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Guest goodhelmet

Who should be spared from the NWO?

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Guest goodhelmet

Ok, we know the NWO is gonna crowd the main event scene, so what wrestlers do you not want, under any circumstances, involved with the NWO angle?


Personally, I think Jericho and RVD should begin a feud and steer clear of the dinosaurs.


When Benoit comes back, him and Booker can have a best of 100 series and not be poisoned.


Anyone else?

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Guest goodhelmet

I already said those guys. Anyone else?


How'd you become European champion. You're holding DDP down!!!!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Um...Everyone but...


Test, Jeff Hardy and UT.


Let them battle the NWO in 6 man tags until there contracts run out.


Everyone else is free to go.

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Guest goodhelmet

"Who should be spared?

Me for starters..."


I feel your pain man, the entire wrestling fanbase should be spared the amount of suck that will overcome us.

But, I'm strictly talking about wrestlers.

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Guest Tony149

I would add Booker T & maybe Kurt Angle. Although I think Angle would take a beat nWo beat down.


As for the European Champion...it's just a title.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

booker definitely, angle, rvd, benoit and jericho.  and look for test to join the nwo, in failed push #569 for test.

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Guest Anglesault

I think they should just drag Test around on a leash and pound him when they get bored. Hell, It might even get Test over!



Nah, It wouldn't.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

no shit, but undoubtedly he will try and leech off the nwo in an attempt to get over.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

The NWO should go beat up Ross and Lawler during Austin vs Jericho and do commentary until their required run in...


That would conjure up images of them doing the same thing to Larry Zybisco and Tony Schivonne.

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Guest Tony149

The only good that could come from the nWo is if Test gets beat up by 3 old men with a baseball bat knocking Test into retirement. The nWo then becomes instant faces for "some unknown reason.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

nah, the marks know him as "that guy with the funny accent who nobody likes or cares about."  actually, this is one of those times when marks and smarks are in total agreement!

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Guest LowSparkOfHighHeeledBoys

Once they start adding fifty million people to the nWo, its going to suck worse than it sucked before, so they ought to just leave it as Hogan, Hall and Nash, and make it a little bit easier for the WWF to win over the nWo, because everybody knows, when the WWF blows an angle, they blow it big...so it'd be easier to fix if they dont take half the roster and turn them heel nonsensically, unless the en masse heel turns are what will lead to the eventual fed split, in which case, I suppose it would be livable to see a large nWo.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I say let the dinosaurs beat down RVD, just so I could laugh at him and spare Booker T.

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Guest Tony149

The WWF would be morons if they add 42 guys to the nWo like WCW did. They did the same with the WCW invasion. Where half the "WCW roster" was WWF & ECW guys.

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Guest goodhelmet

"The WWF would be morons if they add 42 guys to the nWo like WCW did. They did the same with the WCW invasion. Where half the "WCW roster" was WWF & ECW guys."


The WWF has already proven that they're not exactly smart enough to make the angle decent. That's why I dread the NWO coming back. Not only will the wrestling suck, but the storylines will too. It's more fun to sit on this message board talking "what if" instead of watching the actual product.

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Guest Tony149

The storylines have sucked since Invasion. So that won't be something new. The wrestling, as we know, will take a dive in quality.

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