alfdogg 0 Report post Posted September 18, 2008 Josh Matthews is standing backstage with Alfdogg and Sandman9000. JOSH Standing with me right now, the Heartland champion, Sandman9000, as well, as the man who will attempt to take the United States title right here tonight, the leader of the Deadly Alliance, Alfdogg! Now, last week, the Deadly Alliance committed one of the most heinous acts I've ever seen in wrestling, they way they hospitalized Colombian Heat! [quote]Alf then comes out from under the ring with a WEED WHACKER~! COLE Oh, God, this is going too far! Get somebody out here! Alf slides into the ring with the weed whacker, but is confronted by the referee, which prompts him to clothesline the referee in the chest with the weapon! COLE And now assaulting officials! Alf whispers something to TK, who exits the ring and heads to the back. VENTURA Now where's TK going? COLE Who knows. Reject turns PRL over onto his stomach, as Alf fires up the weed whacker. However, Heat crawls over slowly, and shields PRL from the attack. Alf looks down at Heat, as TK arrives with a big bucket. COLE TK out here with a bucket, and God only knows what's in that thing! Alf then looks up at Sandman, and passes the weed whacker over to him. Without much hesitation, Sandman starts it up, and USES IT ON THE BACK OF COLOMBIAN HEAT! VENTURA :o COLE Sandman9000 using that weed whacker on the back of Colombian Heat! I can't believe this! Get help out there, NOW! Heat screams in pain, as Sandman finally lifts it up, and the camera zooms in on the lacerations on his back. VENTURA This is gruesome, Michael Cole. Look at that back! COLE This is heinous on the part of Sandman9000 and the Deadly Alliance! TK pushes the bucket into the ring, then rolls inside and picks it up. Reject sticks his finger inside, and immediately pulls it back, shaking it like crazy. VENTURA Well, whatever that substance is must be very hot! Alf stomps PRL, as TK grabs a candle out of his pocket, and dunks it into the bucket. COLE Jesse, I...I think that's candle wax that's in that bucket! TK hands the bucket off to Sandman, then drips a small amount of the wax into one of the wounds on the back of Heat! COLE And putting it in the opened flesh of Colombian Heat! Officials finally arive, as Alf holds them off with the weed whacker, while Reject drops down and grabs Heat in a front facelock, as Sandman DUMPS THE CONTENTS OF THE BUCKET ONTO HEAT'S WOUNDED BACK! COLE/VENTURA :o :o :o :o :o Heat quivers on the mat, as Alf drops the weed whacker, and all four Deadly Alliance members stand around Heat, looking down on him and smiling. COLE Four sick, disgusting individuals in that ring right now.[/quote] JOSH Now, I've been told Colombian Heat's back is still in excruciating pain, but he insisted that he compete and defend his title here tonight! However, who knows what the extent of his injuries are, he's obviously far from 100%, Alf. ALF Oh, will you cut it out, you're starting to sound like the Phoenix Suns with all these excuses! *crowd boos* ALF Look, little man, I'll admit that it's quite admirable of Colombian Heat to come out here injured, and try to prove me wrong for all his "Badd Boy nation" out here. *crowd cheers* ALF And let me tell you something else, Bill Laimbeer was probably hunched over his toilet PUKING when he heard those two clowns announced as the "Badd Boyz". I got news for you two; raiding your grandmother's panty drawer does not make you a Bad Boy. And Heat, you say you "invented this "ish""? I suggest you brush up on your OAOAST history, kiddo. Nobody is better at being BAD than the Deadly Alliance. We've been proving it since the beginning, we proved it last week, and I'll prove it tonight, when I take your United States title, and finally show this loser city what a championship team looks like, in the Deadly Alliance. *crowd boos* ALF (looks to Sandman) But don't worry...I'll leave plenty for you at Zero Hour. Alf walks off the set. JOSH Well, there you have it, Micha... Alf pops back in. ALF And one more thing...I hope Theodore Moneymaker has been watching this unfold. If you really wanted that windbag Krista taken out, you didn't have to hold some rum-dum tournament with bounties thrown out there, brother! We showed you the necessary measures for that last week. Yeah, you're making some progress with the whole steam-in-the-face trick, but let's be honest, what good does that do besides clearing up his acne for him? You should have sprayed it on his back! If you want to get the hang of this heel stable thing, do us a favor, quit the silly money games, and take some notes from the master. Alf walks off, this time for real. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites