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Guest Suicide King

Smarkboard Championship Wrestling?

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Guest DDT

well I'm finished with my stats, but I'm going to wait a bit before I submit so that I'm sure I want to get into this and that I'm sure I have time to write the matches, as well as simple observation. -_-

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Hmm. Interestingly, all posts on the SCW by SWF members have inexplicably vanished.


Conspiracy? You decide.


Have a nice day.

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Guest Shadow

Actually, all posts on the two topics you were talking about were deleted because:


-One topic posted on the SCW In-Character board bitching about SCW had nothing to do with the topic of the board- in-character posting about SCW.


-The other was replys to the join topic, when the only replys should be filling out stats to join, so every reply that wasn't a join form was deleted.


If SWF members want to talk about SCW in their own topics on the OOC board, they are welcome to, but they have to follow the rules of the boards and topics just like everyone else.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto
Maybe we should have a description to go along with "Smarks Wrestling Federation." Before now, we didn't need it, since we were the only ones here. But at this point, we should have a short one or two line thing, like all the other folders on the Smarkboard do. Perhaps a description like, "For your e-fed needs, this is home to one of the most established feds on the 'net."

That's a really damn good idea, Mafia. Thoth, think you might be able to get on that?


Oh, and Shadow, if Cutthroat happens to stumble onto your board...well, I'm pretty sure he speaks for none of us.

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Guest Angle-plex

Don't you guys (SWF) pay for this forum? Does the SCW? I know us OAOASTers tried to get our own forum and they said we would have to pay, so if Shadow isn't paying, you could make him.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Eh. I don't think we mind so much if he has a forum. In the long run it shouldn't be a big deal, as long as they do their thing, we do ours...


...and we get all the good talent. Bwahahahahaha!

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Guest Angle-plex

Well Shadow is a HHH mark, so I can't wait to see some of the angles he comes up with. :)

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Guest Shadow

I'm paying 5 a month for the forum, as if it's your buisness. Money is my friend.

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Guest -Cutthroat-

Be calm for now SCW...but one day...the SWF will invade you...AND THEN WE'LL GO TO SCHOOL!!! WOOoOOOOOOO!!!!!



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Guest -Cutthroat-



I Am:


50% Super Genetic Material

25% Cutthroat

24% Crazy

01% Hot Gas




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Guest ErekT2k

I think he's a donkey. How else would you explain all the blabbing...


..... and the catchphrase stealing?

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Guest ErekT2k

I think you've already crossed the line between an ass and a "Cutthroat" a long time ago....

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Guest hhh6294

Oh come now kids... stop fighting...


Cutthroat... stop being an ass...


Erek... quit yelling at the jobber and finish your jobbing in the ICTV match...

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Guest kelloggs

Leave the board for a day and damn do things get crazy.


By the way Erek that was golden B)


M. "What the hell is going on" Francis

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Guest ErekT2k

Bah, you're lucky Jake came in to rescue you, Cutthroat.


And thank you, Francis.


*waits patiently for his members title to change*

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Guest CED Ordonez

Cutthroat's Composition according to him.


50% Super Genetic Material

25% Cutthroat

24% Crazy

01% Hot Gas


25% Cutthroat? Are you saying you're 1/4 the man you 're supposed to be? Just saying.


- "100% BITCHMASTER~!" CED Ordonez

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Personally I think this sucks ass.


We get no freakin' support or attention on these boards. Really the only thing we got was that we were the official e-fed of these boards...now we're not even that.


We're just another e-fed with the word "Smark" in our name slapped down on the bottom of same semi-popular wrestling message boards.


We've been around for 2 years, have an actual history but now we have to share new writers and sit alongside any stupid jack-off who wants to take out basic set-up change it a bit and start his own half-assed e-fed. I mean if you think this is going to be the only new league to get a place on these boards, I'd say you're mistaken.


Plus I don't like the way this guy has been running things, between stealing out stats template and trying to woo away our current writers.


This isn't WWF vs. WCW. We're having enough trouble holding on as it is. We certainly don't need some bitch and his crappy e-fed as "competition". Gah...this crap drives me crazy sometimes.


Mothernature says, blah..."

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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010
Hey, shit happens...whatchya gonna do about it?

Well, the first thing we're NOT going to do is dis the Commissioner with stupid, outdated, catchphrases...



Then possibly get rid of you...

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Guest Ace309

Judging by his posts, which, at any given point are the complete antithesis of what the bookers want him to say...


Cutthroat, just perform the Costanza Maneuver. Think of what you want to say and then, like George Costanza, do the exact opposite.


We'll be a lot better off.

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Guest chirs3

Anyone else noticed the two people who've signed up for SCW have a vitality of 1?


There won't be an invasion - Thugg could take 'em all out himself.

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Guest Smeghead
I took the stats sheet out of the new topic over on my new boards.

No you didn't. It's still there, and it's still exactly like ours except for the addition of the "Gimmick" field at the end.


But thank you for naming a PPV after me. :D

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