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Patty O'Green

OAOAST HeldDOWN 6/25/09

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fuck an intro ten bell salute for farrah and mj













Its a cold open to the last HeldDOWN before GAB, but it begins with a HOT stud, no homo





"Doctor, doctor, give me the news

I've got a bad case of lovin' you

No pill's gonna cure my ill

I've got a bad case of lovin' you"



The following contest is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois... weighing two hundred, ten pounds. The host of Chicago radio's weekly "Love Line" and one half of THE LOVE DOCTORS... DOCTOR SSSTTEEEEEEVVVEEEEEENN... PPIIIIIIIIIIGGLLLLEEEEEYYYYYY!!




The ladies manage to hide their disappointment as Pigley doesn't treat them to his strip-tease act on the way to the ring, keeping his broadcast standards high as he slides into the ring.



Dr. Pigley, branching out with a successful radio career but looking for a big boost to his wrestling career here tonight in singles action.


"You try to play cool

Like you just don't care

But soon I'll be playin' in your underwear

Givin' me all that I desire

'Cos down with me

I'm taking you higher"


With the sound of another siren, "The Greatest Man That Ever Lived (Warren Miller version)" by Weezer hits and out walks James Blonde, flanked by who I'm sure he considers to be the greatest man that ever lived, Landon Maddix, backing him up.



And his opponent. Being accompanied to the ring by the leader of Cucaracha Internacional, LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MADDIX! He hails from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada... weighing two hundred, eight pounds... "THE TRENDSETTER"... JJJJAAAAAAAAAMMMMMEEEEESSSS... BBLLLLLLOOOOOONNDDEEEEEEEEE!!!




Blonde stops halfway up the ring steps and looks out into the crowd, flicking his hair back in dramatic timing with the high-pitched "OH BABY". Which is very masculine. Blonde enters the ring with a Landon-esque spin and points out at his mentor with pride overflowing from him before posing for the hard camera.



From what I hear, James has been in an excellent mood all week, ever since Todd Cortez lost the OAOAST United States Championship. And tonight, James looking to put himself right in the US Title hunt to further try and assert himself as Landon's 'golden boy' in Cucaracha Internacional.


Landon sets up at Sofa Central, as in the ring Blonde removes his trendsetting jacket, revealing his retro long, flower pattern wrestling tights for the night.



Has Blonde been routing around in Jesse "The Body" Ventura's wardrobe? Good lord!





As the bell sounds Blonde circles around with a big smile on his face. He offers Pigley a handshake, only to pull away at the last second wagging his finger.



And Landon Maddix joining us here at ringside, very interested I'm sure in how your man fares tonight.



Well I'm not too concerned over James, I know he's got this one in the bag tonight. I think we're going to see some tossed salad and some scrambled eggs before this one is over tonight. That's a Frasier reference by the way.



Because he's got a radio show, got it.



What I'm concerned with is, why was this match made in the first place? Another singles match? Week after week, I've got guys challenging for titles, defending titles, in ladder matches around titles. The only title I'm interested in is the title of the most dominant unit in the OAOAST and I'm begging our esteemed leader Josie Baker to give us an eight man tag match like I've been asking for, to prove that.


Blonde and Pigley lock up and Blonde takes control with a side headlock. After looking for a way out, Pigley shoots Blonde off, but gets knocked down with a shoulder tackle. The Trendsetter preens before hitting the ropes again and hurdling over Pigley. To his feet, Pigley leapfrogs Blonde on the rebound. Dropdown. And another leapfrog. Another dropdown. And another leapfrog. Blonde slams on the brakes out of sheer frustration and asks Pigley what he's doing, earning him a headscissors takedown from the Doctor!



Pigley giving Blonde the run-around right there.


Blonde picks himself up in a corner and Pigley runs in, looking for a monkey flip... but Blonde CARTWHEELS out of it!





Please with himself, Blonde turns around and gets caught with an armdrag!



Haha, and again!



Do you always laugh when my guys are on the defensive?



Not always.


Caught in an armbar Blonde climbs back to his feet and breaks free by kneeing Pigley in the midsection. Blonde delivers a couple of right hands, then sends Pigley to the ropes. An early duck of the head puts Blonde in a bad position, Pigley putting on the brakes and pulling him into a standing headscissors, but JB suddenly stands up. Holding Pigley on his shoulders Blonde takes a moment to wag his finger. Which allows Pigley to push off the small of Blonde's back and come around with another headscissors takeover!!



Wow, what a reversal that was from Pigley!


The Doctor goes for a pin on Blonde...













Blonde crawls away on his knees, trying to get a timeout. Pigley is eager to stay on the attack and gets lured in, Blonde suddenly reaching out and dragging Pigley face-first into the middle turnbuckle!





That'll give you a face for radio.


Stomping Pigley down in the corner, JB realises he has things going his way finally so he has chance to give a thumbs up to Landon.



'Atta boy James. See, that's what I'm talking about. Unity. Loyalty.


Blonde executes a snap suplex and covers...












Driving the point of his elbow into Pigley's shoulder a couple of times, Blonde pulls up the arm and locks it up beside Pigley's head.



While you're here Landon, can I ask you about this situation between Todd Cortez and the newcomer Tommy G?



That's Todd's business, I don't want to interfere in his personal business like that.



Oh, of course.


Pigley starts to fight back to his feet and out of the armbar, using his free arm to punch Blonde in the gut. Pigley goes to hit the ropes, but Blonde reaches out and grabs the waistband of Pigley's tights, pulling him backwards as he hits the ropes instead, delivering a clothesline. Cover by Blonde...













Whipping Pigley to the corner, Blonde follows up with a clothesline. He points out to Landon and he hooks Pigley up for the bulldog, which costs him as Pigley counters by shoving Blonde sternum first into the turnbuckles! As Blonde staggers out, Pigley springs to the middle rope and twists back over Blonde's head with a flying sunset flip...














Great move there by Pigley, the flying Doctor we might have to start calling him!


Blonde quickly cuts Pigley off with a knee and calling for the finish, he locks on the cobra clutch. Realising he's in trouble Pigley backpedals and forces Blonde into the corner and for a break of the hold. Once Blonde lets go, Pigley then catches him in the jaw with an elbow.



How about the cheating Doctor? What kind of a clean break is that?


With Blonde dazed, Pigley hooks him up and goes to pull the plug with the FLATLINER... but Blonde hangs onto the ropes and Pigley snaps into the canvas!





Ah-ha! Very resourceful.



Blonde using his surroundings to his advantage and now, maybe again as he heads up top.


Climbing the turnbuckles, the Canadian gives the crowd a good look before he comes off the top, catching Pigley in the side of the head with a flying knee!!



The Brand Labelling, slapped onto Dr. Pigley!


Blonde waits for Pigley to get back up again, putting the cobra clutch on and this time scoring with the legsweep, ILLEGALLY BLONDE! Not bothering to hook the leg, Blonde forces Pigley down while toying with his hair...



And that's going to do it.
















Just like I told you. And Josie, you know what we want, quit holding out on Internacional demands.



Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match... JJAAAMMMMEEEEESSS... BLLLLOOOOOOOONNDDEEEEEE!!!




Leaving ringside, Landon enters the ring to congratulate his man, which means more to Blonde than the win itself or the winner's share of the purse. With a beaming smile James' hand is raised by Landon.


Backstage, Bohemoth is looking cool and crisp as ever as he walks through the hallways. Raising his orange tinted sunglasses in a greeting to one member of staff, Bo ducks right and enters his locker room... and freezes. Because there, in front of him, lies a pile of shredded fabric. Arms and pockets of what were clearly suits, torn and ripped to pieces in the middle of his locker room. Bohemoth kneels down and picks up a few of the pieces, examining them as if he doesn't believe what he's seeing, before angrily throwing them aside and marching right back out of the room in a rage.



Oh wow. Somebody has gotten into Bohemoth's clothing, which is tantamount to a death warrant! And no prizes for guessing who's likely to be behind it.



Maybe it was moths? I hear they're pretty bad in Conneticut.



I think we both know who's responsible and more importantly, I think Bohemoth knows. Folks we'll be back with more including words from The Franchise Zack Malibu!



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Returning from break Brock Ausstin is seen backstage walking into a dressing room, which the camera reveals to contain Alfdogg and Denzel Spencer.



Welcome to the team, big man.


The crowd cheers as Brock shakes hands with Alf and Denzel.



Thank you very much, and congratulations to you, by the way.



Much appreciated, mon.



Now, me and Brock haven't always seen eye-to-eye...in fact, we probably never have. But we all have common goals here. Last year, the DA put Brock on the shelf for a few months, and he's never gotten proper revenge. What better place than War Games?


*crowd cheers*



But it gets better...the fourth member of our team is on the way here, and he has an even bigger score to settle.


Brock and Denzel both give Alf a curious look.



I saw him down in Miami a couple weeks ago, and he looks better than ever.


All three guys huddle up, and come away with big smiles, then share a hearty laugh.



Alf just added some serious power to his team!



Yeah, but, the Deadly Alliance has some serious TALENT. Don't forget that, Mikey.

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We pan around the arena with the crowd going wild.



This past weekend on OAOAST Syndicated an 8-man tag featuring All the Queen’s Men vs. the Orange County Cobras and the Citizen Soldiers took place. Unfortunately TV time ran out before a decision could be rendered, but as promised, here now is the exciting conclusion!


OAOAST Syndicated

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Baron Windels receives the hot tag and the place EXPLODES~!





That look says it all. Danny tries luring Baron into a false sense of security but the Lone Star Gunslinger is too smart for that. He blocks a roundhouse and drops a series of Cowboy Bebop elbows! That leads to an Irish whip and BW’s trademark BUTT BUMP!



Bite My Shiny Metal Ass!



What a disgusting name for a move.


Baron next executes his DEVIL’S ADDICTION (FALLAWAY SLAM) for good measure and makes the cover.










Mayhem ensues as Scott and Tim Cash get into it, and then the O.C. Cobras and Mardi Gras Hellfire Club.



All hell’s breaking loose, Tony Schiavone!



Imagine what it’ll be like Sunday night, June 28 at the Great Angle Bash!


The action spills outside while the legal men, Danny Boy and Baron Windels, remain in the ring. Baron prepares a BRIGHAM YOUNG COCKTAIL DDT for Danny…




…but a LOW BLOW spills the drink!



Who knew Baron Windels sing soprano?


Danny sets Baron on the top buckle.



Are we going to see that top rope brain buster Danny calls the Flower of Scotland?


The answer is no. Cash slips back into the ring and positions Danny for a back suplex. He falls back as Baron delivers a TOP ROPE LARIAT!!



It's Clobberin' Time alright!


The cover.











Ladies and gentlemen, here are your winners… the team of THE ORANGE COUNTY COBRAS and CITIZEN SOLDIERS!!!!




The O.C. Cobras join the Citizen Soldiers inside where their hands are raised in victory.



A tremendous match we‘ve just seen, Jesse Ventura.



Unbelievable, Schiavone. Only in the OAOAST can you find this kind of action. I, for one, can‘t wait for the Great Angle Bash.



You and me both, partner.










"Getting Away With Murder", the theme song of one of the most popular wrestlers of all time, draws an all too familiar reaction from the crowd, as The Franchise makes an appearance here tonight!



We're back, fans, and we're back in a big way, as Zack Malibu has joined us on HeldDOWN~!



Yippee. More talk about this has-been.



You really believe that, don't you?



C'mon, Cole. Even y ou can't be that blind to see that Zack's lost steam in recent months. It's time to take him out back and Old Yeller him!


Despite what some have said about him, the fans still love the former World Champion, as he enters the ring and takes the mic to address the crowd.



I want to clear the air here tonight, once and for all. I will be the first to admit that I am not the man I used to be. That I have allowed myself to be taken advantage of, and that on occasion, I have gotten in over my head. I will admit that I'm a human being who has his flaws, but I'm getting sick and tired of having Anglesault, my friend, and his personal attacks on me. 'Sault, we've tried this in private, we've tried it over the phone and face to face in the office, but I have had it. The surprise opponents, the sporadic appearances, right down to keeping me in Japan to work the Japanese tour instead of coming home to my family and springing that on me at the last minute? This is supposed to be motivating, Anglesault? And what about The Great Angle Bash? It seems that right now you're playing this two ways, 'Sault. It seems that you're so disappointed in me that you're almost trying to make the world forget Zack Malibu. You're holding me back from something, and I don't know what and I don't know why, but I have HAD IT. You talk about how you're my only friend, the only one who would never, ever take advantage of me, but then you go and do NOTHING with me. This company, as far as I'm concerned, is just as much mine as it is yours! The name on the marquee, what those initials stand for mean NOTHING compared to the blood, sweat and tears I have put into this place. I have CARRIED this place for you, and now...


Zack's tirade is cut off by the sound of "Medal", as ANGLESAULT comes out to a mixed response. Malibu clears some space for Anglesault to enter the ring, and he does not look pleased with Zack's rant.



I'm not out here to play back and forth, Zack. The fact is that yes, you have carried the OAOAST to great heights, and you have done an incredible amount for this company. The fact is that you have devoted your life to this company, just as much as I have. It's also a fact, Zack, that you have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to me, because I'm not going to stand for being the scapegoat for YOUR failure. I have come to you time and time again Zack, trying to light that fire, trying to bring The Franchise back to the OAOAST! You think I'm playing games with you, Zack? I'm trying to show the world that you're still the Zack Malibu you say you are, but at this point I don't think even you believe that you are!


Zack looks somber and frustrated as he retorts.



I believe in myself. I've never been one to be told that I was under-confident.



You believe in yourself?



I do.



Then why, Zack, why did you have to use a crutch like The In Crowd, or The Usual Suspects. Why did you have to link yourself to someone, anyone else? This is a cutthroat business Zack, and even we had our wars before you won me over with RESPECT. It's a different time and place now though, Zack. No one, not one of those people...not Bohemoth, not Leon Rodez, not even Sly Sommers God rest his soul RESPECTED you. Every single one of them tried to make themselves, make their careers by leeching off of YOU, and you LET them.



That's not true.



IT IS TRUE! IT IS, ZACK! You have let numerous people put one over on you! THAT'S what a Franchise is? Let me tell you, Zack, and I'm telling you this not just as the owner of the OAOAST, but as a friend...there is a world of wrestlers out there, a locker room full of them in this very arena, and every single one of them would piss on your grave if it meant making themselves The Franchise of the OAOAST. I can name you at least fifty people off the top of my head who are willing to step up and show that drive, that killer instinct. The thing is, Zack, I don't want that to happen. I want YOU to be The Franchise, and I want that because of your achievements in this company. For everything you've done, Zack, I owe you, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let you slip. Every day of our lives, Zack, we are one step closer to our last. Every single day, we are one step closer to dying, and the only thing we can do is cement a legacy to leave behind, something that people 10, 20, 50 years after we're gone can look at. So, I ask you, Zack, what type of legacy do you want to leave? Are you going to be remembered as The Franchise, as a real life superhero who defended the OAOAST and led it through the glory days, or are you going to be the man who once sat high on the mountain top only to come crashing down when his own pride became his fatal flaw?


Malibu ponders the cryptic comments, as Anglesault pauses, as if looking for answer. Seeing an opening in the verbal war, that's when another party is heard from.


"Excuse me, gentlemen."


All eyes are on the entrance stage, and the boos begin as CHRISTIAN WRIGHT starts walking towards the ring, he too with a mic in hand!



Anglesault, I think I have a solution for your woes. It appears that Zack Malibu, the pride and joy of the wrestling world, is having an identity crisis. He doesn't know who he is anymore, and I agree with you, Anglesault, he's far from a Franchise lately. Which is where I am more than happy to step in. Zack Malibu has been a thorn in my side for years now...



Don't you think you should flip that around?



...as I was saying, Zack Malibu has been a thorn in my side for years now. From my arrival in the OAOAST, Zack Malibu was always the pinnacle. The goal was to defeat "the man". The Franchise, as everyone calls him, because he is, or was, the measuring stick. The man who never quit with the will that would not die. Over the years I took part in a Civil War, and most recently an Enterprise, devoted to the elimination of Zack Malibu, and both did not work out as intended. My prized HI-YAH Heavyweight Title, taken from me by Zack Malibu with no offering of a rematch. Even Bohemoth, that fool, who was brought here BY ME, now calls himself a friend to Zack Malibu. Zack, it's obvious that you are unhappy with yourself, and it almost appears that, in some ways, we're kindred spirits. It's also obvious that in some ways, you're opting to take that further...you aren't trying to perserve the legacy of Zack Malibu, you're trying to create the legacy of the next Christian Wright!


Malibu mouths "is that so", as the crowd boos Wright's accusation.



Now, hear me out, Zack. You see, the battles through the years have taken their toll on you. The blood, sweat and tears you brag about...you don't want to waste that effort anymore. You want to channel it in different ways. You're trying to be smart about it. An intellectual, using your mental prowess as opposed to bare knuckles to solve everything that comes your way. The old Zack Malibu wouldn't hesitate to pounce on someone he felt wronged him, whether it be someone who jumped him from behind, perhaps busted him open with a chair. Someone who broke into his house and went after his family. Even someone who DARED to interrupt his "time" on an episode of HeldDOWN~! So instead of trying to pull the old Zack Malibu out of you, Zack, I'm here to say one thing tonight, and to do something about it on Sunday. I am here to tell the world that the old Zack Malibu is DEAD AND GONE. Enjoy what you've seen in the past, people, because your Franchise will never emerge again. He's now buried under a pile of insecurity and dissatisfaction. What you see before you is a shell of what used to be. No longer a Franchise. No longer a champion. Just a man leeching off his previous reputation, unable to prove that he's still the man he once used to be. That is why I, Christian Wright, will prove once and for all that the things said about Zack Malibu ring true. At The Great Angle Bash, I am challenging you, Zack Malibu, to a match. You and I, in the ring once again, so that the New Franchise can take his rightful place, and wrest that crown out of the hands that DO NOT DESERVE IT!


Wright and Malibu have a stare down, and Anglesault steps in, prying them apart before things break down.



You know what...this was between Zack and I, Christian. Now you want to pick your spot? You think YOU can be the Franchise of the OAOAST?



I don't think, I KNOW.



You know what, enough of this. Anglesault, you make that match. This Sunday, I'll be happy to take Christian Wright on, one on one!


The crowd cheers, and even Wright looks excited about the prospect of another match with Zack Malibu.



Here's how it's going to go, Wright. No one ever took your talent for granted. Just know that every single time you've come at me before, I showed you, I PROVED to you that I am everything I say I am.



My point exactly, Zack. I don't want you to say anything. If your actions can't prove it, then that'll expose you for the man in doubt that you are, and your words won't be able to protect the truth from the people anymore. Sunday's Bash will be anything but great for you, Zack. It will be a night of revelations and disappointment, because the time has come for a new Franchise, and his name is Christian Wright!


Wright backs away, smirking, then reaches over and slaps the taste of out Zack's mouth! Zack lunges, but Anglesault keeps him back, not wanting hell to break loose.



Save it! Save it, Zack. Worry about the match, worry about him on Sunday!


Wright exits smirking, as Malibu rubs his jaw, being calmed by Anglesault.



Well, looks like we've rounded out the card for this Sunday! Old rivals Christian Wright and Zack Malibu do battle one more time, with Wright claiming that he's ready and willing to replace Zack as The Franchise of the OAOAST!



Anglesault's been trying to reason with Zack, but Wright's telling it like it is...he's old news, he can't cut it anymore, and come Sunday, he's going down!



We'll see what happens on Sunday, but before then, we've got more great action here tonight! More HeldDOWN~! after this!

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Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is set for one fall... and it is for the OAOAST WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP!!



"Boys call you sexy (What's up, sexy)

And you don’t care what they say

See, every time you turn around

They screamin' your name


Boys call you sexy (What's up, sexy)

And you don’t care what they say

See, every time you turn around

They screamin' your name"


The lights flash purple and often as "When I Grow Up" by The Pussycat Dolls hits, bringing out the ever-popular challenger. A little tense, Jade takes a sharp intake of breath and jumps about on the stage trying to get her mind in the right place before she walks to the ring tagging outstretched hands.



Introducing first, the challenger. Now residing in Los Angeles, California. The second generation starlet with a heart of gold and former OAOAST Women's Champion... ladies and gentlemen, "LITTLE MISS CALIFORNIA"... JJJJAAAAAAADDEEEEEE... RRRRROOOOODDEEEEEEZZZZZZ - DDUUUUUUUUUNNCCAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!!





Former Women's Champion, who until tonight has never gotten a one on one rematch with the girl who beat her at AngleMania VII, Morgan Nerdly. But that changes here tonight.



The whole reason Jade never got a rematch is because she was too scared to ask for one. And can you blame her? She befriended Morgan and then cast her off, threw her to the curb. She already got zapped once, I'd consider that getting off lightly.


Sliding demurely into the ring, Jade climbs onto the middle turnbuckle to wave to the crowd.



You have to wonder where Jade's mind is tonight, a lot going on with her friends and especially he family lately.





To un-explain the unforgivable,

Drain all the blood and give the kids a show.

By streetlight this dark night,

A séance down below.

There are things that I have done,

You never should ever know!


And without you is how I disappear,

And live my life alone forever now.

And without you is how I disappear,

And live my life alone forever now.


Charges of electricity scream down on an entrance stage that’s carpeted by dark blue lights. On the numerous video screens throughout the venue images of flashes of electrical bolts find their way onto screen. After the final violent bolt of electricity touches down on stage the entrances door rip apart to showcase Morgan Nerdly. Stalking slowly to the ring, Morgan's eyes scowl at the girl she once called friend, gripping onto her Women's Title belt as if it were some kind of comfort blanket.



And, her opponent. From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada... she is the current reigning and defending OAOAST WOMEN'S CHAMPION!! Prepare for SHOCK and awe from MMMOOOOOOORRRRRGGAAAAAAANN... NNEEEERRRRRDDLLLLLYYYYYYYY!!!





The unbalanced and unstable 19 year old Women's Champion, dangerous and volatile. We ask where Jade's head is at, but who knows where Morgan's is? Especially with the manipulation Lorelei DeCenzo's been carrying out on her lately. And in three nights at The Great Angle Bash, scheduled to be Morgan going one on one with Sophie, which will be for the Women's Title assuming Morgan can get past Jade tonight.



And no surprise, Josie trying to throw a spanner in the works before Sunday with this match. I'll betcha Jade don't want no part of this, Josie just needed a big ol' wrench to throw out there.


Morgan hands over her Women's Title and starts pacing back and forth in her corner. Jade is given a look at the belt but seems more worried with what Morgan's doing.





The bell sounds and Morgan continues pacing, seemingly muttering away to herself.



Morgan... maybe psyching herself up?



Or maybe she's psychoing herself up.



Very good, thank you Coach.


Confused and a little concerned, Jade slowly approaches Morgan. Suddenly, letting out a shriek, the Women's Champion rushes forward and grabs hold of Jade's hair, violently shaking her head back and forth. After the initial shock Jade strikes Morgan in the chest to break her hold, then pops her in the jaw with a forearm shot! And another!



Boy, I think Jade knew she was in a fight before the bell rang but she's certainly not shying away from it!


Morgan is the one who's shocked now and as she nurses her jaw, Jade grabs her by the arm and whips her to the ropes. Leaving her feet, a leaping clothesline from Jade hooks Morgan down! Fired up all of a sudden, Jade waves Morgan back to her feet and knocks her down with a second clothesline. Morgan crawls into a corner and Jade follows right behind, but suddenly has a pang of conscience as Morgan wraps herself protectively around the bottom turnbuckle.



Morgan suddenly wants no part of this one!


Hesitating over whether to attack, Jade can't bring herself to and she lets Morgan up.



A little compassion on the part of the challenger.



Oh sure, where was that compassion when Morgan tried to befriend her?


Suprised at being allowed up, Morgan is slow to get to her feet. Jade eventually moves back towards Morgan, which is when the Women's Champion reaches out and pulls Jade into the turnbuckles! After a moment's pause looking down at her work, Morgan covers Jade...













Unlike her opponent, Morgan doesn't allow Jade to get back up, kicking her into the corner and then stomping away. Morgan backs into the middle of the ring and runs at Jade, delivering a low dropkick against the bottom turnbuckle.



This is what Lorelei's talking about. This is Morgan Nerdly. She's ruthless and he's dangerous, that's what's making her the Women's Champion.



Well that's fine in the heat of competition. But when she's attacking innocent members of staff, that's a different story.


Morgan throws Jade face-first to the mat, hitting the ropes and delivering another low dropkick, this time to Jade's face as she gets to all fours! Morgan covers again...













Waiting for Jade to get back up, Morgan crouches behind her, harsh eyes fixed on her challenger. The crowd will Jade back to her feet, neglecting to tell her that Morgan is waiting for her to turn around.







A knifedge chop from Morgan connects.







But Jade lets out a shout and lashes right back out at an unsuspecting Morgan! Chest stinging, a vengeful spite spills out of Morgan...







...and she lashes out at Jade again. Morgan hasn't even finished growling before Jade retaliates...







...chopping Morgan again! And then catching her with a quick forearm smash. Holding Morgan behind the head, Jade delivers a firmer forearm shot and the Women's Champion is staggered. Another forearm, almost causing Morgan's legs to collapse underneath her.



Those fighting Duncan genes starting to kick in!


Despite being groggy, Morgan growls under her breath again. And in her rage, she actually encourages her opponent to hit her again! Ever obedient, Jade paws her with an open left hand. Then paws her with an open right. With a guttural shout, Jade then pulls a 360... but Morgan sees the spinning clothesline coming and ducks underneath, carrying herself into the ropes. Recovering her feet, Jade tries another clothesline, but Morgan ducks again. She comes back off the far ropes and leaves her feet looking for a crossbody, but Jade catches her opponent's slender frame and turns it into a POWERSLAM!!














Nearfall for the former Women's Champion!


Jade backs into a corner and goes up to the middle rope, set to take a rare risk. Back up, Morgan's eyes narrow and she charges looking to knock Jade off the turnbuckles. Jade sticks out a zebra stripe foot out though, causing Morgan to run right into it. Pushing up on the top rope, Jade sits herself on the Champion's shoulders and pushes off with a Victory Roll...













The would-be cheerleader leads the cheers of the Conneticut crowd and she hits the ropes. Morgan surprises Jade by pulling a 180 and catching her in the jaw with a back elbow! Reaching back, Morgan then snapmares Jade over with more than a hint of a hairpull, backing up and kicking Jade HARD between the shoulder blades!








Morgan forces Jade down and pins her...













Morgan sits Jade up and kicks her in the back again. Dropping to a knee, she then applies a rear chinlock, knee placed in the back. As Jade refuses to submit, eyes turn away from the ring, and boos begin to rumble as down the aisle walks an emotionless LEON RODEZ!








Leon Rodez? I don't know what reason he's got for being out here, but I know that I don't like the looks of it. What twisted motive has Leon got on his mind? Our Women's Title match will continue when we come back!






When we come back, we find new fight in Jade as she tries to rally back on the Women's Champion. Stood in front of the announce table, Leon watches on, no change in his emotion whatsoever. Striking her repeatedly, Jade comes off the ropes and looks to take Morgan down with a clothesline. Morgan ducks underneath the line and wraps her hand around Jade's throat, sweeping her legs with a modified STO takedown! Morgan turns to Leon, distraced by his appearance. But when Leon barely acknowledges the fact he's being looked at, Morgan turns away and she hooks a leg...













Morgan sits up and rages at the referee, furious she didn't get the three count. Leon doesn't flinch, but the referee sure does.



What a competitive match we're seeing, for the OAOAST Women's Championship. Jade has really taken the fight to her unpredictable opponent so far. But a dark cloud has been hanging over us since just before the break, thanks to the presence of Leon Rodez, who's been watching this match very closely.



Jaded much? A guy comes out to watch his niece fight for the Women's Title and here you are goin' all PI on us, talking about alterior motives and stuff?



Does that look like a man who's routing his niece on?


Leon continues to watch blankly, as Morgan now lashes out at Jade in the corner. After repeated punches Morgan is forced to back away by the referee. She whips Jade across the ring and into the opposite corner, following after her with a running shoulder to the midsection.







Letting the crowd get to her, Morgan starts screaming at them to "shut up". Not in an angry way, more in desperation.



These people are making a mistake. They're getting Morgan angry... and you won't like her when she's angry!



This isn't a laughing matter Coach. Quite frankly, this young girl has some personal issues that she needs attention for and that's not something to hold against her or use as a stick to beat her with. The problem is, she doesn't seem to want that help.


Looking flustered, Morgan throws Jade to the ropes and ducks her head. But she does so way too early, allowing Jade to stop and kick her in the shoulder. Morgan lashes out with a wild clothesline, but Jade ducks and throws a Front Dropkick to knock the runt of the Nerdly litter down. Scrambling to her feet, Morgan is hit with a second Front Dropkick. Back up again and Jade goes for a third... but Morgan steps back and lets Jade fall on the back of her head, then traps her in a Boston Crab!





A NICE counter move from Morgan!


Jade shouts in pain as the pressure is put on back. Even this, not enough to draw any reaction from Leon. Luckily for Jade, she's near to the ropes and manages to reach out for the bottom one before any lengthy damage can be done.



Morgan has focused a lot of offence on that back and Jade might be lucky to have escaped there.


Picking Jade back up, a scowl forms on Morgan's face. Her spite is directed at the crowd, as she tells them to say goodbye to Jade before picking her up on her shoulders.



Uh-oh, Morgan looking to adminster Shock & Awe!


Morgan gets Jade up on her shoulders and tries to throw her...



...but Jade escapes down the back and rolls Morgan up...
















Oh! Almost had her!



What a fluke that would have been.


Cutting into Jade's chest with a kick, Morgan is frustrated. She grabs hold of Jade's hair and pulls her in, trying for another fireman's carry. Jade fights Morgan off this time and shoves her towards the ropes. Morgan hangs on and stops herself. But she suddenly gets a rush of blood and with a scream, she charges at Jade anyway, Jade charging right back at her and hooking Morgan to the canvas with a hooking sleeper drop!!





Jade drops herself on top...














And AGAIN, so close to a new Women's Champion! Jade is beginning to get on a roll.



Morgan wasn't prepared for this. She's been preparing for Sophie all week and then she gets this curveball thrown at her. No wonder she feels like the world's against her!


Jade picks Morgan up, scooping her for a slam. Morgan escapes and yanks Jade down by the hair, stacking her on her shoulders for a pin...













Both girls are back up and it's Jade who strikes, catching Morgan with a surprise Jawbreaker. Jade draws off the crowd again and she comes off the ropes. Morgan manages to cut Jade off with a weary boot to the gut though. Grabbing onto Jade's purple cheerleader outfit, Morgan throws Jade towards the turnbuckles looking to give herself a second to recover. Blocking a collision with the turnbuckles, Jade gives Morgan none of the time she wants, luring Morgan into a charge and sidestepping, causing the Women's Champion to clatter into the turnbuckles. As Morgan stumbles backwards, Jade then throws herself up and connects with the E!ziguri, right to the face!



Caught her!


For the first time Leon reacts, starting to inch forward. Morgan rolls through to her feet and Jade sees her opportunity, hooking Morgan around the chin from behind and sitting out with the reverse x-factor!!!!







Jade hooks onto Morgan's legs to pin her down...




...but there's no count, because Leon Rodez has calmly climbed into the ring and stands in the corner, arms folded, staring right past the referee who's gesturing for him to leave the ring!







The referee's demands to leave fall on deaf ears, Leon treating him as if he weren't even there. Making no effort to actually distract him, but doing an excellent job of it. Suddenly, the crowd erupt, for the arrival of BOHEMOTH, pissed off and marching to the ring!



This is what this is!



It's a scheme, just like I thought! Leon's costing his niece the Women's Title and it's all to draw out Bohemoth!



Worked too, huh?


Bohemoth stomps around ringside and reaches into the ring, grabbing hold of Leon's ankle and pulling him out of the ring! The crowd erupt, expecting Bohemoth to lay Leon to waste. But he doesn't. So Leon SLAPS HIM!!!




Visibly shaking, Bohemoth's eyes widen. On the brink of an explosion, he turns back around, seething. Jade has been distracted by all this and before Bohemoth can react, she screams over the ropes at him not to do anything... before screaming again as she's yanked away, pulled up onto the shoulders and hit with SHOCK & AWE BY MORGAN!! Cover...


















I don't believe it! Morgan Nerdly has stolen this one!







Grabbing her belt, Morgan sits on her knees confused at what's unfolding in front of her. And she wants no part of it, rolling out of the ring and heading to the back. Bohemoth looks shocked on Jade's behalf at what happened. Not shocked, Leon smiles on himself. And when Bohemoth spots this, he sees red and GRABS LEON BY THE THROAT!





Here we go, here we go!


Bohemoth grips Leon's throat tightly, but can't bring himself to do anymore than that, fighting the urge to do so with Jade still in the corner of his eye. Sensing weakness Leon, who is putting up no sort of defence, slaps Bohemoth's hand away. Still Bohemoth doesn't bite...









Oh my God!


Wiping the phlegm from his face, Bohemoth has finally had enough AND LAYS OUT LEON WITH A HUGE CLOTHESLINE!!!!





GOOD! Did Leon Rodez deserve that or what!?



He deserved it, but he was asking for it, literally! He got what he wanted!



Well they say be careful what you wish for and Leon may be about to add that to his list of dreary proverbs right now!


Not done yet, Bohemoth drops to a knee and mounts Leon, delivering hard right hands to the head. With no signs of stopping! After at least a dozen punches, Bohemoth hauls Leon off the ringside floor and throws him face-first into the ringpost, sending Leon spilling to the floor again! Crawling towards the barricade, Leon is hardly on one knee before Bohemoth sprints towards him and delivers a FACEWASH KICK, smashing Leon's face into the barrier!!



This is getting ugly in a hurry!



Well Bohemoth better enjoy this while it lasts, because he'll be regretting it for a long time to come!


Dragging Leon's lifeless body back up, Bohemoth props him against the barricade while he smashes him with more right hands. Leon is slumped all the way down to his knees, Bohemoth then grabbing Leon's head and slamming it back against the barricade! And again! Bohemoth then just hauls Leon right across the arena floor with a throw, so forceful Leon does at least two full rolls.



Bohemoth letting out weeks of pent up rage.


Bohemoth drags Leon back up again...





...bouncing his head off of the announce table!





...and a second time! Sending bodies scurrying, Bohemoth then grabs a steel chair...









Bohemoth throws the chair away, breathing heavily in his furious state. But just when he seems to be done, he grabs hold of Leon's shirt and begins to drag him up again.



Well I hope it was worth it, Leon.



I could say the same to Bohemoth.



...right now, I think we better get the hell out of here!


Scooping Leon up in his arms, Bohemoth glares out. And positioned on the floor, he turns to Sofa Central before swinging him around...









The table doesn't break and barely gives, leaving Leon damn near bent in half over the front of it, completely wrecked. Bohemoth stands over him and grabs onto the shirt again, ready to do even more damage. When suddenly, a hand grabs his arm. Turning around, Bo finds Jade, sobbing and pleading with him to stop. Bohemoth looks at her for a few seconds and seems to calm. But then, he looks back at Leon... and drags him off the table again, to a monster cheer from the crowd!! He sets Leon up for a Powerbomb, ignoring Jade's pleas as he takes Leon up...















Referees and officials are too late to stop Bohemoth and they flock out to make sure he goes no further, as well as to check on Leon. And among them is Jade, climbing over the table wreckage and kneeling at her uncle's side distraught.



Bohemoth is backed up by the officials, with other officials waving for help. The Meterosexual Monster finally starts to calm, not listening to the referees telling him to leave, but definately when Jade starts to scream at him to "GO AWAY!". It's only when Jade yells "YOU PROMISED NOT TO DO THIS!" that realisation suddenly sinks in to Bohemoth at what he's just done and his hands raise to his head. His attempts to apologise just earn him more shouts to "GO AWAY" though and Bohemoth eventually listens, now angry at himself as he's tracked by referees while marching to the back, passing a stretcher being wheeled to ringside.


"BO - HE - MOTH!"

"BO - HE - MOTH!"

"BO - HE - MOTH!"

"BO - HE - MOTH!"


With Jade looking on in concern, Leon is tended to and placed on the stretcher, officials picking through the wreckage of the announce table to get to him. As Leon is transfered onto the stretcher, the crowd show their compassion for his fate by booing him. Jade grips onto Leon's hand and follows along with the stretcher as it's wheeled towards the back.


And despite the pain, despite the punishment, and despite the booing crowd... somehow, some way... as the stretcher passes the camera, a pained smile can be seen on Leon's face.



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I’m here with Tommy G., something of a newcomer here in OAOAST. Tommy G., after all of the threats, can your “attacks” on Todd Cortez be considered a letdown?



Don’t let your tongue be your worst enemy.


Tommy G. brags the mic out of the interviewers hand.



Cortez, I hope your neck hurts. I could have beaten you down, kicked the life out of you. But I prefer surgical strikes. I prefer career-ending tactics. You lost the belt, and now you’re going to lose your career. And you know it. Otherwise, the attacks wouldn’t have gone unanswered. Because you’re a bitch!


Todd Cortez seemingly flies into camera range, taking Tommy G. down. The two men jockey for position, throwing punches all the while. Cortez get control from behind and throws two crossface punches. Tommy G. twists and gets Cortez over in a fireman’s carry takedown. Just as he goes to soccer kick Cortez in the head, the backstage personnel hit the scene. Dave Barbie, Jim Powers, Pete Doherty and others grab Tommy G. and pull him away. A few of them check on Cortez, who jumps to his feet, runs, and jumps over those holding back Tommy G. and gets a hit in. Two of the jobbers of yore release Tommy G. and grab Cortez. Tommy G. tries to kick Cortez, but the two belligerents are separated.









Whoa! Todd Cortez retaliating against Tommy G. in a most violent manner!



Tommy G. definitely not making any friends here in OAOAST.



Unless he makes allies of those who would want Cortez’s career ended…


We cut backstage to see world champion Krista Isadora Duncan walking down a corridor near the arena parking lot. She passes by MARV, who offers her a friendly wave.



Heading back to the hotel?



Yeah, I don’t feel so good for some reason.


Krista waves good bye to MARV and continues her walk to the parking garage. She strides through the doorway to a lot that’s empty besides herself. Strolling across the pavement she reaches her Sebring rental car. After opening it with the power locks, she sets her bag on the passenger seat, and turns on the vehicle. The normal roar of the enigine subsides quickly, but in its place comes heavy breathing.





Krista screams in horror as Uno reaches from the back seat and grabs onto her golden hair and yanks her head backwards. Out the corner of her eye, she can see Dos locking the entrance way to the garage.



The circle is cast, and we are now between the worlds, beyond the bounds of time, where night and day…


Uno’s spell casting is momentarily silenced when Krista reaches backwards and rams her fists into his face.





Outraged Uno lunges forward with a vile scream, but Krista elbows him back causing him to emit a pained howl. However his agony only last a shor while before he springs forward to take hold of Krista’s neck and shove her into the steering wheel.




Krista twists away from the choke hold, but this only allows Uno to take hold of her hair once again. She shouts with misery and horror as Uno tugs as though he was trying to yank her head clear off her body. Her only line of defense is to shift the car into reverse and jam on the accelator. The car rushes backwards with a loud thump is head. Krista’s eyes widen with fright as they see Dos tumbling down onto the hood. Springing to life with demonic power and he blasts his feet through the windshield showering Krista in specks off glass. Left with only one othe option Krista puts the car into drive and slams her foot again on the accelerator.





Dos tumbles off the now speeding car, watching it set itself on a collision course with an SUV. In seconds the car rams into the SUV, setting off the parked car’s security alarm and causing a thunderous sound of metal on metal. Propelled forward, Uno slams head first into the dash. He only has a moment of pain though before he leaps his body forward and dives onto a shrieking Krista.





Krista uses all her strength to shove Uno away, bouncing his head off the passenger side window. Dazed, he has no chance of preventing Krista from slamming him with a kick that throws him out the passenger door! While Uno is still recovering she quickly closes the door , leaving him to angrily bang on it. Unfortunately for Krista she’s attacked on another front as Dos reaches through the busted windshield and drags Krista through it as she screams with all the power in her vocal chords. Together with Uno, Dos roughly pulls her onto the hood of her car. Uno snatches out several strands of her hair and holds them up as though they were gold medals.


Krista’s entire face goes from white with fear to red with rage when she spots Theodore Moneymaker, dressed like he was attending a funeral, approaching.


DOS (handing Moneymaker the hair)

Here you are, sir.



Thank you, Dos.



This is your doing?



This is fate’s doing. Its truly lamentable our war now has to be propped by such…dark undertones. A dark cloud now covers the expanse of our tumultuous relationship.



What’s all this for? To let me know you can attack me from anywhere?



Far from it. This is something I may regret to my dying day.


Krista raises her eyebrows in confusion.



Sir, there isn’t time to waste, you must do it now!



Do what?


MONEYMAKER (staring at her hair and chanting)

Blood turn black and flesh turn blue, I will curse you if you force me to, by the left hand and the unclean food, I´ll curse your eyes, I´ll curse your lies,I´ll call down a plague of flies, blood go black and flesh go blue, evil from me and back to you, my soul clean and yours on fire.



What was that?



That my dear, was a curse on your very soul. Live well, if you can.





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The Wall by Kansas plays, and The Deadly Alliance makes their way to the ring, along with their new bodyguard.



And it's time for our eight-man tag team main event, a preview of War Games! Let's go to Michael Buffer!



The following is an eight-man tag team match, scheduled for one fall! Making their way to the ring, accompanied by ARTURAS, at a total combined weight of 938 pounds...Introducing REJECT, THUNDERKID, MR. DICK, and the OAOAST Heartland champion, SANDMAN9000...collectively known as the DEADLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAA




Well, we've found out a little more about this big man who is seconding the Deadly Alliance, he goes Arturas, and he has wrestled on OAOAST TV before! Back in 2006, under his birth name, Steponas Juozapas, he competed in the Tag Team World Cup tournament along with a partner, and that team competed at AngleSlam in the semi-finals, losing to Team Heyross! The meaning of his name, Arturas, is disputed, but the popular opinion is that it means "bear-man."



Heh...we'll, I'll buy that. Look at the size of this guy!


The DA enters the ring, and waits on their opponents. Magnum Opus hits, and the crowd goes nuts as Alfdogg makes his way to the ring, followed by Denzel Spencer and Brock Ausstin.



And we're about to find out the fourth man here!


Alf brings a mic with him, as the music dies down.



And now...allow me to introduce the fourth member of Alfdogg's Asylum!


A long pause goes through the arena, until Gasolina by Daddy Yankee and Lil' Jon hits, and the crowd erupts.






Oh, no.



You gotta be kidding me!


Colombian Heat storms through the curtains, pointing out to the crowd, which grows even more deafening.



Colombian Heat, what a shocker, the fourth man chosen to Alfdogg's Asylum! And you remember what the Deadly Alliance did to him last year!



Yeah, under Alf's' leadership! How are these two going to be able to trust each other?


Heat charges the ring, followed by his teammates, and an eight-man brawl erupts in the ring!







Heat slugs away on Sandman, while Brock does battle with Mr. Dick and TK goes at it with Denzel. Meanwhile, Reject is playing the cat-and-mouse game with Alf, who looks down on him from in the ring. TK and Sandman are sent to the outside, and then Brock whips MD into the ropes, and Heat and Denzel catch him with a double dropkick!



How about that teamwork?


MD rolls out, as the crowd cheers on Alf's team.



Not looking too good so far for the Deadly Alliance!



It's still early, don't worry about it!


The DA cools down on the outside, then TK rolls in to oppose Alf.



And now it's two men in the ring, TK and Alf!


TK and Alf circle the ring, then TK stops and asks for a test of strength.



Alf doesn't want to do this!


Alf look at TK for a second, then moves in slowly. However, as he does, Reject steps in behind him and nails him from behind!



And look at the cheap shot by Reject!


TK capitalizes, hammering on the back of Alf, then shooting him into the ropes. Alf ducks a clothesline, and hits one of his own!



But Alf with a quick recovery!


TK gets to his feet, and takes a swing, which Alf ducks, then lifts him up for an atomic drop, and drops him crotch-first across the ropes! As TK and the crowd groans, Alf bounces him up and down on the ropes, then catches him with an armdrag, and tags in Brock.



And now quick tags on Alf's side!


Brock takes over on the arm, hammerlocking it on the mat, and dropping some knees on it, then tags in Denzel, who stomps away at the arm, then delivers a kneedrop to it! Denzel then tags in Heat, and picks up TK, holding him wide open for a top rope chop to the shoulder!



All four guys have been in now for Alf's team, and TK has yet to make a tag here!


Heat wrings the arm, then bars it. TK backs him into the corner, and the referee separates them, before TK delivers a big forearm! He follows with another, then attempts a whip out of the corner. Heat reverses, then charges, but TK moves out of the way. He goes for a back suplex, but Heat flips behind the back, and runs into the ropes. TK drops down, then tries a hiptoss, but Heat blocks, then delivers a shot to the gut, and puts his left leg over the neck of TK, and uses him to flip backwards, then takes him down with a hiptoss!



Nice counter move by Heat!


Heat runs into the ropes again, and hops over TK, but this time gets caught with a clothesline, and TK tags in Reject.



And now Reject in the ring for the first time!


Reject attempts a guillotine legdrop from the apron, but Heat rolls out of the way!



Uh-oh, now Reject could be in trouble!


Heat takes Reject back down with a drop toehold, then lets him get to his feet, and executes a dropkick! He then drags him into the corner, and tags in Brock. Brock picks him up, and takes him over with a BELLY-TO-BELLY~!



Big suplex from Brock Ausstin!


Brock backs Reject into a corner, but gets thumbed in the eyes.



Best way to slow a big man down, right there!


Reject spins Brock around in the corner, and delivers a CHOP~!




And another!




However, they have no effect on Brock, and Reject backs off, but goes to the eyes again. Brock reverses an Irish whip, however, and catches him with a PRESS SLAM~!



Big-time power from Brock Ausstin!


Brock then makes the tag to Alf!



And here's the matchup we've been waiting for!


Alf charges Reject, and the two engage in a slugfest, as the crowd is going nuts. Alf wins the exchange of blows, and Reject bails out. Alf follows, and grabs him by the head, sending him into the ringpost!



Oh no!



Reject's head bouncing right off that steel ringpost!


Alf follows by backing up Reject against the rail, and delivering a CHOP~!




And another!




Alf rolls Reject back inside, and he quickly tags in Sandman. Alf and Sandman stare down briefly, but Heat calls for the tag, and Alf gives it to him!



And here comes in Heat to take on Sandman, who was largely responsible for Heat's long absence!


Heat and Sandman circle the ring, and tie up. Heat grabs a headlock, and Sandman backs him into the ropes, then shoves him across. Heat takes Sandman down with a shoulderblock, then runs to the ropes again. Heat hops over Sandman, who gets up and leapfrogs Heat, then does a blind leapfrog, but Heat stops once he goes underneath, and catches Sandman with a PELE KICK~!



Heat with the Pele Kick, and he got Sandman good!
















Heat whips Sandman into a corner, and charges...but Sandman gets his foot up!



But there's Sandman with a kick of his own!


Sandman falls backwards into his corner, still dazed from the kick, and Mr. Dick tags himself in.



And now Mr. Dick in there for the first time!


MD stomps away at Heat, then hits him with a DISCUS PUNCH~! as he reaches his feet! He backs into the ropes, and drops a big elbow, then covers...














MD picks up Heat, and executes an inverted atomic drop, followed by a Clothesline from Hell!



Cock Shock from Mr. Dick!




















MD whips Heat into the ropes, then drops down, but is late coming back to his feet, and collides mid-ring with Heat!



And a collision in the middle of the ring!



Both guys would be wise to tag here, especially Heat!


Heat crawls towards his corner, and Mr. Dick attempts to stop him, but can't, as he tags in Brock!



And Heat makes the tag!





Brock hammers away at the midsection of Mr. Dick, then whips him into the ropes, and executes a BIG backdrop!



Mr. Dick elevated high in the air!


Brock delivers a clothesline to Reject, then one to TK! He backs TK into a corner, delivering right hands, until Reject comes to and hammers him from behind!



Referee losing control here, we've got two illegal DA members in the ring!


TK and Reject whip Brock across, but he bounces out of the corner and floors them both with a double clothesline!



But it doesn't matter to Brock, big double clothesline!


Denzel then comes flying off the top rope, flooring both Reject & TK with a flying bodypress!



And Denzel flying into both men!


Brock then makes his way back to Mr. Dick, scooping him up...and hitting the F-STUNNER-5~!!!!!11111



And the F-Stunner-5, that'll do it!


However, the referee is distracted trying to put everyone else out, which allows Arturas to pull Brock out under the ropes by the foot!



And look at the big man!


Arturas delivers a BIG headbutt to Brock, knocking him right off his feet!





Heat picks up Mr. Dick, as Arturas tosses Brock into the steps...and drills him with the COLOMBIAN NECKTIE~!!!!!11111



And meanwhile, Heat with the Colombian Necktie in the ring!

























And it's over!





The winners of the match...the team, of BRRRRROCK AUSSS...



Whoa, don't speak too soon, Cole!


Arturas has stepped over the top into the ring, and charges at Heat with a headbutt which sends him flying across the ring! Alf retreats to the outside, as Denzel makes his way back into the ring, and is met with a big hand around his throat. Alf comes back in with a kendo stick, winds up, and drills the big man right between the eyes!



Kendo stick right to the head from Alf!



But look!


Arturas staggers back into the ropes, shaking his head a couple times, then slowly lifting his head back up and staring at Alf.





Alf stares back in disbelief, then looks at the kendo stick in his hand, then stares on once again, before Reject nails him from behind. Arturas pulls Alf to his feet by his ears, then hooks him in a front facelock.



By the EARS he picked Alf up!


Arturas lifts Alf up for a suplex...then releases him, catching him over his shoulder, and drilling him with a HUGE spinebuster!



Look at the big man dominate!



What a move that was by the big bodyguard of the Deadly Alliance, Arturas! Look at the carnage in the ring! Is this a preview of what's to come in the War Games match? It's three days away! See you then, folks!


The DA celebrates amidst Alf and his fallen teammates, as we...



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