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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

Tony Jaymz's Top 50 Matches..

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

Ok, inspired by the top 50 wwf matches thread, and the fact that I can't sleep and haven't watched my wrestling atpes/dvds in a while, i decided to do a Top 50 Matches Of All time. This includes wcw, wwf, etc. but mainly wwf.


Also, this is all my opinion. I'm a big fan of certain wrestlers and the match may not be ***** to anyone but me. Oh and this is just of what I have seen.


*Cd for the list: Our Lady Peace "Gravity"


BTW before I get underway honorable mentions that didn't make the list is the best of 7 series(because i couldn't pick just one match), the main event of SurSer 90, and Ultimate Warrior vs. Ted DiBiase at SNME


50. Sabu vs. Chris Jericho

This is from ECW, don't no when and where exactly as it is on a Y2J comp tape of mine. AS you can already see, I'm a big Jericho fan and this was the first full match of Sabu I ever watched. I think it is in 1995 but never the less, Sabu could go back in the day.


49. WWF title match, Hell in a Cell: Kurt Angle v. HHH v. Rikishi v. Undertaker v. Rock v. Steve Austin

From Armegeddon 2000. This is basically one of my favorite Schmozzes(sp?wheres Bret when ya need him) of all time, as it had not one, not two, but 4 of my favorite wrestlers. I'll leave it to yout o figure out which four it is. Anyways, the one thing that I have always thought was pretty cool the first time seeing it but now kinda pales in comparsion to the rest of the match was Rikishi's big bump. It was just kinda...bleh.Gotta love the Austin/Rock staredown.


48. WWF World title: Bret Hart v. The Patriot

From IYH:Ground Zero. I know it isn't the best match ever workrate wise, but I like thsi match because Hart was just uber cool in the match, and The Patriot and Hart actually got over as result. I didn't like the interferance much, but either way, still a good match.


47. WWF World title match: Shawn Michaels v. Mankind

From Mind Games. You know, I think this has become a cult favorite of everyones. I didn't even see the whole PPV, just saw this match on the Foley dvd. Long story short, Foley and HBk did a match, that didn't have much storyline or anything about it but had alot of Intensity. People say the Foley got UT over and vice versa, well HBk and Foley both got over from each other from this match. Foley's crazy act was great too.


46. WWF World tag titles, TLC2: The Dudley Boyz v. Edge & Christian v. The Hardy Boyz

Bubba Ray Dudley said this was the creme de la creme of all the TLCs, and while I dissagree, I still think this is one of the better Dudley Boyz match. What really set this match apart from the other ladders/cage/ high places to fall off matches was the interferance. Spike, Lita, and Rhyno all helped in this match, made it quite good. I will never ever get tired of jeff Hardy doing crazy shit for my enjoyment.


45. Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy, IC Title, Smackdown

Mark Out. Thats what I did at the end of this match. Mark Out. Basically I am a Hardy Boyz fan and, even though this wasn't anything close to a five star match, it made up for it in spades with happyness by me. I truly thought taht this would be the stepping stone to jeff becoming an upper tier satr. i was wrong, but it doesn't matter. This is one of those matches that i will always like, for what it could have led to.


44. Kurt Angle vs. Shane McMahon, No DQ Match.

The infamous glass match from KOTR 2001. This just proves that Shane is a crazy fuck. The best part is that it wasn't just that spot. This match had tons of redeeming values, and holy shit moments. Funny thing is, Kurt Angle was the one who got legit hurt. Hows that for freaky?


43. Bret Hart v. Mr. Perfect

This was semi final at KOTR 93. I don't have much to say bout this match other than Hart and Hennig delivered yet again a great match. Perfect should have turned though...I mean, really, Mr. perfect as a face? Shaking hands? Did Curt hennig die and some one else take his place as Mr. perfect?


42. The Smoking Gunns & Tatanka v. Bam Bam Bigelow & The Headshrinkers

Yes..billy, bart, chris chavis, and two fat samoans made a great match.

The moons, stars must have been in the right place, and I think the guys stole Flairs A-Game boots. Triple Swandive Headbutt would be a killer finisher.


41. Tito Santana vs. Greg Valentine, cage match.

Yes kids, we going old school. See, what I don't get is why Tito never got much farther up the card? Probably because he was small but damnit he could go! Serously, I have only seen two good Greg Valentine matches, this being one of them. I swear to god, I wish Tito santana was around, in his prime today. Can you imagine a Tito vs. Benoit match? I can...I can...


40. Bret Hart vs. Ricky Steamboat

I saw this on the Hart Foundation old old colluseum video, and if I'm not mistaken is the only match between the two ever. Do I have to really tell you how good this is? Hell I bet now, years and years after this match, they could still make a great match.


39. Ricky Steamboat vs. Lex Luger

I know what your saying: Why is a Steamboat match, this Steamboat match number 39 and not higher? Well because I saw a very clipped version of the match. But what i saw was good...very good. From GAB 89, BTW.


38. Surge(Matt Hardy) vs. Mike Maverick

This is from O.M.E.G.A. Got this off a Hardyz comp tape. Pretty good match, better than most non hardcore indy matches. Maverick turned into a Dupp BTW. Matt pulls off a high spot here that, while you would think wouldn't be believeable, somehow they make it so. Shane Helms looks anorexic as Kid Vicious, Maverick's tag team partner(The Serial Thrillaz). Early Hardyz stuff blows anything they do these days away.


37. Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Chris Jericho, Cruiserweight Title.

From WCW's Bash at The Beach 98. I talked about Marking Out earlier for Jeff Hardy, well I marked out like crazy seeing Rey return. Jericho was gold back then too. I miss Rey's mask. Hopefully we will be seeing it again soon.


36. Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle, WMX7

Best workrate match on the ppv. I think they could have gone into more back story(Angle and Benoit wrestled on the previous WM too) but they delivered the goods. The Jericho/ Benoit tag team was cool but can you imagine an Angle/ Benoit tag team? That'd be (stealing phrases!) Swank~!


35. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle, WM 2000, Ic, Euro title

Speaking of that previous WM. Why is this match over the above match? Well, even though they arn't very different in terms of better or worse, so I asked myself: Which one is Jericho in? The answer was this one, so it got the nods. Yeah, I'm a Jerichoholic.


33. Booker T vs. Eddy Guerrero, Uncensored 98, TV title

This is the match that made me a Booker T fan, and I looked at him more serously. Is it just me or did Booker T have tons of finishing moves? the sidewalk slam, harlem hangover, scissors kick, missle dropkic., etc. That was a good thing about WCW: They let you pull out great shit.


31. The Heavenly Bodys vs. The Thrillseekers

This is from Smokey Moutain Wrestling. I thing I noticed about SMW was that when they videotaped a bakctsage ambush or whatever, they made it seem important. Case in point: To help set up this match, a lady is video taping her kid, then sees the Thrillseekers in the background get jumped. See...why can't they do that these days. Kayfabe is not evil! Jericho does an ungodly blade job, and wrestled with a soft cast because he broke it trying a Shooting Star Press. Man, this match makes me want more Thrillseekers.


30. Vince McMahon vs. Steve Austin, Cage Match

This was the climax of the Austin vs. McMahon feud and boy did they deliver. Vince gets his as kicked. Bottom Line. And eveyrone wanted to see that...everyone. This was also the first and last time Paul Wight ever looked and seemed bad ass.


29. Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz, Ladder Match

The first one, the best one. Serously, if you compare this to the other ladder matches, it is easy to see that this match is better than the others. Evil Hardy Boyz is just uber cool. Why can't they do that now with Raven?


28. HBK vs. Undertaker

This is from Ground Zero. This match makes mehappy and sad at the same time. Happy because bad ass Undertaker just destroying people like this is cool but sad because, well, look at him now. 1997 was the year of the Undertaker.


27. Wild Pegasus(Chris Benoit) vs. Chris Jericho

From Super J-Cup. I actually don't know if he was still known as Wild Pegasus at the time, but hey, whatcha gonna do when you cant speak japanese. BTW I got thsi of off the above mentioned Jericho comp, so thats why The Great Sasuke vs. Benoit didn't make the lsit. I want to see taht though...if anyone can help me with taht, I'd be happy.


26. HBK vs. Razor Ramon, Lader Match, IC Title

The one from WM 10. I know, its high on the list but this is where I like it. I compare it to my fav. ladder match, it just doesn't stack up. But thats just me. Still a great ladder match.


25. Dusty Rhodes and Sting vs The Road Warriors

I forget on which card this was, but this was just cool. This was set up when The Road Warriors shoved a spike into Dusty's eye. Major blade job there. This match is cool, because this was the first time I ever saw Sting back in his surfer days and Dusty pulls of a dropkick. I shit you not, if you weeeeeeelll.


24. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit, cage match

I forget if this was on Smackdown or Raw, i think Smackdown. But anyways, this was one of those matches where the gimmick helped build the match, not hurt it. How Angle lived trhough that moonsault it just...whoa...


23. Triple H vs. Steve Austin, 3 Stages Of hell

NWO 2001. I love this match, was MOTY for 2001. A little but overated and I would have had Austin go over, but whatcha gonna do.


22. Owen Hart vs. Ken Shamrock, Lions Den match

Serously, this is a match which came out of nowhere. Owen Hart and Shamrock had not one but two great gimmick matches that havn't really been done before then or after. This being one of them. This is why I miss Shamrock in the wwe, and why I miss Owen period.


21. Chris Jericho v. Chris Benoit, 2/3 falls

Could these two have a bad match? I think not. Serously, I think the only way they could top this match and the ladder match is an iron Man match. Either way, this is one of thsoe have got to see matches.


20. Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage, IC title

The match from WM3. Isn't higher on the list because of clipping, though it was great what I saw. Maybe I will have to turn in my Smarks membership card. Anyways, the psychology in thsi match was intense, and why oh why didn't Steamboat have a longer reign?


19. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit, Ladder Match, IC title

This is my favorite ladder match there is. Yes, more than Ramon/HBK. This is the match that made Royal Rumble 2001 good. The ladder was used as a weapon, not as a way to go up high and fall, which I like.


18.WWF title: The Rock v. HHH v. Kurt Angle

This was the pinncale of the Angle/HHH feud in reality, which isn't really that good considering Angle got a concussion and wasn't really that much of a factor in this match. Still good though, which makes me wish Triple H from 2000 was back, here and now. Oh well, still a great match, by the best ppv of 2000.


17.Shane McMahon v. X-Pac, Euro title

I admit it, back in 98/99, I was an X-Pac fan. The reason was he actually gave a damn. His feud with Shane was great, kind of Austinvs. McMahon junior. Anyways, everyone knew Shane was gonna get his ass kciked, and he did, in a great way. Serously, Shane could be a great wrestler if thats what he relaly wanted. This also marked the first time I ever was lost for words at a heel turn because I really didn't see it coming. I mean, serously, Triple H turning on X-Pac? It was crayz back then. Good match.


16. TLC 4

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Hardyz Boyz vs. E+C vs. Jericho/Benoit. Take past TLCs, ladder matches, etc. thats the first 3 teams have done and multiply that goodness by 2, and what do you get? This kick ass match. Why oh why this didn't make the WWF's best of but Stacy vs. Torrie did is lost on me. I said I would like help with Sasuke vs. Benoit but I would also love to get this match on tape.


15. Bret Hart vs. Chris Benoit, Owen hart memorial match

Great match. Bottom line. Also, was this the only match between the wto? i can't think of any other match. Anyways, this was a great way to remeber Owen, by giving a Five Star match.


14. Cactus Jack vs. Triple H ,HIAC

The match that said goodbye to Foley and hello to main eventer Triple H.

I saw this live, as in I didn't wait till it came out on tape/dvd, which is pretty rare for me and I'm glad I didn't wait. The only thing setting this match back was it was kinda anticlimatic, otherwise it would have been higher, believe me.


13. The Rock vs. Triple H, ladder match, IC title

Man..watching this now is wierd, I mean, The Rock...heel..vs. triple H...face..? Thats just crazy talk right there. This match essentially made these two. Lil tidbit: The nation and DX had a great brawl on a Raw before this, and I was going to include it but i didn't have it on tape and I didn't want try to justify it when I can't remeber that much of it. On to this match though, is a must see. Bottom Line.


12. Magnum TA vs. Tully Blanchard, I quit match

It doesn't get that much more hardcore than this. I got a clipped version, otehrwise it might be higher, but still:Damn. You could literally feel the hate between these two. Is a must see.


11. Steve Austin v. Chris Benoit v. Chris Jericho, WWf title

Uber cool match between The Great Ones from up north and Steve-O. The finish though..what? Anyways, thsi just proved that KOTR was a damn fine ppv, and this match makred the first appearance of the Bookerman in the WWF.


10. The Rock vs. Steve Austin, WWf Title

From WM 15. This match carried that ppv, which only had two good matches. back then I didn't think they could ever top this, but I was wrong. Great match.


9. Chris Jericho vs. The Rock, No Mercy 2001

This was the first ppv match of their fued, and quite frankly, was one of those matches which had me marking out from beginning to end. Only wish Chris had actually gotten the belt in WCW, isntead of after it died.


8. Steve Austin/ Triple H vs. Chris Jericho/Chris Benoit

Yes, That match. How no one can like this match is jsut...crazy. Too bad it led to the demise of Triple H.


7. Steve Austin vs. The Rock WM x-7

Their greatest match together ever. This was the last great WM Main event. Though its only been a yeat, I think that it will be a while until we see a match of that calber headlining WM again.


6. The Rock vs. Chris Jericho, Unifed Title

From RR 2002. The heat for this match was awesome. Still say this was fued of the year,which is either good or bad depending on whether the glass is half full or half empty. Though its beginning to look like its all the way empty. Anyways, The Rock did the right thing, and made Jericho a main eventer. Too bad that got fucked up.


5. The Rock vs. Triple H, Iron Man Match

Better than HBk vs. Hart. Way better. This is Triple H/The Rock's best match ever together. Screw the Ut though.


4. Triple H vs. Chris Jericho, Last Man Standing

Best triple H match ever, IMO. And Triple H actually made jericho look good, despite what is now thought.


3. Austin vs. Benoit, Smackdown.

Um yeah...great match...best free Tv match ever.


2. Bret vs. Owen, WM 10

Ha! I swerved You! Russo would be proud. Anyways, this was Owen's greatest match ever and Bret's too. This was the best mactch of the year, and the ppv. Best match of the 90's too.


1. cactus jack vs. triple H

I know I said ealier that the the harts match was my fav., but I just watched this and I like it more. So there. Anyways, this is just a match that mixed everything together so well..just great.


So there ya go...50 matches. Thats was longer and harder than I thought. Anyways, of course give me feedback, etc. Night, sleep time.



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Guest dreamer420

interesting choice for number 1. i assume it was the street fight from the 2000 royal rumble. while that was a pretty damn good match I don't think it can compare to the clinic that bret and owen put on a wrestlemania 10.

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

Well number One and Number Two change exchange places all the time. Basically The bret/Owen match and Triple H/ Foley match are easly my two favorite matches of all time. Just so happened last night WM X match was 2nd place. I;m suprised noone flamed me for the jeff hardy vs. triple h match and how high up some legendry matches were.

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Guest dreamer420

i'm surprised that at least one flair/steamboat match didn't make your list. the clash of the champions 6 match is one of the top three matches of all time IMO.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Your list is good...For Me To Poop On!!


Am I to assume you've never seen Flair vs Funk from the Great American Bash 1989...shame on you!


And if you're going OMEGA you could have taken Willow vs Surge from 7/31/98, broham...2/3 falls, classic shit.


And you have ONE ECW MATCH! ONE!

-Malenko and Guerrero wrestled each other a dozen or so times and most of those kill anything on your list!

-Douglas and Credible had a classic at Cyberslam 99!

-Mikey vs Candido from N2R 96!

-Mikey & Yoshi had classic matches with the FBI.





Anyway...not ripping on you too hard, if I made a 50 list I'd forget to add some classics too...that's why I'm not making one.

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

Easy answer is, if the matches weren't on my list and they were that great, than I haven't seen em. The Steamboat/ Fliar matches I tried to get, but got screwed over, which led to me not tape trading anymore. And I don't watch ECW much, so thats why I only have one ECW match.

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Guest godthedog

interesting choices, but one thing kind of disturbs me...


why was the finish of no way out 2001 anticlimactic? foley took a back body drop through the cell and the ring caved in! what could be more climactic than that?


or maybe i'm just misunderstanding and you thought it was anticlimactic that trips got the pin with a pedigree.

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

It was more or less the kickout of the pin from the fall, then just get pinned right away after the pedigree. I guess they where just putting over the Pedigree but I was so sure that Foley would kcik out again.

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Guest RetroRob215

I like the Foley-HHH HIAC more than the streetfight because there was more riding on it. It was much more emotional.

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

True, maybe it's cause I have the streetfight on dvd, and watch it alot, and the HIAC is just from memory.

Like I said, they always change, it isn't set in stone. Wouldn't mind reading someone else's top fifty or whatever.

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Guest godthedog

i would, but i don't think my tape collection is large enough for me to be able to even identify my 50 favorite matches, much less list them. i'd end up doing a lot from memory, it would take forever, etc...

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