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Guest DynamiteKid2K2

The WWF Conspiracy Theory

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Guest DynamiteKid2K2

Does anybody find it particularly alarming that the WWF boasts to the media on how it caters to the whims of its' fans; and yet, almost everyone recieving pushes right now aren't over nor popular amongst the core audience?  Granted, there are some exceptions to the rule, like Jericho's run as champ, but even THAT run has had potholes dug by the WWF braintrust.  Hell, let's take a look at the names that are getting WWF airtime as of late.


Rock (Extremely over)

Austin (Extremely over)

HHH (Extremely over)

Angle (over)

Hogan (alarmingly small amount of interest so far)

Hall (read above and below)

Nash (alarmingly small pop so far)

Jericho (over)

Undertaker (Over as Hell)

Kane (over)

Maven (NOT over)

Test (NOT over)

Booker T (Unfortunately not over)

William Regal (Fairly over)

Edge (Somewhat over)

RVD (Extremely over)

Billy Gunn (NOT over)

Chuck Palumbo (NOT over)

Tazz (quasi-over)

Spike (quasi-over)

Dudley Boyz (Stale, fans sick of them)

Jazz (NOT over)

Trish Stratus (Her T & A is over, atleast)

Val Venis (NOT over)

Goldust (NOT over)

Scotty II Hottie (Worm's over, NOT Scotty)

Albert (NOT over)


Whoof, that's a list full of suck and greatness in one swing.  Now, out of that list of talent, let's take a look at who's getting that cherished push, shall we?



Triple H



Billy & Chuck

Steve Austin


Triple H and Steve Austin's pushes are justified, I guess, cuz they go out and bust ass (well, HHH used to) each night.  The Undertaker may be Public Enemy #1 among Smarks, but the guy is over like wholesale carpet with the marks.  And yet, we have Goldust, an Attitude-era cast away that has inexplicably found himself back in the mix.  He has a well-publicized match against RVD at the PPV, which will probably lead to a Goldust IC Title match at WrestleMania.  Billy & Chuck are not over with the fans, are hated by the Smarks, and yet are being pushed to the moon on the WWF's never-ending quest to get Billy Gunn over.  Look for them to win the tag titles at WrestleMania.  AND WHAT THE HOLY HELL IS MAVEN DOING GETTING A PUSH?  I understand that he won Tough Enough and whatnot, the guy's a newbie and should be delegated to the lower card to build experience.


Meanwhile, the following group of guys are either on tv yet stuck in never-ending midcard feuds or are on the JOB Squad 4 Life, if that.



Holee shit, how hard is it to screw this up?  The fans go apeshit when the guy comes out, and yet he's gonna job to Goldust at the PPV.  Why?  This dude could be World Champion by May if pushed like he should be.



Stuck in career limbo as he tries to carve a niche for himself after leaving Christian high & dry.  Speaking of Edge's on-screen brother...


*Christian & Lance Storm*

Oh, man, these two guys' careers have been shot to WWF Hell ever since the end of the InVasion.  Christian has been left out as the Marty Jannetty of the Maple Leaf Blonds, while Lance Storm has toiled in the low card ever since dropping the Intercontinental Title to fellow wrestler-in-limbo Edge.

Expect these two guys to be jobbing to Albert & Scotty II Hottie on the next episode of Jakked!


The list goes on and on.  Besides the fact that names like Tommy Dreamer, Billy Kidman, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Mark Jindrak, Shane Helms, and a truckload of invaluable ECW/WCW talent sits useless at home, the WWF has a whole freakin' network of talent in OVW, with up and comers like Brock Lesnar and Sheldon Benjamin.  But no, the WWF wants to have the Bossman wrestle Val Venis for the Intercontinental Title, and to hell with us if we disagree, because WE'RE THE WWF!  What a depressing column...feedback is appreciated

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Guest The Vanilla Midget
Rock (Extremely over)

Austin (Extremely over)

HHH (Extremely over)

Angle (over)

Hogan (alarmingly small amount of interest so far)

Hall (read above and below)

Nash (alarmingly small pop so far)

Jericho (over)

Undertaker (Over as Hell)

Kane (over)

Maven (NOT over)

Test (NOT over)

Booker T (Unfortunately not over)

William Regal (Fairly over)

Edge (Somewhat over)

RVD (Extremely over)

Billy Gunn (NOT over)

Chuck Palumbo (NOT over)

Tazz (quasi-over)

Spike (quasi-over)

Dudley Boyz (Stale, fans sick of them)

Jazz (NOT over)

Trish Stratus (Her T & A is over, atleast)

Val Venis (NOT over)

Goldust (NOT over)

Scotty II Hottie (Worm's over, NOT Scotty)

Albert (NOT over)


Whoof, that's a list full of suck and greatness in one swing.  Now, out of that list of talent, let's take a look at who's getting that cherished push, shall we?



Triple H



Billy & Chuck

Steve Austin

i would have to disagree with a number of your points.  you say that maven isnt over, id have to say that he would be one of the most over people in the entire wwf at the moment.  undertaker is over, but as a face.  when his character is a heel, you cant really class him as being terribly over then.  and booker is over, he gets a fair amount of heat whenever he comes to the ring (hence our conspiracy of test being teamed with him to leech his heat).  the rest of your points i agree with though.


in your push list, you forgot to mention test's on again off again push.  all told, you are pretty much right.


sidenote: this again highlights the smarkboards apparent need for a conspiracy forum!!

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Guest Tony149

Good read. I agree with most that was said. I think Booker T has heat, but Test will suck it away from him.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

also, like free napkins said, billy and chuck are over in their own way, and that was an awesome post.

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Guest free napkins

Eitherway, I still think Bastion should return to the WWF. He'd be the most over son of a gun in the company.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

HHH extremely over?


as a face?


Right Now?




There are far better topics to be made that contain the word "CONSPIRACY" in it.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

If HHH were extremely over...Vince McMahon wouldn't be shitting himself about making the wrong choice and putting him in the Main Event at Mania.


Maybe that's why he signed the NWO.




That one's going in the file.

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Guest Anglesault

Woah, Arch Rivals Anglesault and Bps21 post the same thing at the same time in the same thread? is the world going to explode?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I can't stand the HHH push.


1.  He isn't over.

2.  He moves like the Big Show in the ring now.


I will join forces with the devil to tear HHH assunder.  Even you, Anglesault.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

true tony, but he has turned the corner since dumping steph, and i think his pops will start gradually increasing.

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Guest Brian

Yeah he probably would of. He missed out on the WrestleMania singles main event. He's got the perfect comeback storyline going. He gave it his all as the top heel.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm telling you...


Even the marks don't feel like cheering him.


Even they know that he'll eventually turn heel again.  And he isn't exactly exciting in the ring or in promo's.


There is NOTHING to like about HHH.


Now if only I could convince them that he was holding down RVD...

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Guest Tony149

Just tell them HHH is taking all of the World's weed. That'll get them to belive HHH is holding down RVD. :)

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