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Guest Goodear


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Guest Goodear

Pardon me for the complete shill here folks... but go to the site and take a gander at our wonderful new article. Its wonderful. And it cures impotence. And grows hair! And makes picture perfect pancakes! And it cleans silverwear! Go read it now!





Pregnant Women shouldn't handle SmartMarks30.









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Guest TheDames7

I do suggest that all of you check out the article.


For some reason, there isn't a link back to the site , but that will be fixed soon. In the meantime here ya go:



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Guest Anglesault

Pretty good, but Test is WAY to high (No way is he in the top 30) and Christian is better than Edge

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Guest RickyChosyu

X-Pac is better than both Hardy Boyz, and William Regal. What has Hurricane done to justify a spot above RVD, either? Sorry, but da list's wack, yo.

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Guest Anglesault

Hmm, Test, Rikishi, Lesnar and Big Show amde it as well. It IS a Hoss list! Actually, Rikishi isn't a Hoss, so maybe it's just a suck list. :wacko:

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Guest Anglesault
X-Pac is better than both Hardy Boyz, and William Regal.

Regal and The GirlZZZZZZZZ consistantly TRY, though. X-Pac does not. That could have factored in.

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

eh its an nice looking opinion peice. But one question: Wheres The Rock? You can't tell me that Big Show is better than the Rock.

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Guest Anglesault

Rock hasn't had a match in several months. Benoit isn't on it either.

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Guest RickyChosyu
Regal and The GirlZZZZZZZZ consistantly TRY, though. X-Pac does not. That could have factored in.

Well, Regal has done nothing but extended squashes lately, and even when he was getting semi-pushed, he basically killed any match he was in by killing the crowd with rest holds. The Hardyz haven't shown any fire at all this year.


X-Pac hasn't been motivated in years, but even unmotivated he's above the afformentioned three.


And where the hell is Chavo on this list? The fact that he's not even on the list and Raven is ranked at 13 more than sums up my problem with this list.

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Guest RetroRob215
What has Hurricane done to justify a spot above RVD, either?

Maybe it's the fact that the Hurricane is a better all-around wrestler than RVD. RVD is great for aerial spots, speed, bumping and sometimes his kicks. The Hurricane is just as good as RVD in those categories and he has sound psychology and ring presence.

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Guest Shaved Bear
It IS a Hoss list! Actually, Rikishi isn't a Hoss, so maybe it's just a suck list. :wacko:

Hoss List...Suck List, what's the difference

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Guest Goodear

Just to answer a few of the questions...


Rock and Benoit didn't make the list due to their inactivity as Anglesault mentioned, otherwise they'd be on it (obviously).


The lost was actually made more along the lines of "Who's the most important guys in the federation..." and then they were ranked. Guys liek Chavo, Bob Holly, Val Venis and Albert weren't on it because they aren't really up to anything interesting (subjective I know). Otherwise, we wouldn't get a chance to say how bad Hogan or Bradshaw are because they'd never make the list. And since they were getting pushes during the time the list was being compiled, they were rated. Hence...


TheSmartMark30! What you have on your screen right now is a definitive listing of WWE's most well known stars, ranking them according to ten categories on a ten-point scale, to determine who exactly is the finest worker in the federation both in and out of the ring


From Chosyu


X-Pac is better than both Hardy Boyz, and William Regal.


Which is why we included itemized catagories, to explain why we thought a worker was better than another, to illustrate... Regal vs. X-PAc


William Regal

Total: 55.2


AA 2.6 BP 4.4 CH 6.6 GK 5.9 PS 6.6 RA 6.3 SP 4.3 ST 5.0 SK 6.4 TS 7.0





Total: 51.8


AA 5.6 BP 5.6 CH 4.9 GK 3.9 PS 4.9 RA 5.3 SP 6.9 ST 3.8 SK 5.4 TS 5.4


By looking at this you'll see that we thought that X-Pac had an advantage in Aerial Ability, Speed, and Bumping. But Regal had better charisma, a better gimmick, psychology, ring awareness, strength, striking, and technical skills. None of those conclusions seem totally out of wack to me with the possible exception of striking... if you wish to continue debate on the subject, there is plenty of data there to work with... which was the whole point of the exercise anyway. :D

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Guest Goodear
Hmm, Test, Rikishi, Lesnar and Big Show amde it as well. It IS a Hoss list! Actually, Rikishi isn't a Hoss, so maybe it's just a suck list. :wacko:

Well, you'll notice that none of those guys had a total score larger than 46, seperating them from the top five by more than 20 points and Kurt Angle by like 30. That's not a ringing endorsement in my mind.

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Guest Austin3164life









Just kidding. Yeah, the hosses are pretty far away from guys like Kurt Angle, Booker T, and Chris Jericho so it's not like they're being endorsed a lot......

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Guest RickyChosyu
Maybe it's the fact that the Hurricane is a better all-around wrestler than RVD.  RVD is great for aerial spots, speed, bumping and sometimes his kicks.  The Hurricane is just as good as RVD in those categories and he has sound psychology and ring presence.

First off, wreslters don't "have psychology", their matches do. I know it's a common misconception, but how can any wrestler HAVE psychology? Every match has a certain psychology determined by what each guy does, and the good matches tend to have good psychology, but no single wrestler has it.


How many good-great mathes has Hurricane had in the WWE? A few sollid Cruiser matches, a few completely forgettable comedy matches, and that's about it, isn't it? I can't remember one time a match involving him had any type of compelling psychology other than "that Hurricane guy thinks he's a super hero, HAW HAW!!!" or "that Hurricane guy sure wants to hurt that Nidia girl!!"


Rob has been in matches with way more deep-seeded psychology than that. He had a match with Taker that had more psychology than anything Hurricane's done. So Hurricane comes nowhere near him as far as utalizing ring psychology, and any ring pressance he has is him acting like a cartoon character. As for his bumbing being just as good as RVD's, as much as it may be out of place sometimes, RVD's bumps and selling completely smoke Hurricane's.


And that's only from a work-rate perception. If you want to talk importance, RVD is a high-midcarder and Hurricane is a glorified comedy wrestler feuding over a meaningless title and a Tough Enough reject, so draw your own conclusions there.

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Guest RetroRob215

I don't agree with everything you said, but we all entitled to our own opinions. Although, when we voted on the wrestlers, in ring ability wasn't all we took into consideration. The Hurricane's current gimmick is FAR superior to RVD's. He is also a little more charismatic than Van Dam. Overall, the Hurricane is conisistantly good both in and out of the ring. RVD is more sporadic and depends on his opponent to carry him through a match.

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Guest RickyChosyu
I don't agree with everything you said, but we all entitled to our own opinions. Although, when we voted on the wrestlers, in ring ability wasn't all we took into consideration. The Hurricane's current gimmick is FAR superior to RVD's. He is also a little more charismatic than Van Dam. Overall, the Hurricane is conisistantly good both in and out of the ring. RVD is more sporadic and depends on his opponent to carry him through a match.

If, by far superior, you mean a comedy character that has totally failed to draw heat in a serious feud. Right.


RVD has no gimick, he has a character, and anyone will tell you that gimicks aren't where the money is, characters are. The second Helms takes the gimick past it's comedy routes, it failes. With RVD, his character is always cosistant and refreshing, when given any exposure. RVD's character drew more heat and attention last year than anything the company has done in more than a year. Even when put in a heated feud (something most people said he couldn't pull off) RVD was hugely over, and it wasn't until he nearly died on impact of the glass cieling that he started getting his current pops, which are deffinately good, but not anywhere near the nuclear heat he had before. To say Hurricane's charisma outshines THAT is just pure tomfoolery. Helms has done an amazing job with the Hurricane gimick from day one, getting something out of virtually nothing. But the fact is that he has failed at everything but being a comedy wrestler. Right now, he's trying his best to be taken seriously, but the Hurricane gimick is a comedy gimick at heart, and the fans will always percieve it that way. Unless he reinvents himself, he's stuck in Novelty Act trying to be Emotional hell, and that's never a good thing.


Like I said, RVD has carried Undertaker to matches just as good as anything Hurricane has been a part of, which pretty much speaks for itself. He carried a wretched and clueless Goldust to a passable match, a near-mirracle considering how bad Goldust turned out soon after. Quite simply, Rob has been in really great matches, and Hurricane hasn't. Hurricane has consistancy, but his excellence isn't at Rob's level.

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Guest NoCalMike

Well considering the high point in most of Hurricane's matches is when he "trys" to bodyslam someone way to big, Yah, I'd say RVD is overall better.

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Guest I Fear Hogans Air Guitair

Im glad that Angle was Number 1 he is no doubt the Number 1 Wrestler in the WWE. But Why the Fuck was Bradshaw on the list.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Yes, god, why Bradshaw? I mean, even though he's on the bottom of the list, why is he on it? It should be ANGLE there, damnit!


Just kidding.


Can we get over it? It's a RANKING. Being at the bottom end of the list is nothing to be proud of.



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