, and I forgot who fucking won...

* Flair - who nobody knows if he is a face or a heel v.s. Guererro - a heel who isn't over ---workrate could only save this match

and they didn't deliver




But hogan jobbed cleanly...and Angle's right back as main event material - put him in a feud with HHH for 2 months and you've got watchable TV


As an insatiable, unreasonable internet "smark" - i'm satisfied with a transitional PPV

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Guest godthedog

i agree with all of the above, except for hurricane.


if only hogan had done that with the crossface, which, you know...actually LOOKS like a credible finisher.

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Guest Brian

It seemed like they were told to dog it, either because they were forced to wrestle within certain confines or because someone didn't want to be shown up (or practically everyone?).

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Guest Nostril king

I dont like cruiser matches with nothing but spots...but i LOATHE heavyweight matches with no spots and nothing but psychology...this match had an unbelievably bad attempt at psychology -


the worst since hardy v.s. hardy

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I got a really bad thought that just crossed my mind.


What if Hogan wins the Title from Taker?


Hogan vs Brock?


Fark that...but Im glad its probably not going to happen.

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Guest Prince Paul
I got a really bad thought that just crossed my mind.


What if Hogan wins the Title from Taker?


Hogan vs Brock?


Fark that...but Im glad its probably not going to happen.

Oh my god that would be fucking terrible!


Please, never speak of this again. :o

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Guest I Fear Hogans Air Guitair

How could RVD Carry Brock if he got squashed in 3 minuets. The PPV pretty much sucked but it was saved By Hogan Jobbing Clean to Angle especially with the Ankle Lock.

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Guest Ash Ketchum
And it established the ankle lock as a viable finisher again..


Horrible matchs the whole night through -


* brock proves he isn't ready

* rvd proves he can't carry a match

*jericho continues to be erratic (he was off tonight)

* HHH refuses to give up on his face push

*Jamie knoble drops the ball

* Hurricane drops the ball

* Main event has a billion run nonsensical run ins, went on far too long, bored me to death, and I forgot who fucking won...

* Flair - who nobody knows if he is a face or a heel v.s. Guererro - a heel who isn't over ---workrate could only save this match

and they didn't deliver




But hogan jobbed cleanly...and Angle's right back as main event material - put him in a feud with HHH for 2 months and you've got watchable TV


As an insatiable, unreasonable internet "smark" - i'm satisfied with a transitional PPV



You got the first one right. But the rest are hit and miss:


* brock proves he isn't ready


Probably so. And it'll be the WWE's fault when they ruin him.


* rvd proves he can't carry a match


...Are you sure you're not smoking? :D Nah. RVD's pretty good, but if he gets his transitions down a bit better, he'll get an instant ME push, I think.


*jericho continues to be erratic (he was off tonight)


Unofrtunately so. they saved Angle's credibility and Hulk put on a great show, but Jericho's current condition sucks, it makes him look horrible. But if it leads to a Canadian stable... hey... that's cool.


* HHH refuses to give up on his face push


Hmmm... so that makes the Rock a heel now? I'd expect him to take some time off and come back as the old heel HHH, bitter at Rocky for costing him the Undisputed championship


*Jamie knoble drops the ball

* Hurricane drops the ball


I repeat, as said before: Noble needs a tad more work, and the LHW need to be given more freedom. I saw some in this match.


* Main event has a billion run nonsensical run ins, went on far too long, bored me to death, and I forgot who fucking won...


UT won. And there weren't a billion, plus the Brock-RVD squash helped NONE.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

they are channeling the past again in regards to brock. in order to build new main eventers, they have taken the rocky maivia route, push a guy to the sky who nobody a) cares about, or B) wants to see in the main event. although now, they have the double effect, because all the main eventers (bar 1) the fans a) dont care about and B) dont want to see in the main event.


forget the summer of RVD, this will truly be the summer of "fun." wwe sure is giving the nwa a great chance to succeed if they continue with these craptacular programs.

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Guest Nostril king
* rvd proves he can't carry a match


...Are you sure you're not smoking? :D Nah. RVD's pretty good, but if he gets his transitions down a bit better, he'll get an instant ME push, I think.


*jericho continues to be erratic (he was off tonight)


Unofrtunately so. they saved Angle's credibility and Hulk put on a great show, but Jericho's current condition sucks, it makes him look horrible. But if it leads to a Canadian stable... hey... that's cool.


* HHH refuses to give up on his face push


Hmmm... so that makes the Rock a heel now? I'd expect him to take some time off and come back as the old heel HHH, bitter at Rocky for costing him the Undisputed championship


*Jamie knoble drops the ball

* Hurricane drops the ball


I repeat, as said before: Noble needs a tad more work, and the LHW need to be given more freedom. I saw some in this match.


* Main event has a billion run nonsensical run ins, went on far too long, bored me to death, and I forgot who fucking won...


UT won. And there weren't a billion, plus the Brock-RVD squash helped NONE.

"...Are you sure you're not smoking? :D Nah. RVD's pretty good, but if he gets his transitions down a bit better, he'll get an instant ME push, I think.



He can bump, he showed nothing other than that tonight. I don't see how he's improved from last year at all besides the WWE made him stop being entertaining.


"Hmmm... so that makes the Rock a heel now? I'd expect him to take some time off and come back as the old heel HHH, bitter at Rocky for costing him the Undisputed championship



I don't see your point. A face attacking a face does not turn ANYONE heel (HHH/Hogan, Rock/SCSA last year before wrestlemania)...and the simple fact that a Cliq reunion run-in would have made sense - yet HHH will play the "I didn't need your help" strong face role - setting up the nWo feud down the line - and since he can't appear on RAW just yet, that's at least 1 more month of HHH being face.


"I repeat, as said before: Noble needs a tad more work, and the LHW need to be given more freedom. I saw some in this match. "


They were allowed a LOT of TV time for cruisers (given the ball)- given the opportunity to entertain, and failed to do so (dropped the ball).


I don' give a fuck what you have to say about the matter - I was in a sports bar full of people concentrating on the fucking race car game over this match.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

holy crap, i just realized something



Lesnar = Luger



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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20
He tapped to Luger in 1997 to lose the WCW Title.


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Guest J*ingus

He also tapped out to Sting at Starcade 97 (after pinning Sting clean and having the match restarted).


Hogan hasn't been putting on the world's best matches over the past few months, but outside of that ugly month when he was the champion, I've had no problems with him in his recent WW(F)E tenure. How many other main eventers have done high-profile clean jobs to no less than three other guys?

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20
He also tapped out to Sting at Starcade 97 (after pinning Sting clean and having the match restarted).


Hogan hasn't been putting on the world's best matches over the past few months, but outside of that ugly month when he was the champion, I've had no problems with him in his recent WW(F)E tenure. How many other main eventers have done high-profile clean jobs to no less than three other guys?


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Guest Anglesault

Last night was my final test for Hogan. I think he really feels that this is his last run and he wants to manke good.

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Guest Ripper

Geez...I liked the RVD, Jerhico match....that and Molly/Trish were the best matches

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Guest AM The Kid
*jericho continues to be erratic (he was off tonight)

Taaa daaa!

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Guest dreamer420

good stuff:


- the hurricane/jame noble match was solid, although it was a little early for noble to be champion IMO.


- the goldust/rock/booker t promo was a classic and it was nice to see that booker didn't go straight back to a heel once the rock arrived back. excellent work by goldust too.


- flair and guerrero worked well together, and although the match seemed a little short to me i'm betting that their feud will continue, which i am looking forward to.


- taker retains the title which finally keeps it on one person for more than month for the first time since wrestlemania.


bad stuff:


- the rest of the pay per view.

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Guest Ripper

While NOble/Helms wasn't amazing, It featured 2 guys selling the hell out of each others offense and a hot ass top rope swinging neck breaker and the best damn snap powerbomb I have seen in a while so I am happy.

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