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HD: DA segment

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To go after Tony's segment, and before the Alf/Brickston match, which comes before the World title announcement. Hope you follow.


[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHk_Emakefg][i]The Wall[/i][/url] by Kansas plays, bringing the Deadly Alliance out to the ring.

And here comes the Deadly Alliance, obviously with a lot on their mind given the events of tonight and of last week!

Alf climbs into the ring, and grabs a microphone.

So, here we are in Puerto Rico.  The homeland of the current OAOAST World champion.

*crowd cheers*

THIS is the fanbase that represents Tha Puerto Rican.  These crowds of 130 people.  And you wonder why the U.S. won't recognize this dump as the 51st state?

*crowd boos*

What a joke.  I suppose you all think that since I was pinned in that four-way match last week, that takes me out of the title picture, right?  WRONG.  You see, I have a little chance for redemption tonight, I got a rematch against one of the three guys who pinned me, and let me emphasize that, it took ALL THREE of my opponents to pin my shoulders to the mat last week.

*crowd boos*

He's right, Cole!

And Brickston, let me tell you something, punk, that's the closest you'll EVER get to scoring a clean-cut win against me.  Now, for whatever reason, our honorable President has determined Brickston worthy of a shot at my United States title based on that ho-hum "victory" last week.  But that's OK.  You see, even though in just two weeks' time, I'll be winning my third World title, I will still continue to defend my US title against whatever obstacles the OAOAST throws at me, in order to bring prestige to this belt for the first time ever.

*crowd boos*

And that includes you, Brickston.  Now then, there are a lot of major announcements going down here tonight...but I got one that trumps them all!

What is it?

And I'm gonna let you all in on it right here...but first, the World tag team champions have something to say.

Alf hands the mic over to TK.

Well, a win by Alf here over Brickston tonight would certainly throw a monkey wrench into whatever decision OAOAST President Josie Baker has made regarding the World title picture!

One of those big announcements, of course, revolves around the R-Man and myself, your World tag team champions.

*crowd boos*

You see, finally, the Deadly Alliance gets a shot at all these other factions, in one night, to prove what everyone's known all along, that we are the most dominant faction in the OAOAST.

*crowd boos*

The only thing now, is to see just what members of these respective factions get sent to slaughter.

Crowd boos, as TK hands the mic over to Reject, arm-in-arm with Melissa Nerdly.

Not that it matters...look at these stables.  Cucaracha International?  Too many big egos, they barely even get along with each other!  They could never form a team that could take down a well-oiled machine such as myself and Thunderkid.  The Enterprise?  After what just happened out here...I hope for Mr. Moneymaker's sake that he doesn't participate in this match.  Because if he's too injured to give an interview after that...then the Deadly Alliance just might put the Enterprise out of commission permanently at the Halloween Spectacular.  That leaves the In-Crowd...

*crowd cheers*

Now...we all know that Leon Rodez doesn't dare step into the ring with me again.

*crowd boos*

And we know that with the office bias towards the In-Crowd, The Rapist will probably be involved in some way with the World title scene!

*crowd boos*

Well, Josie is anything but biased towards the In-Crowd!

So, that leaves two...but wait, that can't be right.  That would mean Zack Malibu lowering himself to the tag team title scene, and actually having the guts to step in the same ring as the Deadly Alliance...

Alf grabs the mic from Reject.

Forget it, Reject!  What gave you [i]that[/i] crazy idea?  Now that we've addressed that, it's time for my big announcement!

Here it comes, Cole!

You know, the Deadly Alliance has always been about tradition.  We are a classic stable.  So, we all had reservations about making this decision.  However, after a long talk, we have decided to take this in a different direction.  I'm here tonight, to announce that for the first time ever, we will be adding a FIFTH MEMBER to the Deadly Alliance!


That is a big announcement!

Now, the who, where and when have yet to be determined.  But we will be watching from all angles, and whatever our decision is, it will turn the entire foundation of the OAOAST on its head, mark my words.

Alf drops the mic on the mat, as [i]The Wall[/i] plays, and the DA departs.

A very big announcement, indeed!  The Deadly Alliance has always been four strong, but in the near future, they will be expanding for the first time ever!

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