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CTS: battle royal (IS FINISHED)

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*DING DING DING* (slow and dramatic)

[i]LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLadies and gentlemen...it is now time for the main event of the evening!  Tonight, 16 men step into this ring, and one, and only one, will go on to AngleSlam, for a shot at the OAOAST Heavyweight championship of the WORLD!  I will now name the 16 finalists who will be competing in this battle royal![/i]

Buffer pulls a card out of his pocket.

[i]Thunderkid!  Bohemoth!  Logan "Usher" Mann!  Detective Tango Bosley!  Biff Atlas!  Colombian Heat!  Mr. Dick!  "The Lone Star Gunslinger" Baron Windels!  The United States champion, Denzel Spencer!  One half of the World tag team champions, Charlie Moss!  Colin Maguire Jr.!  Former World Heavyweight Champion, Leon Rodez!  J-MAX!  Christopher Patrick Allen!  Vinny Valentine!  And, Arturas!  Those are your 16 finalists!  And now, ladies and gentlemen...it is time for the finals of Battlebowl!  ARE YOU READY?[/i]

*crowd cheers*


*crowd cheers*

[i]Then for the thousands in attendance here in Chicago, and the millions and millions watching around the World...there's only one thing left to say.  Ladies and gentlemen...LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREADYYYYYYYYY TO RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUMMMMMMMB

Generic music plays, and after a few seconds, the participants enter, beginning with Thunderkid, followed by Bohemoth, Logan, Bosley, Biff, Heat, Mr. Dick, Baron, Denzel, Moss, CMJ, Leon, J-MAX, CPA, Vinny, and finally Arturas.  Once Arturas steps over the top rope, the bell rings.


And we're underway!  The winner goes on to AngleSlam to take on the World champion!

Arturas grabs Heat and Vinny from behind, and rams their heads together, as CMJ and Logan double up on Moss.  Biff then makes his way over to Arturas and attemps a slam.

What is Biff doing?

...yeah, not too smart there, Biff!

Arturas pulls him back, and grabs him by the back of the head, delivering headbutts.

Biff Atlas, already hurt tonight after the ambush from Strutter and Pantera, and going up against Arturas isn't going to help matters!

Arturas picks up the reeling Biff, and whips him across, right into Vinny, sending both men over the top to the floor!

And there goes two already!

Well, so much for Panic at the Disco's chances!

1st/2nd elimination: Biff Atlas/Vinny Valentine
eliminated by: Arturas

The camera cuts back up to Arturas, now with J-MAX in a press slam, and he tosses him down onto Vinny and Biff!

And J-MAX gone!  Arturas dominant here in the early going!

3rd elimination: J-MAX
eliminated by: Arturas

Arturas boots down Baron, then delivers a headbutt to CMJ.  Meanwhile, Leon and Bo are doing battle on the outside, where Bo grabs a headlock, but gets shoved off into the ringpost!

Leon and Bo going at it on the floor, and Bo just got posted out there!

Baron delivers big right hands to TK in a corner, while Moss slugs away on CMJ.  Bosley sneaks up from behind, and hooks Moss, allowing CMJ to lay in European uppercuts.

And now the Enterprise teaming up on Charlie Moss, they're sticking together!

CMJ continues to fire off, but on the last one, Moss ducks, and Bosley takes the shot!


And some miscommunication right there!

CMJ checks on Bosley, allowing Moss to regroup and hit a superkick, which sends CMJ right into Bosley and both men over the top to the floor!

Oh no!

Two members of the Enterprise eliminated!

4th/5th eliminations: Colin Maguire Jr./Tango Bosley
eliminated by: Charlie Moss

However, Moss makes the mistake of celebrating, and is bumped to the floor by CPA!

But there's CPA avenging his stablemates!

6th elimination: Charlie Moss
eliminated by: CPA

CMJ and Bosley begin to double team Moss on the floor, which prompts Quentin Benjamin to hit the ring area to even the odds!

And we've got a tag team battle out here on the floor!

The four men battle as officials pour out of the back to separate them.  Eventually they force Bosley and CMJ to the back, as Moss and Benjamin watch and follow.  However, another commotion erupts at ringside, and the camera cuts to find Felix Strutter and Ken Pantera battling it out with the champs!

Look at this!

The Can-Am Assassins are here!

More officials come from the back, including some higher-ranking ones, to separate everyone once again.  Pantera slugs over some officials at Benjamin, while Moss and Strutter are grappled together as they're pulled apart.

I'll tell you what...whoever wins that match at AngleSlam is going to have to answer to Strutter and Pantera sooner than later!

Well, in the confusion, folks, Baron Windels was eliminated, we'll see if we can get a replay here...

The replay shows Leon ducking a clothesline attempt and dumping Baron to the outside.

And there it is, Leon Rodez ducking that big clothesline, and the Lone Star Gunslinger went right over the top to the floor!

7th elimination: Baron Windels
eliminated by: Leon Rodez
remaining: Thunderkid, Bohemoth, Logan Mann, Colombian Heat, Mr. Dick, Denzel Spencer, Leon Rodez, CPA, Arturas

TK and Spencer slug it out, while MD works over Heat, Bo and CPA slug it out, and Leon chokes away on Logan in a corner.  Bo and CPA eventually make their way over to where Leon and Logan are, while MD joins TK in hammering away on Spencer.  TK sets up an Irish whip, while MD waits on the ropes.  MD ducks down, not noticing Spencer reverse the Irish whip, and backdrops TK to the floor!

Look at that!  TK eliminated by Mr. Dick!

8th elimination: Thunderkid
eliminated by: Mr. Dick
remaining: Bohemoth, Logan Mann, Colombian Heat, Mr. Dick, Denzel Spencer, Leon Rodez, CPA, Arturas

MD tries to explain himself to the irate TK, but turns around into a PELE KICK~! from Heat!  Meanwhile, Denzel tosses Logan to the floor, and Bo clotheslines CPA on the other side!


Logan gone!  CPA gone!  The Enterprise is finished here in Battlebowl!

9th elimination: Logan Mann
eliminated by: Denzel Spencer

10th elimination: CPA
eliminated by: Bohemoth
remaining: Bohemoth, Colombian Heat, Mr. Dick, Denzel Spencer, Leon Rodez, Arturas

Bo backs up, right into Arturas, and both men turn around and face off.

Look at this, Cole!

The crowd starts to get to its feet as Bo starts to hop back and forth.  However, before the two can come to blows, Leon nails Bo from behind, and starts hammering him on the back.  Mr. Dick hammers away on Denzel, and goes for the elimination, but Denzel hammers his way free.  Meanwhile, Leon whips Bo into the ropes, and attempts a clothesline...but Bo ducks, then stops, and hits Leon with a BIG lariat as he turns around!

Big clothesline from Bo!

Bo then picks Leon up for a powerbomb by the ropes...but as he stops to play to the crowd, he's hit with the hooked arm of Arturas, which knocks him backwards over the top to the floor!

Oh my!

Arturas eliminates Bohemoth!  I love it!

11th elimination: Bohemoth
eliminated by: Arturas
remaining: Colombian Heat, Mr. Dick, Denzel Spencer, Leon Rodez, Arturas

Who's going to be able to get him out now, Cole?

Coach gets his answer, as Heat and Denzel hit the big man with a double dropkick from behind, leaving him bent halfway over the top rope, then shove him out, with a little assistance from Leon, to the floor!


Sometimes it takes more than one!

Leon then quickly dumps Heat to the floor!

And Colombian Heat out as well, at the hands of Leon!

12th elimination: Arturas
eliminated by: Colombian Heat, Denzel Spencer, Leon Rodez

13th elimination: Colombian Heat
eliminated by: Leon Rodez
remaining: Mr. Dick, Denzel Spencer, Leon Rodez

Arturas delivers a double axhandle to Bo from behind on the floor, then tosses him into the steel steps!

And look at this!  A sneak attack by Arturas on Bohemoth!  What a cheap shot!

Arturas then raises his hands in the air, and lets out a big yell, drawing boos, before walking back to the dressing room.  Leon leans over the ropes and laughs at Bo's misfortune, as Mr. Dick hammers on Denzel.  Leon then holds Denzel for MD, who backs into the ropes, and fires a right hand...hitting Leon after Denzel slips from his grip!

A little teamwork attempt there, and it backfires!

Leon gets to his feet, spins Mr. Dick around, and kicks him in the gut, then starts slugging away on him.  Mr. Dick starts slugging back, and a slugfest ensues, as Denzel climbs to the top rope, and floors both with a flying bodypress!

Big move from Denzel!

Denzel picks up Leon, and delivers a belly-to-belly gutwrench suplex!  He then picks up Mr. Dick and whips him into a corner, and charges...but MD gets his foot up!

Well, Denzel was on a roll, but Mr. Dick put a stop to that!

MD arrogantly picks up Denzel and pitches him over the top, then celebrates, not knowing that Denzel has held on and skinned the cat back inside!  He finds out the hard way, though, as Denzel grabs him from behind and tosses him to the floor!


Denzel got him again!  We're down to two!

14th elimination: Mr. Dick
eliminated by: Denzel Spencer
remaining: Denzel Spencer, Leon Rodez

Denzel is pumped, as is the crowd, as he backs Leon into a corner, and fires off some kicks, then whips him across, and hits him with a handspring elbow!  He then turns right back around, and floors him with a spinkick!

This can't be happening...

Leon Rodez is in major trouble!  Will it be Denzel Spencer challenging for the World title at AngleSlam?

Oh, [i]stop it.[/i]

Denzel sets up Leon, and attempts an Irish whip.  Leon reverses, and tries a clothesline, ducked by Denzel.  Leon leapfrogs him, then catches him with an overhead suplex!

But Leon comes back with a suplex!

Both men lay on the mat for a few seconds, before Leon comes to his feet.  He stomps away on Denzel, then picks him up and lays him across the middle rope, standing on his back to choke him, then releases.  He then picks Denzel up, and executes a neckbreaker, before heading to the top rope.

And Leon going upstairs!

Denzel gets to his feet, and jumps into the ropes, causing Leon to slip and rack himself!  Denzel then climbs the ropes, and takes him off with a hurricanrana!

Hurricanrana from the top rope!  This could be the break that Denzel needs!

Denzel slowly gets to his feet, then waits on Leon, and delivers a foot to the gut, before backing into the ropes and hitting Leon with a SCISSOR KICK~!  Leon staggers to the ropes, and Denzel runs into the ropes, then comes back and clotheslines Leon over the top!

Did he get him?

Denzel starts to celebrate, but Leon just barely hangs on and pulls himself under the ropes.

No, Leon's still in!

Leon runs from behind, and hits a dropkick to the back of Denzel's knee!

And Leon going to the knee of Denzel!

Denzel slowly pulls himself to one knee, at which point Leon hits him with the ONE HIT KILL~!!!!!11111

Good night, Mr. Spencer!

Leon scrapes Denzel up off the mat, and pitches him over the top to the floor!

And that's it!  Leon Rodez has won Battlebowl!

15th elimination: Denzel Spencer
eliminated by: Leon Rodez
WINNER: Leon Rodez

[i]Ladies and gentlemen...the winner of Battlebowl, 2009...LEEEEEEEEEEEE


A relieved Leon falls to a knee, staring out at Denzel who lays flat on the arena floor.

A gallant effort by Denzel Spencer. But in four weeks, San Juan will see the rematch from School's Out... Leon Rodez challenging for the World Title, against the woman who captured it from him, Krista Isadora Duncan!

And I can bet you, as happy as Leon is to have won the number one contendership, he's doubly happy that Krista's the one awaiting him.

Ignoring the referee's attempts to raise his hand in victory, Leon hovers over the ropes, looking down at Denzel. Breathing heavily he backs away and gives a narrow look into the hard camera.

Cutting away backstage, watching this is Krista Isadora Duncan, with the Duncan family around here. Slumped wearily in her seat with the World Title draped over her shoulder, she stares at the screen, watching Leon standing tall in the ring with a scowl.

Tonight has brought redemption for our new World Champion. Will AngleSlam bring the same redemption for this man, we'll see you next week on HeldDOWN as we embalk on the road to San Juan!

[b]FADE OUT[/b]

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