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Guest areacode212

Greg Rucka leaving Detective

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Guest areacode212

Yes, it's true. The guy who got be reading Bat-books again be leaving the title later this year. Batman writer Ed Brubaker will be taking over. Happily, Rucka's Queen & Country will be going monthly, but his leaving 'Tec still sucks the big one.


Newsarama has the full story.

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Guest Sassquatch

This is truly a sad event.


Along with Brubaker, Rucka made Batman interesting again and brought him back to his roots.


I read the story earlier this week and I was saddened by it.  I will miss Greg a lot but if Brubaker as long as Brubaker is still involved with Bats, I'll be happy.


At least Greg is going to tie up all of his loose ends when he leaves so that away nobody screws up what he was writing (Sorry Bru).


And add that Dixon is going to be leaving, this is a double kidney punch to Batman fans.


Mark Waid's name has been thrown around as Greg's replacement and I can't say that I'm completely happy.


And regardless of what some might say, I pray to GOD that the rumors Devin Grayson taking over do not happen.


We'll miss you Greg.  Good luck in the future big guy.

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Guest areacode212

I agree--as long as Brubaker sticks around, so will I.


I thought Waid was working exclusively for Crossgen these days. In any event, I would likely drop the title if either he or his gf (Grayson) came on board. I haven't really been impressed with Waid's work since his first Captain America run (the pre-Heroes Reborn one). Well, I guess some of the The Kingdom stuff was good, but a lot of his later work has been extremely dull.


If he were to take over 'Tec, he would probably mostly write a lot of Silver Age-y, "Batman fights <insert member of Batman's Rogue's Gallery>"-type stories. Not that there's anything wrong with the Silver Age or his Rogue's Gallery, but part of what I liked about Rucka's run was the way he kinda steered away from that. His Poison Ivy stories were good, though.


Grayson has a very chatty, Friends-style of writing that I loath. Let her stick with Gotham Knights, where she can be safely ignored.

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Guest Sassquatch

My top choice for taking over the Bat duties is...


Jeph Loeb.


THAT would be sweet.  His work on Batman in the past made up for some of Batman's greatest stories in the last 5 year.


Screw Waid and his bitch.


Loeb's the man to replace Brubaker on Batman.


Anyone else...well they have some BIG shoes to fill and in my mind, Loeb's the only one with the goods to fill those shoes.


Everyone else that would be fine as the new writer is under contract with someone else or they have too much work with other comics.


Grell would be another good choice but the fact that he's working for Marvel now kind've puts that idea to sleep.


And if Frankie wanted to be the new Batman writer after DKSB, I could live with that.

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Guest Vyce

Can someone please explain to me the hatred thrown out towards Devin Grayson?


Cause while I don't have any strong feelings on her one way or another, I really don't quite see where she deserves the resentment.

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Guest gthureson

Most of Devin Grayson's stuff that I have read has been competent....but boring.


I don't have hatred for her, but I'd prefer she not start writing a title I pick up every month.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
My top choice for taking over the Bat duties is...


Jeph Loeb.


THAT would be sweet.  His work on Batman in the past made up for some of Batman's greatest stories in the last 5 year.


Screw Waid and his bitch.


Loeb's the man to replace Brubaker on Batman.


Anyone else...well they have some BIG shoes to fill and in my mind, Loeb's the only one with the goods to fill those shoes.


Everyone else that would be fine as the new writer is under contract with someone else or they have too much work with other comics.

This is a VERY old thread, I wish searching through the archives when I came upon this quote.



Sass isn't just a genius, he's a fucking PROPHET.

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