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Guest Suicide King

Smarkboard Championship Wrestling?

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Guest chirs3

Eh. Give it a chance - I don't mind a little competition.


The only problem I see with them is the grading system seems a little complicated. I don't get how they decide who wins.

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Guest Suicide King

Here's something I mind. They copied our character system word for fucking word, including the stats guide I wrote up. Shadow's excuse appears to be "Well, it's close to what I wanted and I don't have the time to do my own."


Make your own fed. That's fine. Don't steal my stuff to do it.

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Guest chirs3

Yea, I was a little bothered by that - I wasn't sure if you authorized it, or if they just up and lifted it.

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Guest Suicide King

Were I a less civilized man, and were Thoth not here to restrain my fist of death, ol Shadow would be taking his meals intravenously right now. ;)


Seriously though... he should have asked someone. He couldn't have known I did it, but he should have asked Stubby or another member of SWF CC. Goddammit... it just pisses me off, Chris.

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Guest crusen86

Eh, I'd be pretty pissed if I were you. I haven't actually looked at this thing yet. Let's see...

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Guest chirs3

I just assumed there was some collaboration going on - we were totally in the dark about this?

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Guest Suicide King

I think... think mind you, that Thoth and Edwin were in the know, from at least earlier today. I really know very little. I don't mind the competition, but this beginning kind of sours me on their whole concept.

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Guest crusen86

And they have a bloody board right on ours :(


Hmm... Seems very confusing, and very controlled to begin with.


I say kill him King.

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Guest Suicide King

Sigh... and if we had a problem with inflow of new people before, just imagine what it would be like if the meager amount we got was cut in half?




Ah well... there is time yet. Perhaps Shadow will apologize. That would be nice.


I probably just get pissed to easily. Comes of being a Triple H fan surrounded by HHHaters, I guess. ;)

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Guest crusen86

You've got every right to be pissed King. They've just ripped off something that would have taken you ages, under the guise of "he didn't have time". If the lazy prick didn't have time to do that, how the fuck is he gonna have time to run his fed?

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Guest Shadow

Okay, I apologize. I don't want what seems to be the only other HHH fan on these boards to be pissed-off at me, so yeah (I need all the allies I can get against those evil, evil HHHaters!). I took the stats sheet out of the new topic over on my new boards. Again, my apologies.

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Guest Suicide King

I know not the answers to your queries, Crusen. But I know that the gossamer arms of slumber beckon me to her warm embrace...


good night.


Edit: It's cool Shadow. No harm, no foul.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Oh boy.


Now we get to compete for newbies with some other bullshit fed.


Yee-haw. We need to get out of this shithole.


Mothernature says, blah..."

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

No, I wasn't in the know or anything. Z happened to see it while I was chatting with him last night, pointed me in its general direction, and I took a look at it. I sent the guy a PM, and he stopped using half our stats sheet, so I guess that's something.


I wouldn't mind another fed starting up except for the fact that we already get dicked around here enough, having never gotten a main page post we were many a times promised and getting bitched at if we try to recruit people off the only board people actually use on here, the WWE board.


If it becomes a problem, then we'll make a big deal about it. Right now though, the only member is our very own Mike Van Siclen using a different name, so I suppose we can let it lay.


Now more than ever there's a reason for us to get our name out there and advertise, so do it, do it, do it. If nothing else a little competition will motivate us to get the word out about ourselves.

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Guest ErekT2k

Dont' forget that this new competiton will push us to new limits to work new angles, new ideas, and of course, new matches.


This is like the WWF vs WCW era we saw about a couple of years ago. Now it has regenerated into the SWF vs SCW. Let's show 'em how we play.

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Guest Renegade

well, maybe he'l start winning now...


time to add the j/k and the ;) to show im only kidding :)

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Guest hhh6294

Phht... you assume too much, 'Gade.


and go figure... new fed thread, Cut's first post is about a fucking Invasion...






:huh: Eih? :huh:

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Guest redbaron51

Cutthroat might have a chance to win in that fed...let alone be champion

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Guest DDT
PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Oh boy.


Now we get to compete for newbies with some other bullshit fed.


Yee-haw.  We need to get out of this shithole.


Mothernature says, blah..."

well, you got one newbie at least. You seem to be better organized and have been around longer, so I'll tryout for you. I'm almost finished with my app, I've got the finishers section to complete, then some last minute tweaking and I'll be done. Thank god, I've been working on it for hours.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

The SCW aren't going to get any noobs with Shadow sending smart ass pms. He sent me one asking to join, and I politely sent one back saying NO! I'am in the SWF. Maybe I shouldn't have responded. But he sends another pm saying something like: There an't no rule saying you can't be in both, but I don't give a shit.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Being in two RP feds = (Y)


Being in two match writing feds = suicide

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

Looking around down there, doesn't anyone think that newbies would look towards us first, thus there should be no urgency in taking our new competition *that* seriously?


I mean, if someone were to look here, they'd see the reputation, the already established roster, and the organization... As opposed to the SCW, which doesn't even have a roster yet aside from two persons, and who's ideas for the fed are needlessly complicated. I think that newbies would rather join us, based on those things.


Something relatively off-topic: It's a trite thing, and something that doesn't necessarily have to be done.


Maybe we should have a description to go along with "Smarks Wrestling Federation." Before now, we didn't need it, since we were the only ones here. But at this point, we should have a short one or two line thing, like all the other folders on the Smarkboard do. Perhaps a description like, "For your e-fed needs, this is home to one of the most established feds on the 'net."

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