Jammer 0 Report post Posted July 4, 2008 Preliminary Question: How did you find us/hear about us?: Taiga Star . Smarks Board Name: Jammer Wrestlers Name: Hardcore Jammer Wrestlers Real Name: Ryan Styles Height: 6'0 Weight: 223 lbs. Hometown: Stone Creek, Ohio Age: 23 Face/Heel: Usually a face but has the tendency to do heelish things. Stable: None Ring Escort: None at the moment. Weapon(s): Will use anything to win the match, but tends to lean toward the sledgehammer. Quotes: Everyone's Favorite Nine-Fingered Friend! Looks: Black cargo jeans, black tennis shoes, red t-shirt, black taped knuckles and wrists up to the mid arm. Ring Entrance: “Let it Out” by Hoobastank fills the arena. He steps out through the curtain and stops at the top of the entrance ramp. He holds his arms into an 'X' above his head and brings it down into crotch chops. He walks down the ramp and slides into the ring. He'll climb the nearest turnbuckle and taunt the crowd (either to cheer or boo him, it depends his alignment). Will then pull off the shirt and throw it into the crowd. Stats: Strength: 3-Has average strength for a man his size, can suplex and slam people up to 250 lbs. maybe 255 lbs. if he's lucky. Speed: 5-Has the speed to run around his opponents if need be. Not afraid to climb the ropes and attempt high-risk moves either. Vitality: 7- Can take a beating and keep on going. Has been known to get up after being hit with a finishing move. Rumor has it he took sixteen chair shots in a row without passing out back in his earlier days. Usually wont tap out to submission, but has done it before. Charisma: 5-Not afraid to get on the microphone and cut a promo. Usually lets his in ring ability do the talking. No matter face or heel the crowd knows who he is and will let him know if they love him or hate him. Style: Beat down brawler who isn't afraid to use weapons to his advantage. Uses striking moves to gain the upper hand before he tries any “real” moves. Signature Moves: 1) Double Underhook Implant DDT 2) Running Spine Buster (Whip the opponents off the ropes and give them a turning Spine Buster) 3) Triangle Arm Bar Choke 4) “The Hangover” (Flipping Leg Drop Off The Top Rope) 5) Impact DDT's 6) Superplex 7) Rolling Power Bomb off the Middle Rope 8) Super Spiderplex off the ropes to set up the Spiral Tap 9) Undertakers Dragon Sleeper 10) Styling Combo (Three Left Jabs, does a little dance, and into a Right handed Uppercut.) Common Moves: 1) Russian Leg-Sweeps and variations of the move 2) Fisherman Suplex 3) Different variations of Neck Breakers 4) Knife-Edged Chops used anytime 5) Drop kicks 6) Any version of non-impact DDTs 7) Any variations of the Boston Crab 8) Any variation of Armbars 9) Stiff Kicks to elbows, neck, and knees 10) Corner punches. (any type of punch in the corner to wear down an opponent.) Rare Moves: 1) The Walls of Pepsi Co. (Walls of Jericho) 2) 450 splash 3) Shooting Star Finishers: 1)Slammer Jammer (The Dominator) 2)The Jagged Drop (Sit Down Power Bomb Pin) 3)The Jagger (Guillotine Choke Out Submission) Notes: Will cheat to win. His main Finisher is the Slammer Jammer. He only uses the other two when The Slammer Jammer doesn't get it done. Bio: Ryan Styles has had such a long list of achievements in his career in other organizations. Started as Jaguar in the EWCWF, where he spent four years, and he won many titles there. He moved on to the TDF and won many titles there, in a span of five years. He moved to the DVS where he spent nine years under the name Hardcore Jammer and won many titles as well. He now heads into SWF as part of the invasion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites