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In all seriousness, how would YOU heal WWE?

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Guest goodolemr

Two points:


1. RVD is the WWF(E)'s future. The fans want him on top. Will Vince listen? Somehow I doubt it.


2. Steph and Triple H are the true poison in the WWF(E). Fire Steph as the head writer and, thus, remove Triple H's political power. Will Vince do it? Somehow I doubt it.


Face it people, these are the two core items that must be done. Everything else will fall into place afterwards. I just don't think Vince wants to do what he knows must be done. The WWF(E) has hit rockbottom and until RVD is given the push he deserves and Steph is removed, the WWF(E) will not turn any corner for the better.

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Guest Shadow
2. Steph and Triple H are the true poison in the WWF(E). Fire Steph as the head writer and, thus, remove Triple H's political power. Will Vince do it? Somehow I doubt it.

Would YOU be able to fire your own daughter? I somehow doubt it.


I'm not saying Vince SHOULDN'T get rid of Steph, but I'm just saying that I don't hate the guy for not doing so- I understand, basically.

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Guest griffinmills

This is some realistic and good stuff goodear.



>Here is my wild and wacky plan to save all things with the initials WWE.


>1) The absolute most important thing to do is fully actualize what you have on the >roster to use the people you have to their fullest potential. Is Bubba Ray Dudley ever >going to be World Champeen? No. But there's no reason he can't be over as a >midcard guy. Not every worker you have is going to be a world title draw. Live with it, >find out where people would be successful and put them in those spots.


This is true. As was proposed in another thread the world is lacking in Mick Foleys these days. Wrestlers who understand that, at the moment, they are not anywhere near being a champ or Rocky level or whatever the high spots are called but still go out and put in the effort. Don't succumb to that philosophy floating around these days that effort=quality though. Effort=respect but not neccesarily quality. Whether you are over or not go out and put in the effort, earn the respect and eventually things will work out. To quote Caddyshack though "The world needs ditch diggers too."


>2) Non-wreslters are never more important than wrestlers.... NEVER. If you want to >have Vince on the show, his main duty is to associate with a heel and get them >over, not put himself over. The same thing goes for any of the Divas and Ric >Flair.


I remember this feeling when growing up, it didn't always hold up, like L.T. going over Bam Bam at Wrestlemania, but the feeling was there.


>3) Matches increase in length to the 5-7 minute mark . Ending a match in under 3 >minutes reduces the benefits of having a match in the first place. It does not allow >enough time for faces to get in trouble long enough that their rallies mean something.


Wow, this is a facet that feels like it has been beaten to death yet WWE STILL has not realised it. I picked up a copy of "More of Saturday Nights Main Event" and that thing had matches that seemed to go on forever in comparison to todays matches. Red Rooster and Santana was like 15 minutes long, just to give you some perspective. Although I do recall a recent Scott Keith article saying that main events on PPV have been getting longer so maybe it is a TV only aspect. Regardless we want some decent length matches!


>4) The announcers are there to call the matches and put over talent. Jerry Lawler is >not on the payroll to bury wrestlers from ECW, that's counter productive. And while Jim >Ross is a fun announcer to listen to, its about time for him to step aside when he can't >tell one worker from another.


Although I don't know what you are citing specifically in regards to JR I do agree that the announcing needs a shot in the arm. Perhaps two man teams just don't cut it? Yet, would adding a third "bad" announcer just make it that much worse? Should they get Heyman back on announcing? I'd be glad if Raven announced more at this point.


>5) There are times for comedy and times for seriousness. Edge and Kurt Angle should >not be trading insults in a upper midcard feud, they should be trading asskickings. The >wig thing would be okay for someone who actually needs the cheap heat, not for Kurt >Angle.


Perhaps all a result of bad writers?


>6) Titles are not partyfavors.... they are an accomplishment to capture and hold. Treat >them as such. Need motivation for a feud? THE TITLE IS IT.


Yeah, kudos to WWE for leaving on Taker for a bit. Too bad it is, well....Taker.


>7) Good guys need to win too: I know some people think heel champions are better >draws, but faces need to win every once in a while. Don't completely embarrass faces >unless they are going to get revenge, otherwise the show gets depressing.


Hell yes, they need to win sometimes just to break the monotony!


>8) Ignore trends... seriously. Your product is your product. Don't become Fear Factor, >the Ozbournes, and anything other than wreslting. You are not a sitcom... you are a >show based on the staging of athletic competition. It's what your actors do. Its like >casting Arnold to do Shakespere... its not what he does.


Absolutely, stick to your strengths. The size and quality of the roster. The fine production values. etc.


>That's all I have for now.


See these are valid and realistic proposals. What a lot of people don't realise when they post things like "Trash this belt and make all new ones while having more rocket pack matches." is that you will be fighting people with clout and CONTRACTS the whole way. You think it would be easy to strip Taker of his championship in order to have a "Raw Belt?" You think it would be easy to oust HHH so that those thar lightweights could have 20 minutes on every show?

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Guest Goodear
Although I don't know what you are citing specifically in regards to JR I do agree that the announcing needs a shot in the arm. Perhaps two man teams just don't cut it? Yet, would adding a third "bad" announcer just make it that much worse? Should they get Heyman back on announcing? I'd be glad if Raven announced more at this point.


JR seemed to have this nasty habit where he couldn't tell the difference between Edge & Christian, The Hardyz, and Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho. I don't have RAW so I don't know if this is still the issue it used to be, but it was just as agravating as when Michael Cole miscalled a Northern Lights Suplex.


Wow, this is a facet that feels like it has been beaten to death yet WWE STILL has not realised it. I picked up a copy of "More of Saturday Nights Main Event" and that thing had matches that seemed to go on forever in comparison to todays matches. Red Rooster and Santana was like 15 minutes long, just to give you some perspective. Although I do recall a recent Scott Keith article saying that main events on PPV have been getting longer so maybe it is a TV only aspect. Regardless we want some decent length matches!


I think 5-7 is about perfect for the average TV match (TV main events going about 10-12) since they do what they have to, but don't give away the PPV quality matches for free. PPV matches should go as long as they have to be to be the best matches possible (for instance Taker-Triple H should maybe go 15 minutes, not 30 - Benoit-Flair should be longer irrespective of their main event status).

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