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Cyber Sunday - October 26 2008

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They didn't have to doctor the vote in HBK's factor- since the storyline obviously favoured him anyway. Doctoring implies that Hardy actually won, but they made it HBK anyway.


All of the Cyber Sunday stips have subtle manipulation. A few times the fans voted against what they want or expected- Matt Hardy being voted in the tag match in 05, Piper being voted in instead of Dusty in 06

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From what I remember Jeff Hardy was winning for a number of weeks, which led to a strong push by the WWE for more votes for Michaels. It wasn't until the results were shown that Michaels had clawed it back in that case. However, it is only one case I can think of where the results changed 'at the last moment' (last time they were shown) to favour WWE. You're right when you say there have been results against the grain.


But it certainly helped Jeff Hardy get to where he is today. I didn't mean the WWE outright changed them. Still, the concept is starting to bore me.

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There was internal concern that Hardy might win because of the voting, but HBK ended up winning overwhelmingly.


Also, the feud at the time was between HBK and Orton anyway, so of course that was going to be pushed more.

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Thing is with Piper and Dusty in 2006 wouldn't that storyline have worked either way? I know they assumed fans would want a Dusty/Flair teaming, but why would fans vote for a guy who was Flair's mortal enemy for years over a guy who has been a close friend of Flair's for decades (Piper) and is a bigger WWE star to boot? With Matt Hardy beating out JBL in 2005, why would that shock anyone in WWE? I know they were pushing JBL in that crossover storyline with Raw, but a heel Bradshaw teaming with face Rey didn't make any sense. Especially not when you have an exciting babyface teaming like Matt/Rey for fans to vote for.


And no, I don't really think the voting is rigged because there's nothing critical to rig. What is there to rig?

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How can a guy look like HHH's bitch when he basically had the offense in a good 80 percent of that match?


What good does it do him to get the majority of the offense in if he never wins in the end? You might as well ring the bell, KICK WHAM PEDIGREE and then ring the bell again; the end result is the same.


It's the same thing with the LMS standing match, only in that case the discrepancy isn't as subtle and is actually quite blatant. NOTHING Big Show did mattered in the end. Taker had to take the 9 count multiple times and yet had the wherewithall and strength the lock on the choke (on the massive Big Show, no less) for the win.


It's like facing Mike Tyson in Punch Out: kudos for whatever offense you can get in, but it really doesn't matter b/c once he hits you, you're out. And he *will* hit you.

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for every person that gives a shit about CM Punk, there are probably 1,000 more that care about Batista.


Exaggerate much?



If you actually know the demographic WWE is directing its product, you'll know that's not an exaggeration. If you want to believe Punk is as popular or almost as popular as Batista among children, I'd have a hard time agreeing with that. Batista has also been on top since 2005, so it's normal for him to be cared about more than Punk, who had no buildup to his title win and only really defeated JBL. So therefore, Punk is obviously not in the same league yet when it comes to drawing. (I don't necessarily like Batista more than Punk, but when a formula works, they tend to go back to it.)


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for every person that gives a shit about CM Punk, there are probably 1,000 more that care about Batista.


Exaggerate much?


So, how about that CM Punk match that everybody texted that they wanted to see O WAIT~!!


Cena/Batista II at mania is going to be awesome.


You mean Survivor Series, surely?



What good does it do him to get the majority of the offense in if he never wins in the end? You might as well ring the bell, KICK WHAM PEDIGREE and then ring the bell again; the end result is the same.


Yeah, except that's not how wrestling works. To say it would have been completely the same if it ended in eight seconds or something is completely missing the point of wrestling.

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Randy Orton's arms are COVERED in tattoos now. Is he turning into The Undertaker?


Santino Marella has a ton of back tattoos now too. This confusing. I thought Vince didn't want people getting so much ink anymore.

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Randy Orton's arms are COVERED in tattoos now. Is he turning into The Undertaker?


Santino Marella has a ton of back tattoos now too. This confusing. I thought Vince didn't want people getting so much ink anymore.

As far as I'm aware, all Santino has on his back is the Lion tattoo? Which he's had since he debuted. Hard to tell from pictures since he wears the singlet now, but I don't see any extras.

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Randy Orton's arms are COVERED in tattoos now. Is he turning into The Undertaker?


Santino Marella has a ton of back tattoos now too. This confusing. I thought Vince didn't want people getting so much ink anymore.

As far as I'm aware, all Santino has on his back is the Lion tattoo? Which he's had since he debuted. Hard to tell from pictures since he wears the singlet now, but I don't see any extras.


So, did Orton get just his arms sleeved, or did he get more work on his body? I'm liking the skulls and stuff he has all over his arms now. Beats the circa-2001 tribal stuff that he has all over him already. Still, no other WWE ENTERTAINER has had more badass tattoos than Brock Lesnar.

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Still, no other WWE ENTERTAINER has had more badass tattoos than Brock Lesnar.


Too bad Cena mocked him about his back tattoo 5 years ago in a rap.


"That's a nice tattoo of your mother on your back."

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