Guest Incandenza Report post Posted June 24, 2002 In the Smark Universe, the one-sided beating that is the squash match always gets a DUD rating, but have you ever seen a squash that wasn't that bad? I do not mean that it was a good match, but one that did have some redeeming value. At first, I thought of HHH vs. Ultimate Warrior from Wrestlemania 12, but outside of Warrior no-selling the Pedigree, that squash wasn't very entertaining. My personal favorite, though, is Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Jake "the Snake" Roberts in the KotR Finals from the King of the Ring '96 PPV. Yes, the match was just Austin hammering away on Jake's injured ribs, but the look of sadistic glee in Austin's face made it great. And I wanted to add, even though it has little to do with the match, Austin's post-victory promo is one of my all-time favorites. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20 Report post Posted June 24, 2002 Well,this-ain't-the-best-squash,but-it's-the-worst-and-the quickest. Diesel.Vs.Bob-Backlund-WWF-Championship. 8-Seconds? 8-Seconds? What-the-Fuck. This-of-course-was-the-beginning-of-Diesel's-LONG,Boring one-year-run-as-Champion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BigTim2002 Report post Posted June 24, 2002 NBT...this one is for you... O'Haire/Jindrak vs. Buff/Luger The rookies beat the vets in under a minute because Buff and Luger acted like babies. Best...squash...ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J*ingus Report post Posted June 24, 2002 Even though the wrong guy won, the Mike Awesome/JT Smith match from ECW's The Night the Line Was Crossed was one of the most thorough disassemblings I've ever seen. In only three minutes, Awesome broke both the ring, and Smith's back. Some of the Goldberg/Giant matches from the house shows were pretty squasharific: bell rang, spear jackhammer, pin, bell rang again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20 Report post Posted June 24, 2002 Some of the Goldberg/Giant matches from the house shows were pretty squasharific: bell rang, spear jackhammer, pin, bell rang again. A-typical-Goldberg-match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BigTim2002 Report post Posted June 24, 2002 But see, his greatest matches weren't squashes... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20 Report post Posted June 24, 2002 His-best-matches-involved-Tasers-and-Scott-Hall! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Incandenza Report post Posted June 24, 2002 From a mark's standpoint, my favorite squash would be Kurt Angle destroying the Godfather in 45 seconds on Raw back in February. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted June 24, 2002 When Steve Austin just beat the shit out of Spike Dudley after Austin had him sign that match petition, and Austin made fun of Molly. Austin was beginning to form that whole Psychotic Rattlesnake persona perfectly, and he looked like a psychopath beating the life out of Spike Dudley...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ace309 Report post Posted June 24, 2002 Ultimate Warrior murdering Honky Tonk Man at Summerslam. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the 1inch punch Report post Posted June 24, 2002 O'Haire/Jindrak vs. Buff/Luger The rookies beat the vets in under a minute because Buff and Luger acted like babies. Actually, the match was booked to , yo now, go on longer, it wasn't booked to be 52 seconds long, Luger went and told O'Haire that the match would only last a minute Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted June 24, 2002 i love the ultimate warrior/honky tonk man match from summerslam 88. although i'm not really a fan of the two guys involved it was a match that had me marking out as a youngster. i loved seeing honky getting the title taken from him in such a short amount of time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest y2jailbait Report post Posted June 24, 2002 Austin Vs. Tazz, the final nail in the coffin to the badass credibilty of Tazz. About a minute of punches and then bam a finish, I personally thought it was 96 and i was watching WWF Superstars. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted June 24, 2002 i hated watching tazz getting buried like that. he was getting pops for standing up to austin in the alliance and it looked like it could have been the start of a nice little push for him. i even thought he was going to go over in that match since it was nontitle but it was nothing but a squash. i was pretty disappointed with that outing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest PlatypusFool Report post Posted June 24, 2002 I agree with Austin / Spike, that was GREAT. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DrEvil Report post Posted June 24, 2002 Goldberg over Kanyon on some Nitro or Thunder. I just remember that one because Kanyon sold the spear so well it looked like he was just about broken in two. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20 Report post Posted June 24, 2002 Goldberg.Vs.Raven-was-pretty-quick-and-it-was-a-U.S-Title match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anorak Report post Posted June 25, 2002 Even though the wrong guy won, the Mike Awesome/JT Smith match from ECW's The Night the Line Was Crossed was one of the most thorough disassemblings I've ever seen. In only three minutes, Awesome broke both the ring, and Smith's back. Some of the Goldberg/Giant matches from the house shows were pretty squasharific: bell rang, spear jackhammer, pin, bell rang again. What was the date of the Awesome/Smith match? I think i've seen that match but i'm not sure, did they just have the one match? Did Smith really break his back bad and did he come back from it ok? Did he do it by being dumped on a guard rail or am I getting mixed up with something else? Sorry about all the questions but i'm intrigued to find out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted June 25, 2002 Scott Steiner did a pretty fine squash on the cruiserweights back in 2001. Three man recliner, top rope t-bone suplex...mmm mmm good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J*ingus Report post Posted June 25, 2002 What was the date of the Awesome/Smith match? I think i've seen that match but i'm not sure, did they just have the one match? Did Smith really break his back bad and did he come back from it ok? Did he do it by being dumped on a guard rail or am I getting mixed up with something else? Sorry about all the questions but i'm intrigued to find out. It was ECW's first real show as Extreme (not Eastern) Championship Wrestling, the one with the legendary 3-way-dance between Funk, Douglas, and Sabu. I don't remember the exact date, but it was sometime in spring of '94. As far as I know, it was just the one match. Awesome threw him to the outside and did a plancha which hit so hard that it actually wrapped Smith over the guardrail backwards and injured his back. When Awesome went for the frog splash in the ring a minute later, the turnbuckle actually broke out from under him, dumping him on his face. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted June 25, 2002 I think it from The Night The Line Was Crossed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest IDrinkRatsMilk Report post Posted June 25, 2002 my favorite squash: HHH crushes Jeff Hardy to win back the IC title. I really hated Jeff Hardy at the time and I marked the fuck out for that one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Hitman Jebus Report post Posted June 25, 2002 WM8: Undertaker v. Jake Roberts Lasted 6 minutes. Taker gets up (zombie sit up) from everything the Snake was giving to him including a couple of DDT's (which was fucking shocking considering IT'S A JAKE F'N ROBERTS DDT! No one gets up from that!) Then the tombstone on the floor...Thats it, goodnight, Baby goes to sleep now Now that's good squash! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest GenerationNever Report post Posted June 25, 2002 The Undertaker vs. Jimmy Snuka advanced the storyline and got Taker over. The newbie beating a phenom with not too much trouble. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lord of The Curry Report post Posted June 25, 2002 Kurt Angle simply DISMEMBERD Raven back in September with a bunch of submissions in under 2 minutes. Raven got maybe a punch in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Just call me Dan Report post Posted June 25, 2002 I think it was Great American Bash 1998. Goldberg absolutely ran over K-Dogg, who was a fan favorite member of the Wolfpack that WCW seemingly liked and wanted to push. I would have figured he would have gottne a lot of offense in and tried for the fluke win but would fall short. Nope. Crappy mexican shouting, tuckied in shiry (into his boxers!) horrible wrestling and all, K-Dogg got the piss speared out of him and Jackhammered to hell. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WWE Champion Report post Posted June 26, 2002 I remember in early '96 a RAW show had a 8-second Diesel/King Mabel match that just consisted of Diesel giving Mabel a quick Big Boot and pinning him. I don't know why, but I found it funny as hell. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Frankie Williams Report post Posted June 26, 2002 Dynamite Kid beating Nikolai Volkoff in 3 seconds at the 1985 Wrestling Classic. Its was f'n hillarious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BigTim2002 Report post Posted June 26, 2002 I thought Kurt Angle kicking the crap out of Spike Dudley a couple weeks after AUSTIN did the same thing...that was a week after Shane challenged him at KOR, and that was when he busted out the Angle Slam from the steps to the floor. Total goodness...and then the Angle Lock for like two minutes...I laughed, I cried...I rewound. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted June 26, 2002 Back in 1996 Austin used to wrestle all these curtain jerkers on Shotgun, and he used to pretend to forfeit to "save them" but once they'd turn around he'd beat the shit out of them and just pin them in like 2 minutes flat. I miss those days...... Another great squash was when Triple H got the IC Title from Jeff Hardy. I was marking out as well because I can't stand the Hardy girlz, which coincides with another squash that was brutal. The one where Lita bragged about Matt Hardy and how he can beat Austin, then Austin destroyed Matt and also Lita as well. That was awesome..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites