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Guest claydude14

Fierro Tries To Put Smarks In Thier Place

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Guest Downhome
Somebody should e-mail him a link to this thread so he can see what people outside of "his" business think.

Consider it done. :D

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Guest Ravenbomb

Yeah, Damn the 'net fans! DAMN YOU ALL! How could you even consider having an opinion when you've never been a wrestler! Only wrestlers can have an opinion about wrestling, the rest of you are BANNED from having opinions!


Jeesy Creesy, someone needs to punch him in the neck. I knew he was a dipshit when he had the MIND NUMBINGLY FUCKING STUPID skit idea where Kurt drank Austin's 'pee' which he thought was lemonade. Fucking dumbass

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Guest Prince Paul

Fierro is a retard. I'm suprised anybody even read his shit to see his comments.

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Guest Downhome

If you guys think THAT column is great, then check out this classic. My personal comments are in ()'s...


July 5th, 2001


I could be wrong, but I think I might have my finger on the pulse of the Pro Wrestling Industry. I could be wrong, real wrong. I just think that I might.


I never thought about being a writer. Never! Since I have been in the business, I have always been a promoter. Sending out info to schools and police groups about running a fundraiser show for their group. For years that's all I did, was run Pro Wrestling events. All I cared about was having my group, ISPW, seen in the press. It did too. WOW Magazine did a two page feature on my group, which was cool. UPN did a 3 week special on ISPW, all airing after SMACKDOWNS. That was pretty cool too. But I gotta admit, I really don't care about promoting right now. That's why I have stopped running shows. (Or could it be that you simply such that bad? I think you needed a break from the real world, so you could come on the net full time to pretend that you are great, but that's just my view on it.)


It's weird. You have such a love for something, and then suddenly, it's gone. Kinda like hooking up with a girl for so long, and then all of a sudden, you want a new piece of umm.. I mean you want to meet new ladies. LOL. This is basically what I am feeling right now. While I have lost passion in being an Independent Promoter, I have quickly gained passion with becoming a writer. I enjoy it so much, you just don't know.


I look forward to writing TDT on 1Wrestling.com every day. To be honest, I basically sit down and start typing. I think of a subject real quick, and just start typing about it. I really don't think about what to type, I just type it. So I can only imagine what I could come up with if I actually sat down for a few hours, picked my own brain, and came up with some storylines. (God man, trust me, it's 100% obvious that you don't really think about it and just start typing. Perhaps if you DID sit down and thought, you might write something original or something worthy of being on 1wrestling. Or hell, what am I thinking, I don't even think that's possible.)


To be honest, the most time I ever gave into thinking of a TDT article is 10 minutes at most. This stuff comes so easy to me, it really does. Wrestling is my life, it always has been, and it for sure always will be. Maybe I will return to the "ugly" New Jersey Independents in the near future. I'll be honest, I get the itch every now and again to start running shows again. It's hard not to. I've been doing it for so long. I'm also getting an itch to run a big fan convention this fall, something else I did in the past.


But to be honest, what I really am getting a big itch for, is becoming a writer for the World Wrestling Federation. (You would actually fit right in. You are a master at kissing Vince's ass already and you seem to have no problem what so ever with having your head within an asshole chamber. Also, you are a pathatic excuse of a "writer", something the rest of the WWE writing team seems to have in common with you buddy!)


So I am announcing here on my website, on July 5th, 2001, that I intend to reach out to the World Wrestling Federation in the upcoming weeks, and let them know that I am interested in being employed by their company! (God help us all, oh, but wait. This was a year ago, and you didn't get a job! I'm so damned shocked!!!)


I did send everyone from WWF my resume about a year and a half ago. But I was applying for their promotional department. Back then, I didn't have the ideas I do now. I didn't have the drive, the passion, the determination that I do now. I got a call back from Kevin Kelly, but he's a nice guy, and calls back everyone. Of course, nothing ever came out of it. I took a swing, and umm, I missed. I gave up.


Well, I just realized if you want something, and you want it bad enough, you gotta keep trying. I didn't. (Correction, when you can do something remotely well, you should keep trying. Man, so far, you have shown me NOTHING. Perhaps it is time to give up, save yourself some heartache bud, and just move on. You might have a shot at being a "Personal Asistant" for Vince however.)


I'm 24 years old and have been in the business for 9 years. I live, breath, and sleep wrestling 24 hours a day. That's a plus, that certainly can't hurt. I'd like to believe by now that I am pretty creative, and could at least "help" with coming up with some good storylines and ideas for WWFE. So why shouldn't I reach out, and say "Hey, How are you? I'm Tommy Fierro...And I'd be honored if you could review my resume in regard to possibly getting employed with the World Wrestling Federation!"


I might be the stupidest man alive for not reaching out to them yet (right on man), or maybe they are stupid for not reaching out to me after coming up with some of the ideas I have (Do you mean the idea of having Edge Vs. Vince and have that be a true money match?). Or maybe I am stupid for even thinking that I stand a chance to work for the WWF. (Right again!) Or maybe I'm stupid for even typing this commentary up, maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. (Great track record, right again!) Well, my fingers keep typing, and there's no turning back. I'm not gonna delete this, it's too late.


I'd just like to finish this commentary up by putting over 1Wrestling.com and it's entire staff, for all the hard work they do. I love doing TDT so much! Man, it's great!!! I'd be out of the business if it weren't for them. I have so much respect for 1Wrestling and TDT for that matter, and I would NEVER use it to self-promote myself. I could have easily had this column on my TDT today, but I would never use 1Wrestling, nor TDT for that matter, to try and get a job with the WWF. TDT is not for that. Even this commentary today isn't me kissing ass to get a job. (Aka, it IS kissing ass, you are sooooooooooo good at that!) I'm just informing you guys of my future plans. You guys are so loyal to me by reading my column everyday, that I think I should be loyal to you guys and let you know I'm about to do what so many of you have said I should. (I read it only to laugh, and it works, thanks!!) I'm gonna let WWF know Tommy Fierro is out there!


Thanks guys, and feel free to E-mail me your feedback!




...I don't know about you, but SOMEONE is full of himself. I don't know who, but I have a feeling that someone is. Call me crazy, but it's how I feel. :D Seriously, somone should cut off his nuts and just mail them to WWE for him and perhaps they'll use them in a jar like Midiean used to carrey around the eyeball. Because that sure as hell is as close as he'll EVER be to working for them. Keep in mind, this is only going on what I've seen from this guy so far. ;)




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Guest Dangerous A

Why do you guys even go to 1wrestling? They suck. I have no respect for any of their people except Dave Scherer and that was only cause of his coverage of ECW back in the day. Fuck Fiero and Fuck 1wrestling.

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Guest chirs3
Jeesy Creesy, someone needs to punch him in the neck. I knew he was a dipshit when he had the MIND NUMBINGLY FUCKING STUPID skit idea where Kurt drank Austin's 'pee' which he thought was lemonade. Fucking dumbass


For the love of God, TELL ME he didn't suggest that.

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Guest Downhome
Jeesy Creesy, someone needs to punch him in the neck. I knew he was a dipshit when he had the MIND NUMBINGLY FUCKING STUPID skit idea where Kurt drank Austin's 'pee' which he thought was lemonade. Fucking dumbass


For the love of God, TELL ME he didn't suggest that.

If it makes you feel better, he didn't say it...














...there, now that you feel better, yes he did! :D

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Guest Prince Paul
Why do you guys even go to 1wrestling? They suck. I have no respect for any of their people except Dave Scherer and that was only cause of his coverage of ECW back in the day. Fuck Fiero and Fuck 1wrestling.

Who the hell can even be bothered will all those damn pop-ups? Terrible site.

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Guest Shaved Bear

if he got a job with the wwf, then ryder would find a way to get pop-ups on wrestler vids

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Guest RickyChosyu
Why do you guys even go to 1wrestling? They suck. I have no respect for any of their people except Dave Scherer and that was only cause of his coverage of ECW back in the day. Fuck Fiero and Fuck 1wrestling.

I have to agree, I can't think of a single credible thing on that entire shithole of a site other than Dave's writing. The rest is pure tripe.

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Guest Anglesalt

It's funny when you idiots insult Tommy.


He may write pure filth... but he's getting paid to do it I believe, and he's attempting to get employed by WWE. While you boobs sit here with your constant negative comments sit here wasting your worthless lives.


Progress, people... Think progress.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Why does it matter what Fiero thinks?

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Guest RickyChosyu
It's funny when you idiots insult Tommy.


He may write pure filth... but he's getting paid to do it I believe, and he's attempting to get employed by WWE.  While you boobs sit here with your constant negative comments sit here wasting your worthless lives.

Ouch, don't let the estrogen take too much control, emo kid. Cheer up, this is a happy place.


Oh, and coming from someone who spends more time sucking Kurt Angle's meat missile than I do ballancing my checking acount, it really hurts to hear you say that, it really does. I nearly go catatonic when thinking about how succesfull that there Tommy Fiero has been; I mean, he's been an indipendant wrestling promoter AND an internet wrestling journalist? Holy shit, dude, and here I am wasting my worthless life trying to get a degree in medicen like a total boob! What's that? He might work for the WWE some day? Oh dear, by the time I get my PHD, I'm sure he'll have retired from all the lucritive revenues he'll make on THAT venture. Don't get me wrong; your hypocricy is actually quite entertaining and I hope it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to support someone who actually makes Bob Ryder look coherant. Keep it up!

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Guest §uperÛnknown
Unless you have been in the ring and laced up the boots, I don't believe ANYONE should be rating matches. I don't care who you are, you have no right saying this match was only "two stars" if you've never taken a bump before.


Should we tell him that ratings for matches are usually based on how entertaining the match is to watch, or let him continue rambling?


And for a guy who's down on negativity, he sure HATES a lot, doesn't he?

Let him continue rambling. Much more fun that way watching him make a complete and utter ass of himself.

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Guest 4Life

He's not geting paid to write for 1wrestling. I emailed Dave one time and after pretending to be a premium member asked him why I have to be forced each day to read TDT shit. His reply was: "He's not geting paid to write for us. Email Bob for further info."

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Guest RickyChosyu
He's not geting paid to write for 1wrestling. I emailed Dave one time and after pretending to be a premium member asked him why I have to be forced each day to read TDT shit. His reply was: "He's not geting paid to write for us. Email Bob for further info."

Well, that pretty much speaks for itself. What was that about Fiero making something of himself while everyone here is wasting their lives?

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Guest Downhome
He's not geting paid to write for 1wrestling. I emailed Dave one time and after pretending to be a premium member asked him why I have to be forced each day to read TDT shit. His reply was: "He's not geting paid to write for us. Email Bob for further info."

Well, that pretty much speaks for itself. What was that about Fiero making something of himself while everyone here is wasting their lives?

I'd rather post here with you guys, than post the crap that he puts out on 1wrestling.

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Guest chirs3
What was that about Fiero making something of himself while everyone here is wasting their lives?


Making something of himself? Yea, he's making something of himself. A JACKASS! [/Y2J]


If posting on a message board for a few hours a day counts as wasting my life, then hell, I'll gladly waste away.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Don't read his column. All the negativity probably means more hits on 1wrestling. It wouldn't shock me if Fierro's column is the most read on their site.

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Guest RickyChosyu
Don't read his column. All the negativity probably means more hits on 1wrestling. It wouldn't shock me if Fierro's column is the most read on their site.

I remember reading somewhere that it actually is. If true, that is a testament to how notorious he is for being a totall morron, as even people on the boards over there make fun of him constantly. I guess Ryder enterterets this as "publicity" or something. The site in general is a joke.

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