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Guest Incandenza

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Guest Incandenza

Watching Spring Stampede '99, you have Raven using a "Come As You Are" knock-off, and DDP using an ersatz "Smells Like Teen Spirit" as their respective entrance themes. I guess I can see where it was appropriate for Raven's character, but DDP? What, were they trying to get him over "with the kids"?

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Guest Shaved Bear

they also had a bastardized iron man, so wcw was just showing their overall badness

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Guest Incandenza

The use of "Teen Spirit" for DDP is especially absurd, because Page was like in his early 40's.

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Guest Shaved Bear

and Raven's DDT was called the EvenFlow, hows that for ANOTHER grunge reference

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Teen Spirit was a kickass song though. They used a fake "Rollin'" for Reno and they had a fake Party Up for "Elix Skipper."

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

And don't forget the numorous bastardizations of The Scorpions classic "The Zoo," used primarily by Hugh Morrus while in The First Family with Brian Knobbs and Jimmy Hart, and then after the MIA split.


Heh...the Misfits In Action...I think I was their only fan...that theme song ruled..."MISFITS!!!! IN ACTION!!!!"


Hmm, what other knock-off's are there...


Rick Steiner's was a rip-off of "Welcome To The Jungle," Lance Storm's pre-Team Canada was a rip-off of White Zombie's "El Phantasmo And The Chicken Run Blast-O-Rama (Wine, Blood, And Women Remix)" (the theme he used in ECW), and Jason Jett's was a rip-of of The Who's "Baba O'Reilly" I believe.

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Guest Incandenza

For a company not unwilling to spend millions of dollars on unworthy talent, they were too damn cheap to get the rights to all those original songs. What dumbasses.

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Guest crandamaniac

Don't forget Saturn's ripoff of "Beautiful People"


Also Shane Douglas's rip of "Perfect Strangers"


another one, Jeff Jarrett's "Cowboy" ripoff

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I considered Jarrett's theme as more of a "Cowboy" remix, actually, since it's obvious they took the first 17-18 seconds of the song and put in a drum beat.


And funny, inca, that you mentioned Stampede '99, as I just had the urge to watch that Sunday afternoon...

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Guest Incandenza
And funny, inca, that you mentioned Stampede '99, as I just had the urge to watch that Sunday afternoon...


And then, in addition to a handful of good matches, you can relive the well-deserved "BORING!" chant during the Whipwreck-Riggs snoozer, the hilarious "STEROIDS!" chant during the Scott Steiner-Booker T match, and that one guy clearly heard yelling "Retire Hogan!" repeatedly as the Orange Goblin limps off with his "knee injury" during the main event.

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Guest Incandenza
I just watched Spring Stampede- was Hogan's injury legit?


I read somewhere (can't remember where, exactly) that it was Hogan's way of getting out of a match he wasn't going to win.

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Guest Shaved Bear

ok so this bings up a question, if you were in WCW, which sng would you want butchered for your theme

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Guest Youth N Asia

Whipwreck-Riggs snoozer?


That was ALL Scotty, Mikey couldn't even carry him to a watchable match.


With the music they were trying to get "hip" with the "kids"...which is the same reason they did rap vs country, which didn't make sense since they were based in the south and had a strong redneck following.

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Guest HartFan86
I just watched Spring Stampede- was Hogan's injury legit?


I read somewhere (can't remember where, exactly) that it was Hogan's way of getting out of a match he wasn't going to win.

I heard it was Hogan's way to get out for knee surgery, but I dunno.

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Guest Shaved Bear
Whipwreck-Riggs snoozer?


That was ALL Scotty, Mikey couldn't even carry him to a watchable match.


With the music they were trying to get "hip" with the "kids"...which is the same reason they did rap vs country, which didn't make sense since they were based in the south and had a strong redneck following.

well at least we never got to see a match between Curt Henning and Master P

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Guest the 1inch punch
Heh...the Misfits In Action...I think I was their only fan...

No you wern't

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Guest dreamer420
Whipwreck-Riggs snoozer?


That was ALL Scotty, Mikey couldn't even carry him to a watchable match.


With the music they were trying to get "hip" with the "kids"...which is the same reason they did rap vs country, which didn't make sense since they were based in the south and had a strong redneck following.

well at least we never got to see a match between Curt Henning and Master P

i would have loved to have seen hennig slap master p around the ring for awhile and then finish his non wrester ass off with the hennig-plex.

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Guest the 1inch punch
i would have loved to have seen hennig slap master p around the ring for awhile and then finish his non wrester ass off with the hennig-plex.

And people wonder why they are getting sued for Racial discrimination


And its the Perfect-Plex

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Guest KingOfOldSchool
Heh...the Misfits In Action...I think I was their only fan...that theme song ruled..."MISFITS!!!! IN ACTION!!!!"

Eh, no you weren't. I think Hugh Morrus is an under-rated worker, and the angle at least got him over, along with giving Chavo (Loco) and Lash (Cajun) something to do. Van Hammer (Stash) and The Wall (A-Wall)... Well, they sucked, but a place was still found for them. So, say what you will about Russo, but at least he did this much.


Back on topic, KroniK used "Love Dump" by Static-X, which is what Steven Richards uses now.

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Guest dreamer420

it's racial discrimination to have a black guy and a white guy wrestle in a ring together?


does the wwe know this?


and when curt was in wcw it was the hennin-plex by the way, which is the move he would have put on master p

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Guest The Czech Republic

Dean Malenko's theme was cool. So was Rey Misterio Jr.'s.

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Guest papacita

I boycotted the last 3 years of WCW, but I woulda paid out at least $30 to see Master P get his dumb ass kicked. I never could stand him.


Anyway, I don't listen to much rock, so most of those songs just go over my head, but DDP's and Raven's sounded pretty cool to me.

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