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The Agent of Oblivion question of the day

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I inspired Agent to create this daily thread, so I will sub for him (without his blessing) while he and the other SAMPOs are lost in whatever vortex they are in.



What do you hate about sex?

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the way the water is either too hot or too cold, and the way i have to scrub against a surface because my hands cramp if i hold them too long.

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When she screams out someone else's name.

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I hate that I'll never really know if I did a good job. I gots trust issues out the yinyang.


Another one that's just as applicable to the original question as it is to the new one.


To your point, though: I think we'd all do well to meet girls who pressure wash the sheets when they orgasm, as it's the only reliable way to know whether or not anything has genuinely taken place down there. The longtime girlfriend was a gusher, and I quite liked that. The girl I slept with most recently claimed to have never had an orgasm. That was a bit of a dealbreaker for me. I think I'm fairly good in bed, but I'll be the first to admit that I lack both the skill and the patience to help someone with weird sexual hangups. Unless the girl is really hot or funny, and this girl was neither.

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