Guest Rob Edwards Report post Posted June 27, 2002 Italian music plays and the scene zooms in on Kevino Nasho sitting on a chair in his parlour "Life isn't what it used to be around here" he thought to himself. Once his power was secure he was the top crimelord in both Stamford and Atalanta but many things had led him to the precarious position he found himself in now. For starters there is a major police investigation going on into the many crime circles he is involved in and it wasn't like the ones he'd brushed off before you see since the corrupt chief of police Nick Patrick had been uncerimoniously booted from his post he had not been able to pay the police off. Quite the opposite infact as the new police chief Dave "Earl" Hebner was intent on bringing Kevino and his entire operation down and seemed possessed by his mission to force organised crime out of his town, There are even rumors circulating that Hebner had planted someone on the inside of the crime ring to gather evidence but such an informat would be impossible to locate as Nasho's organisations activities ranged from smuggling Cocaine to counterfeiting various hair products. It didn't bother him though as such a man would find it nigh on impossible to get anywhere near him as he carefully chose those who were allowed access to him from pure blood, loyal men. On top of this there is also the threat of a rival family threatening some of Nasho's intrests, The Bollea's were no threat in the haircare crimewave as they had stopped when the leaders cousin Horacio bizzarly lost all his hair after using some of the counterfeited conditioner produced by the family, he had then taken to wearing Australian style hats to cover the problem whilst making him look like Crocodile Dundee in the process this had led him to be christened with the fearsome monicker "Horacio Hogan". His cousin and leader of the Bolleas was even more frightening, he took no mercy on anyone and is a master at manipulating situations to his own advantage, His muscular physique and bizarre habit of turning Green when angry had given him the Nickname "Hulk". Hulk Bollea's family were indeed a threat it was still infact a complete mystery to Kevino how the Bollea's had managed to get away with selling various narcotics packaged in vitamin bottles in churches all these years. This feat had been achieved in Florida where the poilcing was far less strenous than Stamford but still it was one hell of an operation the Bolleas had managed to pull off and the nous they had to pull off a scheme like this worried Kevino immensly. "It wasn't always like this" Kevino muttered to himself. Indeed he was right as it was only a few years ago That he had almost full control of Stamford. He had just vanquished the previous family of power the Mcmanino's after taking advantage of the stupid mistake of their Godfather Vito McMahon who put his daughter in charge of many of the families intrests, Stephanie was unable to control these areas however and the core areas of their control had dropped which had allowed Kevino to take control of these areas, futher to this she also left an opening for Kevino to get Vito's wife Lindio charged for skipping taxes. Lindio was unconvincing in court where her blatent lies were easily spotted by body language experts on the case. Kevino was far too canny to make a mistake like that and along with his wife Sunny (A narcotics expert) and his younger brothers Scotti "Razor" Hallio and Michael (Who was known as the Heartbreak kid) they rolled into power where they immedietly got Chief of Police Patrick on their side with a sizeable gift, The police on his side Kevino was able to get rid of the last pockets of Mcmanio resistance and take control of the city "But thats another story for another time" He thought "Things are not that easy now" The fashion with which Kevino had rolled into power had earned him the nickname "The Kliqfather" but that status and his very existance had come under threat. It was at times like this Kevino wished he was still a truckdriver who beat people up in bars "Hey pop" The Voice rang out "Look at me i'm dressed as a soldier. I'm the best soldier ever" Kevino looked down towards his youngest son Aldo "Yes son you are. Infact you're Just incedible as a soldier" Naho said "I know I am" Aldo said "I wish people would call me that more" Kevino wondered just what had happened to cause his youngest son to become so cocky. Ever since he had turned Eight he had been the personification of arrogance "Maybe he gets it off Michael" he thought, His older brother was nothing like Aldo infact he was very much a hate filled young man who believed the whole world to be against him "Hey Aldo, Wheres your brother?" Kevino enquired "Oh Syxxo's sulking in his room" Aldo replied "He's upset because he didn't get in the school baseball team" "Didn't get in the team eh?" Kevin said "Let me make a few calls, pull a few strings he'll be in the team soon enough all right" Ten minutes later after a couple of calls it was all arranged and Syxxo had indeed been picked for the team "He's gonna be so happy" Kevino thought "And he tells me everyone's just jealous of his talent anyway" It was now time for more serious matters as Kevino went off to organise the next major job as he got into his chaueffer driven car driven by a man known only as "Cole" and headed off to the ultra secret meeting place To Be Continued Insults below please! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites