Guest thebigjig Report post Posted June 25, 2002 I've seen alot of "FUCK BROCK LESNAR!" quotes around here since Sunday, and I'm just curious... why be so angry at Brock? I mean come on, some of you speak as if he's a member of this HHHish like conspiracy to destroy RVD when in reality he's just a guy doing his job, who's been given an opportunity and is trying his best to make the best of it. I'm not a Brock mark, and I will openly criticize the reasons for pushing him, but some of you need to consider channeling your strangly obsessive anger at someone else, not the man that is just simply doing what he is told. Honestly, if you were a rookie in the WWE, hungry to be a top star, and Vince McMahon comes to you and says "hey, we're going to give the KOR to you and then we're most likely going to put the title on you at SummerSlam, whaddya say?" you would have to be a complete fucking moron to say "no thank you." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20 Report post Posted June 25, 2002 Something I've Noticed..... Brock-Lesnar-Sucks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted June 25, 2002 I've noticed that he has no heat...isnt very good in the ring...looks lost when hes in between moves...and does not deserve his place on the card. Hmm...that sounds like pre-Mania HHH to me. At least I think Brock has the potential to improve. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest thebigjig Report post Posted June 25, 2002 ::Something I've Noticed..... Brock-Lesnar-Sucks.:: Ah... a very clever response. That's exactly what I was looking for! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kingpk Report post Posted June 25, 2002 I agree with Bps, he's just not ready for the Jesus Push. If he stayed in the midcard, perhaps winning the Euro or IC title and improving himself, it would do a world of good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sakura Report post Posted June 25, 2002 Heyman manages Brock. There are rumors Heyman may be gay. Heyman is a writer. Brock is getting a monster push. It's Steph/HHH II~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20 Report post Posted June 25, 2002 Like-I-said-last-night,In-my-opinion,Brock-has-"Angle/Rocky Sydrome" He's-getting-a-little-too-much-too-soon.He's-only-been-in-the WWE-for-a-month-and-a-half-and-he's-already-King-Of-The Ring.And-on-top-of-that,he-dominated-the-match. Brock-has-no-heat-as-we-all-can-see-and-really-isn't-that-good to-begin-with. He-also-needs-to-improve-his-moves.He's-been-using-the-same ones-over-and-over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest thebigjig Report post Posted June 25, 2002 That's NOT what I was referring to. I wrote in my post that even I think that his push is questionable. I'm asking why so many of you tend to have this hateful resentment towards the guy. I mean, if he were booking his own push I could understand it, but it should be "Fuck the Creative Team" more than "fuck brock lesnar" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest thebigjig Report post Posted June 25, 2002 He-also-needs-to-improve-his-moves.He's-been-using-the-same ones-over-and-over. So has RVD, and that's not necessarily an insult. I love RVD... I'm just saying, his matches can be very predictable, yet of course, mostly always entertaining Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20 Report post Posted June 25, 2002 RVD-pulls-a-couple-of-moves-out-of-his-bag-every-once-and-a while.Way-more-than-you-can-say-for-Brock-Lesnar. Ram-into-the-corner Sholder-Thrusts Powerbomb F5!!!!!!! F5!!!!!!! But-you-see,when-RVD-does-a-spectacular-move,the-crowd-goes nuts.When-Brock-Lesnar-does-a-move,Silence! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted June 25, 2002 But to be fair...RVDs pop the crowd. And since his feud with Eddy hes been learning to use them to tell a story in the ring. Brock had the best match I've seen him have today against RVD because he did exactly what he should have...countered RVD's spots into power moves. If he can continue to do that...and get over...then push him all you want. Until then... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted June 25, 2002 I like Brock Lesnar. I like his look, I like his gimmick, hell, he ain't that bad of a wrestler either. If you ask me, he is the strongest sum bitch I have seen in the ring for a good long while. However. I don't like what he represents. He is the personification of WWF policy. Hardwork, dedication, suffering means NOTHING if you are big, muscular, white and have a pedigree. The developmental system takes people who don't even have to like wrestling, trains them in the Wwf way to be Wwf superstars, all the while there are guys wrestling in Church Basements, breaking their backs for a chance to be on Metal. "Lance Storm, you have been wrestling for over a decade, you are considered a world-class wrestler, and you are a hard worker. Fuck you, we are pushin this big green machine cause he is our boy and you are not." I don't like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest thebigjig Report post Posted June 25, 2002 He is the personification of WWF policy. Hardwork, dedication, suffering means NOTHING if you are big, muscular, white and have a pedigree. The developmental system takes people who don't even have to like wrestling, trains them in the Wwf way to be Wwf superstars, all the while there are guys wrestling in Church Basements, breaking their backs for a chance to be on Metal. "Lance Storm, you have been wrestling for over a decade, you are considered a world-class wrestler, and you are a hard worker. Fuck you, we are pushin this big green machine cause he is our boy and you are not." I don't like that. Very valid debate, but in the end, wrestling is simply a business... more imporantly, it's a business that revolves around entertainment. Brock Lesnar has the potential to be a draw because he has the look that is marketable, and honestly isn't horrible in the ring. He may not be Jesus H. Benoit, but he's no Tiger Ali Singh either. Lance Storm, although a really great worker, and one of my personal favorites, will most likely never be a serious draw, even if the WWE decided to push him to the moon. I could be wrong, and I hope I am Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted June 25, 2002 "Brock Lesnar has the potential to be a draw because he has the look that is marketable" What does this mean exactly? Austin didnt look like him...biggest draw ever. Hogan and Rock dont look like him...huge draws. Hes a big man. Nash, Sid, Big Show...I don't remembre them drawing a dime. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted June 25, 2002 Hey, I didn't say it was right, I didn't say it was wrong. I just said I didn't like it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BlackRainbow1025 Report post Posted June 25, 2002 Yeah, Lesnar has had so many matches to prove how good he is. Yes, he is pretty green......but he has the look now. That's all it's about. How can you be marketed. Goldberg was every bit as green, actually worse b/c he couldn't sell a move if his life depended on it. I realize Lesnar isn't that great, and yes, he probably doesn't deserve the push he's getting yet........but hey, I'll take any new, young talent in the upper card over the same tired Rock/HHH matches or Taker/HHH matches, they've been done way too much Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest y2jailbait Report post Posted June 25, 2002 I'm not gonna defend Brock's match tonight, but i am going to defend his lack of heat. Sure he doesnt deserve this big of push, but man lord knows that most main eventers arent pushed by there heat, its a known fact. Its there potenial to do big business. Vince loves big men, he's always looking for that larger than life personality, and no i dont mean Chris Jericho. He's looking for the kind of big man who makes you look twice when you see him and strikes fear into the hearts of the audience. Now, with that said, Brock really doesnt do that, but he will, i can guarantee that. With time people, with time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest GenerationNever Report post Posted June 25, 2002 Heyman isn't gay. That's a pretty crappy rumor. People are just going through HHH withdrawl. With him gone our negative energy has to go into something or someone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest thebigjig Report post Posted June 25, 2002 "Brock Lesnar has the potential to be a draw because he has the look that is marketable" What does this mean exactly? Austin didnt look like him...biggest draw ever. Hogan and Rock dont look like him...huge draws. Hes a big man. Nash, Sid, Big Show...I don't remembre them drawing a dime. If you can't see a distinct and unique look about Brock Lesnar, then you need glasses or a stronger perscription. A look can make you a draw. Look at Andre the Giant. He sucked in the ring, but his amazing size made people want to see him. I'm not saying that this is happening with Brock Lesnar. I'm saying it's possible. Like I said, I don't really agree with the WWE pushing him because I don't feel he's ready, but I can see why they have that reasoning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted June 25, 2002 "With time people, with time. " If the WWE doesn't treat this as an "in time" situation and pushes him to the top while hes not ready... then we have every right to coplain about how bad he is NOW...and how little heat he has NOW. Because NOW is when he is being pushed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted June 25, 2002 And there reasoning for pushes has NEVER failed're right. What was I thinking. Hey...Spike didn't get any heat tonight either...lets push him too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest thebigjig Report post Posted June 25, 2002 And there reasoning for pushes has NEVER failed're right. What was I thinking. Hey...Spike didn't get any heat tonight either...lets push him too. Let me read what I said again... *reading* Nope, I didn't imply that. I said that I can see where they're coming from. Agreeing and understanding can be two completley different things you know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest y2jailbait Report post Posted June 25, 2002 Nah, he was getting me on those points. Im just saying that with Time and the right amount of opponets, he will attain heat, he will, it will happen. I think this is what the WWE line of thinking is, and plus, he hasnt even gotten into what the third week of his mega push, give it time! and i mean his recent push, ever since vince came back into power, not his Bubba Tough push. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest alfdogg Report post Posted June 25, 2002 bigjig, in all honesty, this isn't a common occurence, but I agree with you. Brock is not the man our anger should be focused on. It should be creative, most likely Heyman. Possibly JR, too, knowing what a BAH GAWD HOSS~! Brock is. bps has also been on the money in all of his posts, as well. I don't think it's fair to say that Nash has never drawn a dime, but he IS a big man (like Brock) and IS the lowest drawing WWF champ ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Caliban Report post Posted June 25, 2002 He was a face in Ohio Valley Wrestling, and in the WWE he's being forced to play a montster heel who only ever uses power moves. No wonder he looks lost out there, he doesn't know how to play the role! Give him a chance though, as he becomes more comfortable he should improve. The guy can actually wrestle, if they let him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted June 25, 2002 I'm not saying he wont draw in time. I'm not saying he wont get over in time. I'm not saying he wont have good matches in time. I'm saying that THIS is not the time. And THIS certainly isn't the time to push him towards the undisputed title and cross our fingers that he does all those things by the time SummerSlam rolls around. There ARE more deserving people who are better and more over and have never been there before. Benoit will be back by then...Eddy is gold...Booker is getting over. oh yeah...and RVD too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted June 25, 2002 Brock Lesnar is a tremendous athlete with unlimited potential, but he's still too green in the ring, and has to "get his feet wet" in the federation to garner a push like that. I don't agree with all the "Fuck Brock" bashing either, but his god-like push isn't the most intelligent of ideas. We all know Vince & big men though......... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest gwf0704 Report post Posted June 25, 2002 [ Look at Andre the Giant. He sucked in the ring, but his amazing size made people want to see him. I dont agree with the Andre bashing. Andre was phenomenal wrestler for a man his size in his early and mid career. Sure he was not that great at the end of his career but just because that is the time period you saw does not mean he sucked all the time. If you are going to reference someone do it career wise and not just from the last few years of their life. Everybody gets old and will not wrestle the same as when they were younger. It will even happen to the smark god Benoit one day!!! But what I dont like about Brock is the Goldberg like push he is getting which fans have seen before. Knock Goldberg all you want but he did have a presence in the ring! Also, Heyman is probably hurting Lesnar more than helping as I see that when Lesnar gets in trouble Heyman jumps in and saves his man, allowing Lesnar to do his patented finisher. I think having Lesnar kick out on his own might help his push a little better, though he should probably be going after the Euro title first! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest thebigjig Report post Posted June 25, 2002 I dont agree with the Andre bashing. Andre was phenomenal wrestler for a man his size in his early and mid career. Sure he was not that great at the end of his career but just because that is the time period you saw does not mean he sucked all the time. If you are going to reference someone do it career wise and not just from the last few years of their life. Everybody gets old and will not wrestle the same as when they were younger. It will even happen to the smark god Benoit one day!!! I wasn't really trying to bash Andre. I'm just saying that in reality he wasn't really that great of worker, and rightfully so... he was just too damn big to be amazing. But like I said, his size, and look made him a draw. I was just using this in reference to the fact that "the look" can be a good reason to push somebody if done correctly Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spicy McHaggis Report post Posted June 25, 2002 I think having Lesnar kick out on his own might help his push a little better That would get him too much face heat, though. Heyman adds to his heel persona. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites