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Guest RicFlairGlory

How Long Term Feuds Work

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Guest RicFlairGlory

Okay, think of two of the best feuds in recent memory....


Bret Hart / Shawn Michaels

Triple H / The Rock


What do these feuds (at their time) have that none of the current feuds will ever have?


A long burning feud in the midcard.


Well then we must ask ourselves, why is the Main Event so fucking boring?


Because all that long-term buildup, all that "taking it to the next level" mentality isnt there. oooh, RVD/Taker... who fucking cares? Booker T / Kevin Nash? Huh?


if they wanted to do things right, they needed to put Jericho and RVD into a Hart/Michaels, HHH/Rock type feud. They could have spent all the time since after the Invasion with Jericho the heel and RVD the face, feud over IC, let Jericho win it all, then have Jericho... keep it ::laughs:: and job it to RVD at a big show... something... anything. Jericho HAD to retain at WM, but god, now we have Molly Fat Ass vs Trish Whore on RAW,


And if you all notice, the Upper Deck Balconies have ALL been empty, thats why they're blacked out. Cant even sell tickets to the shows, Vince... and you want Ratings?




Establish a REAL feud instead of "lets mash these two together for 2 weeks"


Nobody is going to remember Jeff Hardy/Undertaker except as a bad memory, cause the feud has been pointless from the start.

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