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Guest pappajacks

The nWo can work if...

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Guest pappajacks

In my opinion, the nWo can work if:


1. Vince swallows his pride! Eric Bischoff is to the nWo as to what Hulk Hogan is to wrestling. There have been numerous repors that Eric’s return is imminent, and will lead to a major feud between Vince and Eric, the two men who were at odds with each other for the greater part of the nineties. This "Conspiracy Theory" that continues to surface seems more realistic than the "cyclical" Bret Hart one. Vince will most likely get "swerved" by the nWo leading to the arrival of Eric. Eric is the quintessential heel. He has the face, the energy, and the history to back up these claims. However, one thing that is really really scaring me is the "Vacationing" Shane McMahon. Perhaps he is the one who is really behind "The Bad Guys" (nWo). The nWo gives Shane a window of opportunity to thrust him back into the "spotlight" that Shane so deservingly (errrr not exactly) needs. This would really be a disappointment. One of the reasons why the WWF Invasion angle failed was because fans didn’t really find it believable that Shane (Vince’s son) owned WCW, while his father had the WWF. The entrance of Eric Bischoff would add an element of "REAL LIFE" to the storyline, as opposed to bad scripting.


Vince may have to swallow his pride, but he cannot and will not allow Bischoff to enjoy a booking role. Eric isn’t a booker, and I think Vince realizes that.


2. Shawn Michaels’ partaking in the angle is crucial. It seems that every single month he is slated to return and play a role in WWF storylines. This is the time to bring him back for two reasons. One, he is a top-tier talent that is well known to WWF fans around the globe. He can get loud pops and genrerate even more heat a la Triple H. He won’t fall into the "Tweener" camp of being cheered and booed like a Goldberg or Austin as a heel, because he knows what to say and do. Also, a well documented fact is that Michaels is good buddies with Nash and Hall. This is the perfect time for him to come back. Maybe Vince not using him for the past two years has been a blessing in disguise? Shawn appears to be in the best condition since his injury at Wrestlemania. He is obviously younger than Hogan, "The Smashed Boozer", and Nash. The clique was Hall, Nash, and Michaels, and don’t forget HHH (another possibility), even Syxx (X-Pac)


Michael Jordan came back, Mario Lemieux came back. Why not Shawn?


3. Make the angle affect all areas of WWF storylines. So what are the reactions of HHH, Rock, Austin, Undertaker? The nWo angle should affect all areas of the storylines to make their arrival even more feared by the superstars. In reality, we have only seen Rick Flair’s paranoia and Vince McMahon confident expectations.


4. The Smashed Boozer. Calm Scott down. Behave Scott! There are reports in the lockeroom that you didn’t set the greatest impression when you were backstage, saying you would "Kick out of anyone’s finisher." This is not how you jump ahead and put yourself in good standing in the eyes of the boss. You were rumored to have an epic matchup against Stone Cold at Wrestlemania, and now, the match seems to be in doubt.


Also, have Scott say "Hey Yo" everytime he gets the mic, an instant pop generator.


5. Lockeroom Karma. Vince has decided to bring in an intriguing element to the storyline, depicting the nWo as the men who will "tear up the lookeroom... raping, buring, and pillaging WWF superstars." Although I was a bit skeptical of the whole approach, it seems the best thing to do. Make it out that they are feared by all, and Vince can use "real life storylines" like what WCW used with Scott "The Smashed Boozer" Hall’s drinking problem.


6. Bring back Russo??? He would have a field day with this storyline.



Vince has "Wined" "Dined" and "Pocketlined($)" Nash, Boozer, and Hogan. But if Vince is to truly succeed, he needs to use "my 6 points for success" and then and only then the WWF can perhaps return to its golden years where it became "appointment TV" for everyone in States and Canada.

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Guest goodhelmet

I don't want the NWO involved with all aspects of the product. Keep Booker, RVD, Benoit (when he returns), Angle and Storm far away from the dinosaurs. But then again, I don't want them to succeed anyway.

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Guest Tony149

I gotta agree with what you said. The nWo can work, IF the WWF knows what the hell they're doing. Eric being the mastermind of the nWo in the WWF is perfect. As for Russo...I'd rather have him write than the shit that's going on now. Russo & Vince McMahon with some Heyman thrown in are a helluva lot better than Vince & Steph.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Yeah but I don't want Vince to go back to the WWF. Then he'll be the de-facto babyface that makes no since ala the Invasion. And that would suck.

And furthermore....will Vince quit wearing his crappy suits and put on an nWo shirt? Everyone in the nWo has to wear one.

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Guest Tony149

They could do some angle where Vince lets the nWo in, only to find out they're working with Bischoff. Then he has to gain back the trust of the WWF locker room to fight them off.

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Guest goodhelmet

The NWO angle can work if.... this is some personal plan of McMahon's to seek revenge on Nash and Hogan for betraying him and he ends up embarassing them in an ultimate screwjob FU fashion.

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Guest goodhelmet

"We get it goodhelmet. You don't like the nWo angle and the old guys being back"



It's True, It's DAMN TRUE

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Guest TheBigBadBootyDaddy

Best scenario is that Bischoff (who has been reported signed on many sites now), is the man behind the nWo, that Vince gets "kicked out of the locker room" by Flair and the nWo (not as an alliance.), shunned by both the WWF (flair) and the nWo (bischoff).  I could see Vince letting Heyman pick up a few ex ECW-ites too in order to go do a few things, but If all goes the way I say, Vince doesnt show up drunk on TV for a while

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Guest Tony149

Are you saying another ECW "invasion"? This time funded by Vince. Bischoff can work well, if Vince doesn't decided to play around with them.

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Guest TheBigBadBootyDaddy

For the most part I'd just love to see Heyman, Bischoff, and Vince all doing their own things all at once.  Battle of the top 3 promoters of the 90's

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Guest Rabies

As long as VinceMac stays heel (It's almost impossible for the fans to see him as a face again), Shane/Linda stay off TV, and keep Steph away from the nWo, the angle has a good chance of succeeding. Is anyone else digusted from the idea/possibilty of Steph being involved with the nWo? That would just blow the entire angle for good.

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Guest AustinHeadbanger

I think that Vince needs to remain heel for a very long time. he is just better as a heel. The nWo should not turn on him, at least not for a long time.

I am not and nevr have been a Bischoff fan. i would hate to see him return to my TV set, but on the bright side it woulod give us that Bishoff/ Vince match that many fans wanted to see a few years back. But persoanlly I would rather never see him return.

Hey, I think that Steph is a hot piece of ass and all, but her involment with the nWo will probably suck ass. she is proff, that at least some women should be seen and not heard.

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Guest Tony149

Steph would kill the nWo angle. Anybody remember the ECW return on Raw last year? ECW got a huge reaction. Then Steph was introduce as the new owner and the fans moaned.

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Guest Army Eye

No Stephanie in the NWO and especially no Shane, who thinks he should be made to look stronger than the wrestlers.  This is the main thing


Bringing in Bischoff would be great.  If the NWO turns on Vince and announces Bischoff as their leader, I would hope Vince would stay off TV and leave Flair int he role of rallying the troops for the WWF.  Vince already turned twice in 2001 and it has to be getting th the point where the fans would not buy another face turn by him one bit.  But on the other hand, McMahon and Bischoff cutting promos on each other would be incredible.  So I guess I'm torn on that issue.

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Guest Tony149

Maybe Ric can finally get that clean win he should of gotten from Bischoff in '98.


McMahon & Bischoff cutting promos on each other would be awesome. Hell, you could stick Flair in there too. But like you said. Keep Shane & Steph the hell away from the nWo.

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